Community Events-Week of April 28th - May 4th
Sunday, April 28th
- CROGHAN-Sunday, April 28th, the Oswegatchie Educational Center in Croghan will hold the 30th annual AdironDUCK Race & Pancake Breakfast. It is a full day event with entertainment, food, a 5K around Long Pond, and a rubber duck race with as many as 10,000 rubber ducks racing down the river. Did you know that you can support local FFA chapters by purchasing ducks? It's simple! Just select your preferred school when you place your order, and 50% of the proceeds will go to that FFA chapter. The other 50% will be used to enhance New York's only FFA Camp. Join the movement today!
- LOWVILLE-Sunday, April 28th- The Nelson Brothers will be at the Lewis County VFW to entertain you all on a Sunday afternoon. Dance is 1-4pm.
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Monday, April 29th
- BOONVILLE-Part Three of the Social Emotional Development Series on Monday, April 29th from 5-6:30 PM in the Adirondack Middle School Cafeteria. RSVP with Walker or Jessica at Connected Community Schools as dinner will be served.
- BOONVILLE-The monthly meeting of the Black River Valley Business & Community Alliance will be held on Monday, April 29th at 5:30 pm at the Adirondack High School Cafeteria. This meeting is open to the public.
- ORISKANY-Deadline to Register is April 29th: Oneida County will partner with a local farm to offer continuing education opportunities to fulfill F.A.R.M requirements will have the opportunity to do so on Tuesday, April 30th! Version 5.0 of the F.A.R.M program goes into effect in July of 2024. Lunch will be provided to those who register by Monday, April 29th. Registration is Free and required. Email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 315-736-3394 ext 132. - PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall
Tuesday, April 30th
- LOWVILLE-Youth Soccer will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for youth ages 5-13 for Lowville and Turin. $30 for the first child and $25 per additional child. More information can be found on the program’s Facebook page: LYSA (Lowville Youth Soccer Association) or by emailing
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The final day for Youth Soccer Registration for Lowville and Turin is Tuesday, April 30th 6:00-8:00 pm at Lowville Elks Lodge. - LYONS FALLS-It’s time again for the Lyons Falls Library’s famous Open Mic Jam on Tuesday, April 30th, 5 – 7 p.m. Bring a friend, bring your family, bring an instrument, or just come in and sing along! We’ll provide the mic, piano, and guitar amp. The Library is at 3918 High Street. Please call if you have any questions (315-348-6180).
- LYONSDALE-The Town of Lyonsdale clerk won't have office hours Tuesday April 30th .the clerk will be back May 7th 2024.Thank you.
- LOWVILLE- Lewis County Health System invites women of all ages to attend our first Women’s Health and Wellness Night on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Tug Hill Estate in Lowville. This FREE event offers women an evening to socialize, enjoy great food, and have a chance to win great prizes, all while learning about the latest in women’s health! If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Michelle Kelley at 315-376-5203 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Wednesday, May 1st
- FORESTPORT-The Catholic Women's Club of Christ Our Hope will meet on Wednesday, May 1st and 2nd at 9:30 a.m. to set up for the Spring Garage, Bake and Book sale at Kiefer Hall 9004 East River St,. Forestport. A bag lunch should be brought. New and next to new clean items, religious articles and children's toys and games will be gratefully accepted for the sale.
- BOONVILLE-Join Cub Scouts, a group for Boys and Girls in Kindergarten through 5th grade. On Wednesday, May 1st, signups will be available at the Boonville VFW at 5:30 pm. There will be activities for the kids. There is a signup fee of $15 for the first year.
- PORT LEYDEN-Free Community Dinner at New Covenant Christian Community Church in Port Leyden Wednesday, May 1st from 4:30 to 6 PM
- PROSPECT-The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
- OLD FORGE-Wednesday, May 1st from 5:30 - 6:30 pm , the Old Forge Library has a Craft Get-Together and the project is Cupcake Liner Wreaths.
- LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM
- LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.
Thursday, May 2nd
- BOONVILLE-Area churches will be gathering at the Boonville Elks Lodge on Route 12 in Boonville for the 73rd annual National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 2nd. A breakfast buffet begins at 6:30 am and the cost is $15.00 per person. Prayer time will follow and ends around 8:15 am. The theme this year is Lift Up the Word, Light up the World from 2 Samuel 22:29-31. All are welcome to come and pray for our area, our nation, our schools and churches. You can purchase tickets at for the breakfast buffet, or just come to pray. For more information about the National Day of Prayer visit
- PORT LEYDEN-AARP Driving Course is scheduled for May 2nd from 9 am-3:30 pm at the Port Leyden Community Library. Please call 315-348-6077 to register or with any questions.
