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Community Events August 11th - August 17th

Sunday, August 11th

  • CONSTABLEVILLE-Join us at Constable Hall Sunday, August 11th at 1 PM for a special event with Jessica Farmer, Cultural Programs Coordinator at the Shako:wi Cultural Center and member of the Oneida Indian Nation in Oneida, NY. Jessica will be sharing artifacts and discussing her cultural knowledge with us. A storyteller and artist, she grew up on the Buffalo Fields at the Onondaga Nation, learning traditional Haudenosaunee legends and lore from her father, Isaiah Farmer of the Onondaga Turtle Clan. Jessica continues to learn from traditional title holders, knowledge keepers, and Storytellers to expand her knowledge of Haudenosaunee culture and history. And don't forget to mark your calendars for Sunday, August 18th at 2PM for our 75th Anniversary Party! Chris Thomas (Onondaga) and his Smoke Dancers will be performing to conclude our month-long celebration of Native American Appreciation Month. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to witness the beauty and talent of these performers. See you there!
  • LYONS FALLS-The Democrats of Lewis County are hosting a Family Fun Day on Sunday, August 11 from Noon to 4 p.m. in Lyons Falls Riverside Park, 6908 Laura Street. Enjoy good food, live music, carriage rides and free children's books, Get your ticket at the park, or from any DLC member. ($5 for individuals $10 for family).
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets tomorrow and every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge


Monday, August 12th

  • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on Monday, August 12th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
  • PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall


Tuesday, August 13th

  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, August 13th, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • OLD FORGE-Old Forge Library's Music in the Gazebo Series continues each Tuesday afternoon with a concert by Cincinnati Creek on Tuesday, August 13 at 4 pm. Cincinnati Creek performs acoustic bluegrass, gospel, and folk music including a few original tunes. Lori Thompson writes much of the new material played by the band. She began playing mandolin in her family band at age 16. She has been writing songs ever since. Lori plays mandolin, guitar and sings both lead and harmony vocals for Cincinnati Creek. Lori is joined by Cathy Martin on bass and vocals, Chris Pepe on banjo, and Joe Rowlands on guitar and vocals. They have performed at many venues including Utica Monday Night, The Fox Family Festival, The Adirondack Railroad, The Remsen Barn Festival, numerous coffee houses and outdoor festivals. Based in the Adirondack foothills, they took their name from the creek that runs nearby. The large lawn area surrounding the library gazebo offers the opportunity to spread out and enjoy this free, family-friendly entertainment. The Friends of the Old Forge Library will offer a used book sale during the concerts if the weather permits. Listeners are invited to stop by their booth and load up on used books, DVDs, puzzles and more. Donations are always appreciated. Library concerts are always free to attend. Listeners are asked to bring their own blanket or folding chair. Toe-tapping, clapping along and dancing are all encouraged.
  • WEST LEYDEN-On Tuesday, August 13th Fritz's Polka Band will perform at 6 p.m. at the handicapped accessible Town of Lewis Park, which is located at 4801 Mud Lake Road, West Leyden, NY 13489. Community members of all ages are invited to attend this free performance, sponsored by the Town of Lewis Library and the St.Lawrence County Arts Council. Bring your lawn chairs, dancing shoes, and your friends.
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. Tuesday, August 13th at 6pm, Nelson Brothers Band will be featured.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.   
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, August 13th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.  
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, August 13th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, August 13th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. pickup is at 200 Post St  August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at


Wednesday, August 14th

  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. pickup is at 200 Post St  August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • Lyons Falls ALIVE will be meeting quarterly and as needed for special events.  All meetings will be held at the Lyons Falls Library and are open to the public.  New ideas and members are welcomed as they organize and plan community events that will strengthen the village.  Wednesday, August 14th is the next meeting.  
  • LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.
  • PROSPECT- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
  • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM


