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It’s nesting season for turtles across New York; DEC says to give them a “brake”

Published on May 23, 2023

DEC Snapping Turtle

Spring means it is turtle nesting season across New York and the State DEC is reminding drivers to give our shelled friends a “brake.”

In commemoration of World Turtle Day on Tuesday, May 23, DEC officials say to be alert for anything resembling a turtle in or along our roadways. "While a turtle's shell provides protection from predators, it does not protect against being struck by vehicles while crossing roadways," Commissioner Seggos said.

"Vehicle strikes are a major cause of mortality among turtles and New York's native turtles are more susceptible at this time of year as they seek sandy areas or loose soil in which to lay their eggs. Especially in these coming weeks, DEC urges drivers to be on the lookout for turtles and slow down, particularly on roads near rivers and marshy areas."

If you pull over to assist a turtle with crossing the road, DEC recommends ensuring the turtle is guided across the same direction it was originally facing.

Motorists are advised not to pick turtles up by their tails, which could injure the turtle. Most turtles, other than snapping turtles, can be picked up safely by the sides of their shells, the DEC says.

Snapping turtles have necks that can reach far back and have a strong bite, so if motorists try to help a snapping turtle, they should pick it up by the rear of the shell near the tail using both hands, or slide a car mat under the turtle to drag it safely across the road.

Do not drag the turtle by the tail as doing so can dislocate the tail bones, the DEC added. 

To help turtles and other wildlife, New Yorkers are encouraged to:

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink: these are simple steps to help protect all wildlife;
  • Don't litter: unwanted trash makes its way just about everywhere, including into our creeks, lakes, rivers, and the ocean;
  • Don't release balloons or lanterns: releasing balloons into the environment is potentially fatal for many different wildlife, including sea turtles that commonly mistake balloons and plastic bags for prey items like jellyfish;
  • Volunteer for beach and park clean-ups; and
  • Stay informed and share your knowledge with others.

DEC reminds people not to take turtles home. All native turtles are protected by law and cannot be kept without a DEC permit. Most of the 11 species of land turtles that are native to New York are in decline, the DEC warned.

Snapping Turtle image via the New York State DEC.

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