- LOWVILLE-The Lowville United Methodist Church, 7618 N. State Street, invite all to come to their Take out Only Stone Soup dinner on Thursday, May 2nd at 5 pm. The menu is Mac and Cheese, Kielbasa, vegetable and dessert. The meal is free. Please stay in your vehicle and they will bring food to your car or trunk.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville Planning Board and the Town of Boonville Zoning Board of Appeals have rescheduled their regular meetings from May 2nd to May 9th.
- OLD FORGE-A four-week spring session of Linking Lives Through Reading, a multi-generational, one-on-one reading program for first and second graders is offered by the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. It will be held on Thursdays, April 25- May 16 This long-standing library program, supported by the Leola Tobin Memorial Fund, is a traditional favorite. Each participating child is paired with a "Book Buddy", an adult volunteer from the community, for an hour of reading, enjoyable learning activities and a snack. It is designed to be fun for kids with coloring, reading rewards and reading with a partner. Town of Webb Schools provides transportation to the library after school to their students. Parents or caregivers pick up their children at 3:15 pm. Homeschool children are also welcome! Call the library at 315-369-6008 or email (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) to register a child or to volunteer as an adult Book Buddy. Adult volunteers are always needed. - BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm
Friday, May 3rd
- GLENFIELD-St. John's and St Martin's Catholic Churches in Lyons Falls and Port Leyden are sponsoring a dance on Friday, May 3rd at the 3-G Fire Hall in Glenfield. The famous Patti Stanford band will be playing from 7-10 pm and food will be available. There will be a basket auction as well as a 50/50. Admission is $5.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, May 3rd from 4-7 pm, Boonville PTA has Food Truck Friday at Erwin Park in the upper pavilion. There will be basket raffles and face painting!
- OLD FORGE-Four Spring Story Time sessions are scheduled for Fridays, April 26th – May 17th from 10:15-11:00 am at the Old Forge Library. Story Time is for children ages 3-6 years old. Led by Old Forge Library staff, the forty-five minutes will include stories and creative play, games, crafts, songs and other gentle activities to stimulate creative thinking. If you have toddler aged children you may bring them to Story Time, but an adult must stay with one and two year old children. Story Time is an Old Forge Library tradition, dating back many decades, and an important local tradition for the community's little ones. Registration is appreciated for these programs for planning purposes. The library does plan for one or two extras so walk-ins will always be accommodated if possible. Please call 315-369-6008 or e-mail
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register a child. - BOONVILLE-The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church.
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Saturday, May 4th
- TURIN-Saturday, May 4th 8:30 am-3:00 pm, the Turin Library is having their 31st Annual Garage Sale Day! Plan on a huge amount of garage sales, huge book sale at the library, food at the Turin firehall, and FUN! Start at the library to get some coffee and pick up your map of the area sales.
- BOONVILLE-There is a 5 Hour Pre-License Course at the Adirondack Central High School Lecture Room on Saturday, May 4th from 9:00 am - 3:00pm for people aged 16 years old and up with a Driver’s Permit. The cost is $25. To register please contact the High School Guidance Office at 315-942-9200 ext 5520.
- CONSTABLEVILLE-Village of Constableville Village Wide Garage Sales are Saturday, May 4th from 9 am – 5 pm. Constableville Fire Department will have Jerk Pork Dinners, St. Mary's Church has a Rummage Sale with Lottery Board Raffle, 50/50, Food and beverages, The Methodist Church has a Bake Sale, the Village Library will have a Book Sale, and there will be many Sales throughout the Village and just down the road in the Village of Turin. For more info contact Mary @ 315-723-219
- CONSTABLEVILLE-Saturday, May 4th, Constableville Fire Department will have Jerk Pork Dinners, $12 for a meal and $8 for the Jerk Pork Steak, with proceeds donated towards Autism Awareness and Education for area First Responders. There will be raffles and a free rock painting craft with bright colors and positive words of encouragement to be displayed out front.
- TRENTON-The Trenton Falls Scenic Trails will once again be open to the public on Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th, from 9 am to 5 pm. Refreshments will be available courtesy of the Stittville United Methodist Church. Brookfield Energy will have parking attendants on duty, and the Town of Trenton will provide Volunteer Trail Guides.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville Planning Board and the Town of Boonville Zoning Board of Appeals have rescheduled their regular meetings from May 2nd to May 9th.