Thursday, August 15th

  • BOONVILLE-Thursday, August 15th from 10am-11:30am - Tea Party and Tales: A Stuffie Adventure at the Library. Join us at Erwin Library for a morning picnic and story with your stuffie. Be sure to bring your favorite stuffie. Snacks will be available while supplies last. Event will be held on the DPN lawn. Weather permitting
  • OLD FORGE-Meditation with Trees is an outdoor workshop scheduled for Thursday, August 15 at 3 pm at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. Participants will learn about the wonderful healing benefits of quietly being and connecting with trees and Mother Earth. Trees are known to symbolize wisdom, stability, shelter, growth and renewal. In the workshop, several techniques for meditating with trees will be discussed, and participants will leave the workshop knowing how to appreciate and connect with their favorite trees. The workshop leader, Doug Davis leads meditation and nature workshops at the Library several times a year, and participants have been very positive, often returning to give themselves time out to connect with trees on the library grounds. Another Meditation with Trees Workshop is scheduled for October 3rd. Registration is appreciated, but walk-ins will be welcomed. Register by calling the library 315-369-6008 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Like all Old Forge Library programs, there is no fee, and all are welcome.
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library has Big Blue Blocks on Thursday, August 15th from 3-5pm. Drop in and build hideouts, ball runs, and machines with our collection of big blue blocks. All are welcome! There will be space across the hall with other building toys for quieter play.
  • OLD FORGE-On Thursday, August 15, at 5 pm the Town of Webb Historical Association's popular Local History Series will feature Geoff Longstaff presenting on Moss Lake Camp for Girls. The Thursday evening summer series is held at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. Geoff's father, George Longstaff, built the prestigious 1700 acre Moss Lake Camp for Girls and operated it from 1923 until 1972. Geoff has taken countless history enthusiasts on sentimental hikes around Moss Lake, and loves to share the history of the camp and anecdotal stories of camp life. On the 15th he will share photos of the beautiful "Great Camp" style buildings. This is an opportunity to get the story without the hike and to learn some interesting local history! Every Thursday this summer the Local History Series features a different speaker presenting a local history subject. The public is invited to come and enjoy the talks, ask questions, and share related information. The series is free and open to the public.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-At the Constableville Bandstand on Thursday, August 15th from 6-8pm, Andy Wendt will be playing live.  Hot dogs, chips, and drinks are available.  Donations go toward the Constableville for Tomorrow Entertainment Fund. 
  • LOWVILLE-Join us for a trip down memory lane! The Lewis County Historical Society is hosting a Brick Blocks Business walking tour on August 15 at 7 pm. The rain date is August 16. This tour will offer historical information about Lowville's business blocks and provide interesting historical information about the businesses that shaped Lowville and provided for the community. Treat yourself to a night of educational nostalgia sponsored by the George R. David Fund and the Pratt Northam Foundation. For more information, please call 315-376-8957.
  • BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm


Friday, August 16th

  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th is the 32rd Annual 10K Food Race and 5K Woodsmen’s Walk in Boonville at 6pm, presented by the Towpath Trekkers. The race starts at Adirondack High School.  Towpath Trekkers are also raising funds for the George Capron Memorial Scholarship Fund!  Please consider donating online or at Community Bank on Main Street in Boonville. Here’s the link to donate online:
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library has Big Blue Blocks on August 16th from10 am -noon. Drop in and build hideouts, ball runs, and machines with our collection of big blue blocks. All are welcome! There will be space across the hall with other building toys for quieter play.
  • This is one of two times to play with the blue blocks to allow more people to participate!
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding their final concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm. 
  • LOWVILLE-The Nelson Brothers will be performing at the Lewis County Memorial VFW Post 6912 in Lowville on Friday August 16th from 7-10 pm. Admission is $6 and food will be available.
  • BOONVILLE-The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church.
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge


Saturday, August 17th

  • LOWVILLE-Saturday, August 17th is the 10th annual back to school block party and backpack drive at the Lewis County Fairgrounds.   From 10 am until 2 pm, there will be supply filled backpacks given away, food trucks, family service providers, a duck match pond, raffles and chance auctions, a live performance by Undefeated from 12-1pm.  Raffles will be awarded starting at 2pm. 
  • BOONVILLE-Saturday, August 17th from 10am-2pm - Erwin Library's Annual Book Sale! Find books for all ages and interests, from fiction to self-help, and support your local library at the same time! Plus, you can sign-up to win our Lotto Basket or Find the Queen of Hearts game!
  • LOWVILLE-Event: CornHole Tournament Saturday, August 17th at 7429 NYS Rt 12 Lowville.  Registration is open at 10 a.m. Bags Fly at 11 a.m. $40 per team Bring your own partner/bags. Bags available to borrow if needed 4 game round robin into Double Elimination with 6 games guaranteed minimum.  There will be beer Bucket and Drink Specials.  This is a fundraiser for the Marine Corps League #754
  • BOONVILLE- The ACAL Basket Raffle will be at the Masonic Temple in Boonville on Saturday, August 17th from 10 am until 4 pm. Please use the Ford Street entrance. The usual array of baskets will be offered. Winning tickets will be drawn at 4 pm, and the winners must be able to pick up the prizes between 4 pm and 7 pm. Donations are gratefully accepted and may be dropped off at the Masonic Temple on Thursday, August 15th from 3 pm to 6 pm. This is a fundraiser to supplement ACAL's Environmental Scholarship Fund.
  • LOWVILLE- Marine Corps League #754 Chicken BBQ on Saturday, August 17th at 10:30 at 7301 State St in Lowville.  This will benefit the Art Matusczcak Scholarship
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library will have Hola! Bilingual Storytime on Saturday, August 17th from 11 am -noon. Books, activities, and movement in both English and Spanish! They start with playtime and then do group reading and activities. All are welcome! 
  • LOWVILLE-The 3rd Annual Tyler R Christman Foundation “Ride for Ty” ATV/UTV Poker Run is Saturday, August 17th at 4100 Flat Rock Rd in Lowville.  Registration is 9-11 am and the ride starts at 11 am.  Final Poker Draw is at 5:30 pm. Live auction will be at 6pm, there will be a chicken barbecue, raffles, and live music. 



  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. All concerts begin at 6 pm.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.   Tuesdays
  • BOONVILLE-Summer Story Hour with Mrs. Hannah begins Tuesday, July 9th at 10am at the Erwin Library in Boonville. Every Tuesday Mrs. Hannah will read a specially picked story, have a fun craft, and delicious snack! Children of all ages can come enjoy the fun! Cost: FREE
  • LOWVILLE-Join the Lowville Free Library for a weekly storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game. 
  • OLD FORGE-Wednesday night Craft Get-Togethers at the Old Forge Library continue on most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm 
  • Free Community Dinner at New Covenant Christian Community Church in Port Leyden on the first Wednesday of each month from 4:30 to 6 PM and community prayer at 6:30 PM  (set this up for June and on)
  • BOONVILLE-Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce Farmer’s Market is every Thursday from June 22nd through October 5th from noon til 6pm at Erwin Park. 
  • BOONVILLE-ToePath Trekkers weekly run and walks are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. They meet in the Lansing Pavilion in Erwin Park and run and walk the towpath, followed by social time after. Hot dogs and water are provided. 
  • LYONS FALLS-Beginning Thursday, July 11th, The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, will host a free educational program for teens by The Northern Regional Center for Independent Living (NRCIL)—"What's Good About Teen Anger." The class meets weekly at 3 p.m. on Thursdays through October 31st. Call the Library (315-348-6180) for more information.
  • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library is hosting the Town of Webb Historical Association's Local History Series on Thursdays throughout the summer at 5 pm. The series will feature a different speaker each week who will give a presentation and lead a discussion on a variety of interesting local history subjects. The public is invited to come and enjoy the talks, ask questions, and share related information.
  • OLD FORGE-Each Thursdayfrom 11a,-1pm through the end of August, the Old Forge Library will be doing a different Adventure in Art Craft! This schedule repeats in August so if you miss us you can find us the second time. Check our website for the complete schedule or give us a call! Decorating T-Shirts August 8 Puff paint, iron-on patches, stencils, gemstones and everything you need to make your favorite new shirt. Fairy Doors August 15 A perennial library favorite. So many supplies to make the perfect door to the fairy world. Painting Rocks August 22 Rocks, paint pens and imagination....lots of rocks! Forest Flair: Decorating Wooden Woodlands August 29 Mushrooms, acorns butterflies and trees!
  • BOONVILLE-Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market is every Friday through August 30th from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville. 
  • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Farmers Market will be held in the parking lot of the George Hiltebrant Recreation Center, 201 North Street.  The Old Forge Farmers Market (OFFM) will be held every Friday through October 11th, rain or shine, and operates from 1 pm until 5 pm. Parking is plentiful. For information on the Old Forge Farmers Market, please contact LivingADK at 315.369.3353 or follow the Old Forge Farmers Market on Facebook & Instagram. Hope to see you there!
  • CONSTABLEVILLE–Join us at Constable Hall for a delightful high tea experience! Enjoy a leisurely summer afternoon, taking in the beautiful surroundings, with a cup of tea. High tea will be served every Sunday from 1-4 PM until the end of the season (excluding Father's Day). Be sure to come back and explore different themed teas throughout the season. We can't wait to welcome you to the veranda!
  • BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will have banners on display on poles throughout the Village from Memorial Day through Veterans Day.