- LOWVILLE-Spring Bike Workshop with Adirondack Foothills Cycling Club, this Saturday, May 4th from 10 am-12 pm at the Lowville Free Library. Full info on our website here:
- BOONVILLE-The Adirondack Athletic Association will be having a Can and Bottle Drive on Saturday May 4th From 10 am - 2 pm At the High School A - Wing parking lot. They will also have available ACS Banners for $25 and Yard Signs for $20. Any Questions please call Blanche Coscomb @ (315) 942 - 9200 Ext. 5207 or Karen Philbrick @ (315) 942 - 9200 Ext. 552
- WATERTOWN-Adopt-a-Highway (Rt-177) Cleanup with Cindy Saturday May 4th, 9:30am - noon. Join The Adirondack Mountain Club/Black River Chapter at the X-C ski trails parking lot on Route 177 at 9:30 am. Our first chosen highway is on Route 177, east and west of the cross-country ski trails parking lot between Barnes Corners and Rodman. Let’s make a difference together. Bring gloves, trash grabbers, water, sunscreen and bug repellant. Meet at Rodman-Barnes Corners ski trails parking lot, 25841 NYS Route 177, Rodman. Contact Cindy at 315-405-2195.
- BOONVILLE-Saturday, May 4th Boonville Methodist Church is holding a Chicken Barbecue at 10:30 am at the corner of Church & Main in Boonville. The cost is $12 for a dinner which includes a half chicken, salt potatoes, baked beans, roll and dessert. $8 for a half chicken only.
- BOONVILLE-Saturday, May 4th, The Boonville Lions Club is having their 2nd Annual Volunteer Expo at the Boonville VFW from 11 am-2 pm. There will also be basket raffles available.
- BOONVILLE-Saturday, May 4th, Dodge Pratt Northam Art & Community Center is hosting an art exhibit and reception from Noon til 3pm. This exhibition will feature 50 paintings and a selection of pottery pieces as part of Upstate Caring Partner’s Pieces of HeART program.
- OLD FORGE-Saturday, May 4th, the Old Forge Community Chorus presents a Spring Concert, “Birds, Bugs, and Beasts” at 3 pm at View Arts Center.
- BOONVILLE-Saturday, May 4th, Cinco de Paulie, Paulie Hance’s Birthday Party Fundraiser, will be held at the American Bar & Grill and the Boonville VFW. Pre-party at the American from 2-4 pm with snacks and fun. Then head over to the VFW for the main Party from 4-10 pm. Deadbolts are playing from 4-8pm. There will be food, basket raffles, and lots of fun. Learn more by viewing the Facebook Event.
- CARTHAGE-Stand-up comedy Fundraiser for North Country Pet Adoption Services featuring Joel Lindley! Saturday, May 4th, doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:30, Carthage Elks Club. Advance ticket purchase is recommended limited tickets available at the door. Get your tickets at!
- GLENFIELD-Saturday, May 4th, there will be a dance at 3G Fire Hall in Glenfield. Cover Charge $5. Food, fun, dancing.
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
- BOONVILLE-Pre-Kindergarten (3 yr old program) registration for 2024-2025 is now open for all children in the Adirondack Central School district who are three yrs old on or before December 1st. Registration deadline is May 1st. Contact Tonya Kazek, District Registrar by calling 315-942-9200 x 1801 for a packet.
- LEWIS COUNTY-Lewis County Youth Bureau requests applications for County Project Funds 2024. $12,500 is available to support positive youth programs and activities for Lewis County Youth. Please go to the Lewis County Website, Youth bureau page to complete an application. Website: Applications are due electronically to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 3rd. - OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library Community Poetry and Art Extravaganza Contest and Exhibit will be on display at the library until May 4th.
- TURIN-The Turin Library will have an exhibit at the library "Barge and in Charge: Erie Canal Boats." This exhibit will be up until May.
- LOWVILLE-Lowville Pop Warner Football is doing a Scrap metal drive at Turks Garage on Shady Avenue Lowville next to the Lowville Elks Lodge. No wood, batteries, propane tanks, or electronic waste such as TVs, radios, computers.... Drop off your scrap metal and help benefit local football stars! Now until the end of Spring.
- REMSEN-Northern Community Pop Warner is having a Fundraiser for New Uniforms. They are raffling a Kubota Zero Turn Mower valued at $5,200. Only 750 tickets will be sold and tickets are $20 each. You can purchase tickets and see this amazing prize at Evans Equipment on State Route 12 in Remsen during business hours. Other locations to purchase tickets are The Mane Attraction, Hotel Moore, Studio 3655, and Beaver Meadow Veterinary Clinic. Drawing date will be determined once all tickets are sold.
Next Week, May 5th - May 11th
- BOONVILLE-Sunday, May 5th from 4-6pm at the VFW in Boonville, the Adirondack Pop Warner Association is having a fundraising dance, the Emerald Ball Daddy-Daughter Dance.
- CONSTABLEVILLE-Monday, May 6th from 7-8pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at Constableville Fire Hall. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, May 7th from 1pm - 4pm and Wednesday, May 8th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for May’s order is May 13th. Delivery will be May 24th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- ONLINE-Cornell Cooperative Oneida County and Mohawk Valley Small Business Development Center have partnered to host a series of free online events for people starting or improving their agricultural or value-added business to the next level. Lunch & Munch-Mastering the Business of Food and Fields series highlights business concepts, practices, tools, and activities. The webinars take place from 12pm-1pm and will be recorded for your convenience. Friday, May 7th, the topic is “Running a Great Farmers Market Booth.” Register online at
- FORESTPORT: The Town Board of the Town of Forestport will be holding a Special Meeting on May 7, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Forestport Town Hall, 10275 State Route 28, Forestport, NY. The Special Meeting is being held to call the Public Hearing for the Sewer District improvement project. Voting will take place.
- CONSTABLEVILLE-Flywheels & Pulleys Club will have a "clean-up, fix-up" Day on Wednesday, May 8th. Bring your tools! Members, family, and the public are invited to help get the grounds, buildings, and maybe a machine tuned up. Bring a bagged meal and eat together at 5pm. For more information, call 315-348-6781 or 315-337-2079. Rain Date June 5th 3-7pm.
- OLD FORGE-Wednesday, May 8th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm , the Old Forge Library has a Craft Get-Together and the project is a Mother’s Day painted pot with flowers.
- COPENHAGEN-Wednesday, May 8th from 7-8pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at Copenhagen Fire Hall. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, May 8th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for May’s order is May 13th. Delivery will be May 24th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- FORESTPORT- The Catholic Women's Club of Christ Our Hope will have a Spring Garage, Bake and Book sale at Kiefer Hall 9004 East River St,. Forestport on Friday May 10th and Saturday, May 11th, from 9 am to 3 pm. They will be selling hot dogs and drinks during both sale days. They have many great books for a dollar per bag , stock up for your summer reading.
- PORT LEYDEN-Friday, May 10th, Port Leyden Fire Department will have Bingo at 7pm with doors opening at 6pm. Must be 18+. Snacks, refreshments and pull tabs are available! Come have some fun with us and as always your support for our local volunteer fire department is greatly appreciated!
- TURIN-Friday, May 10th, Turin Library hosts Line Dancing Lessons at the South Lewis Multi-Purpose Room in Turin. Erin Coon returns with a free evening of dance lessons and fun.
- CROGHAN-Maple Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Events International Maple Museum Centre 9756 State Route 812 Croghan, NY 13327 May 11, 2024 Pancake breakfast: 7:00 to 9:30 am. Pancakes with NYS Maple Syrup, Sausage, Applesauce, Coffee, Tea & Juice. $12 for adults, $7 for Children 5 to 12 & free for those under 5. Induction Ceremony: starts at 10:00am Chicken Barbecue: Serving inside when the ceremony is over. Dinners: Chicken half with macaroni salad, baked beans, roll & cookie: $12 Halves $8.
- LOWVILLE-The 3rd Annual LaDet J Goutermout Cornhole Tournament at Tug Hill Hook & Ladder on Saturday, May 11th. Registration from 11am-12:30 pm or pre-register using Venmo for $20 per team. Bags fly at 1:00 pm. Cornhole, chicken barbecue, raffles, and much more.
- WEST LEYDEN-Tack auction at the West Leyden fire department Saturday, May 11th preview at 2 PM. Auction starts at 3 PM. There will be tack, home decor, saddles, barn supplies, livestock supplies &western gear,
- BOONVILLE-The Adirondack Teachers' Association will be sponsoring a Grandparents Breakfast once again for Adirondack Families! This event will be held Saturday, May 11th from 8am -10am in the High School Cafeteria.