Next Week, August 18th - August 24th 

  • CONSTABLEVILLE-Sunday, August 18th at 2PM is Constable Hall’s 75th Anniversary Party! Chris Thomas (Onondaga) and his Smoke Dancers will be performing to conclude their month-long celebration of Native American Appreciation Month.
  • OSCEOLA-Henry Jankiewicz will perform at the N. American Fiddlers Hall of Fame and Museum on Sunday August 18, from 2:00-5:00 pm.  Jankiewicz will be joined by Curt Osgood and John Wobus at the Museum at 1121 Comins Road in Osceola NY.  Henry started fiddling Old Time and Appalachian music. He soon added Celtic Fiddle, Bluegrass, and Jazz, learning to solo pre-swing jazz, blues, and ragtime music.  He has played in several festivals
  • OLD FORGE-Friends of the Old Forge Library Fundraising Bash It's a BASH! Old Forge Library Summer Raffle to be held on August 18th The beauty of the Adirondacks will be on full display at the Old Forge Friends of the Library's summer raffle event on Sunday, August 18 from 3-5 pm on the front lawn. In support of the Library's annual fundraising event, local merchants and artisans have donated dozens of items, including ADK clothing, photographs, jewelry, decor, and gift certificates from their restaurants and stores. Some items are part of the raffle and others will be door prizes. The perennial favorites of a sculpture from Joni Dyer and a chickadee by Bob Zimmerman are once again included in the raffle. For the first time, the Library will include a silent auction, which can be bid on all summer and on the day of the BASH. Items include a week's stay in a Myrtle Beach, SC two-bedroom beachfront condo a private chef preparing brunch for up to 16 friends in your own home and a First Lake sailing adventure aboard a 22-foot sailboat for four guests. Raffle tickets are available at the Library during regular hours or at the BASH. Buyers do not have to be present to win however, the BASH promises to be a fun event, offering attendees hors d'oeuvres, wine and beer, and great door prizes. 20$ suggested donation to attend the Bash. For more information, contact the Library at (315) 369-6008. The Library is located at 220 Crosby Blvd. in Old Forge.
  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, August 20th, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • LOWVILLE- Lego Club at Lowville Free Library on Tuesday, August 20th from 12:30-2pm. Come for part or all of the time to play with our Legos and Duplos. All youth ages 2 and up are welcome! 
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. Tuesday, August 20th at 6pm, Doc Yukon will be featured.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.   
  • OLD FORGE- ON Tuesday, August 20th at 6pm, Wild Infusions Herbal Studies Group: Joe Pye at the Old Forge Library led by Jessica Maureen Hinsdill of Wild Soulstice, LLC. Jessica has been her family's herbalist, healing scrapes and colds with herbal medicine and holistic living. When diagnosed with Lyme Disease, she took a break from college for Holistic Nutrition to heal, finding herbs to support the path back to wellness. Now studying with Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine, she started Wild Soulstice, LLC to provide herbal education and Lyme Disease support to the community. The study group session is a great avenue to create a circle of support, a place to reawaken a culture of wellness and rekindle the confidence to nourish ourselves, our families, and our community. Bring your prior knowledge to enhance the conversation or come to learn. All experiences and ages are encouraged.
  • OLD FORGE-On Wednesday, August 21 at 5 pm, Jessica Maureen Hinsdill will lead an informative workshop Lyme Disease ~ Improving Recovery with Herbalism, at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. The class will delve into a multi-layered approach to personalizing tick-borne illnesses with an overview of Lyme and coinfections. Jessica will share the many herbs that help alleviate personal symptoms on the path to bring our body back into balance. Lyme disease is the most common, tick-borne disease in the USA. Please call the library at 315 369-6008 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register. Space is limited. 
  • BOONVILLE-The Boonville area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a very special veterans event at the Thursday farmers market on August 22. The Chamber is Organizing a big clothing and textile drive this day for local veterans. A  special truck, from the veterans outreach center, will be accepting all usable, clothing and textiles and all will be appreciated.  We will also have a program for veterans to receive free farmers market coupons this day. Plus Sitrin military program will be there to showcase their local programs for post 911 veterans. And finally, the CNY veterans outreach center will be there to inform about their supportive services for  local veterans and their families. We are urging our local population to bring their used clothing and textiles to donate to this great cause.
  • BOONVILLE-Thursday, August 22nd at 3:30pm - The Zoomobile! This amazing program is back at Erwin Library for another up close look at some incredible animals. Kids will have an opportunity to learn in detail about each creature that is featured at this event! We will be meeting on the DPN lawn (weather permitting).
  • CASTORLAND-Huge Annual Cake Walk, August 22nd at Castorland Fire Dept. St Rt 410. Food & drinks will be available at 4:30. Walk will start at 5:00. Over 100 cakes will be available to walk for & to be auctioned off. Benefit Castorland fire Co. 
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 23rd, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • LYONS FALLS-Our popular Lego Club meets Friday, August 23rd, at the Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, from 3:45 to 4:45 pm. This free program, with its wealth of Legos and books with Lego activities, is open to all school-age children and their caregivers. Call the Library with questions (315-348-6180).
  • LOWVILLE-Lewis County Night Out on Friday August 23rd from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Lowville Fairgrounds. An annual event focused on bringing the community and law enforcement together for partnership on making Lewis County a safe and caring place to live and work in. The Moose has attended in past years for live coverage and would really appreciate if you could again and would love having you there!
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library will have Bubble Day on Saturday, August 24th from 10 am til noon. Visit the library parking lot to play with bubbles of all sizes! Free event, all welcome!
  • BOONVILLE-August 24th is the 10th annual back to school block party and backpack drive in Boonville at the Boonville Oneida County Fairgrounds.  From 10 am until 2 pm, there will be supply filled backpacks given away, food trucks, family service providers, youth Expo, a duck match pond, raffles and chance auctions, a live performance by Undefeated from 12-1.  Raffles will be awarded starting at 2pm.  
  • LYONS FALLS-St. John's Catholic Church in Lyons Falls will hold an outdoor Mass on August 24 at the Riverside Park Pavillion on Laura Street. This Mass will be held at 6:00 p.m. and it will take the place of the regular Saturday Vigil Mass at St. John's Catholic Church on McAlpine Street. A meal will be available for purchase before the Mass and also after. The meal consists of hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, salt potatoes and dessert for the low price of $5. Additional charges for extra sandwiches. This is open to the public.




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