- BOONVILLE-Saturday, May 11th, Adirondack Pop Warner will be having a Chicken Barbecue at the Dunkin Parking lot in Boonville at 10 am.
- BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will be hosting a public viewing and reception on Saturday May 11th at the Harland J Hennessey post on park Avenue in Boonville. The public is invited to come and meet some of the honored who sacrificed to keep us all safe. The banners will be on display for families to take photos before they go up on the poles from Memorial Day through Veterans Day. This year's guest speaker will be our own State Senator Joseph A Griffo. All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.
- WATERTOWN-Adopt-a-Highway (Rt-3) Cleanup with Dave May 11th, Saturday, from 9:30am to 12:30 pm Join the Adirondack Mountain Club/Black River Chapter on for a new project area in the northern section of our chapter’s reach. Similar to the Rt 177 event, this project focuses on a section of NYS RT 3 from the intersection of NYS RT 3A (Fargo), heading northeast 2 miles to Filbert Rd (Cowan Corner). Our goal is to clean up 4 miles of this highly visible corridor for travelers to and from the Adirondacks. We need the support of our members and friends to kick off this initiative! During the morning, we’ll be picking up trash along our adopted stretch of highway. Remember to bring your gloves, boots, trash grabbers, water, sunscreen, and bug repellent. The meeting place is TBD at this time. For more information, please contact Dave at 404-569-3122. Let’s make a positive impact together!
Looking ahead- May 12th through the end of May
- MARTINSBURG-The Society for the preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is having an online auction to benefit the steeple restoration project. It opens for bidding on May 13th at 2pm and closes on May 20th at 6pm. Visit to participate.
- BOONVILLE-Monday May 13th, Dodge Pratt Northam in Boonville is having Lego Club for Ages 8-12 from 4:00-5:00. This is a free drop-in club, but parents/guardians will need to sign their children in. Please check our Facebook and website for the most up-to-date info.
- HARRISVILLE-Monday, May 13th from 7-8pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at Harrisville Fire Hall. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on May 13th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- ROME-Tuesday, May 14th- Thursday, May 16th, from 8:30 am-4:30 pm each day, Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida County (CCEOC) is offering a 3-day Master Food Preserver training. This 3-day training is for those who would like to go beyond the basics of home food preservation. Using the safest, most updated information available, participants will learn the science of food preservation, including food safety, and gain hands-on experience with boiling water bath canning, pressure canning, jellied products, quick pickling, and observe demonstrations of freezing, drying, and fermentation. Register online at or contact Celeste Oppito at (315) 736-3394 ext. 111 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions. - OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library hosts discussion groups based on sections of the book, “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass is a NY Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Bestseller having been read by over 350,000 people so far. On Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm, Robin will be reading a section of the book and discussing Tending Sweetgrass. Residents between Woodgate and Raquette Lake are welcome to pick up a free book. The free books are available during library hours. The books are generously sponsored by a grant from the Adirondack League Club Fund.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, May 14th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, May 14th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- MARTINSBURG-The Society for the preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is having an online auction to benefit the steeple restoration project. Bidding closes on May 20th at 6pm. Visit to participate.
- OLD FORGE-Wednesday, May 15th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm , the Old Forge Library has a Craft Get-Together and the project is Spring Gnome.
- NEW BREMEN-Wednesday, May 15th, from 7-8pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at New Bremen Fire Hall. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- MARTINSBURG-The Society for the preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is having an online auction to benefit the steeple restoration project. Bidding closes on May 20th at 6pm. Visit to participate.
- CROGHAN-Thursday, May 16th from 4-5 pm, the Croghan Mennonite Church will have a Stone Soup Drive-Thru Dinner. They will be serving Oven Baked Chicken, seasoned rice, rolls, and whoopie pies. All are welcome.
- OSCEOLA- Thursday, May 16th from 5-6pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at Osceola Town Barn. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- MARTINSBURG-The Society for the preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is having an online auction to benefit the steeple restoration project. Bidding closes on May 20th at 6pm. Visit to participate.
- WEST LEYDEN- Thursday, May 16th from 7-8pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at West Leyden Fire Hall. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- LYONS FALLS-On Friday, May 17th at 2 p.m., the Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, presents a free Senior Planet Class: "Finding Information Online for Older Adults." Laptops will be available for attendees to use during the class. You're encouraged to sign up, but walk-ins are also welcome. Call the Library (315-348-6180) to sign up or if you have a question.
- JEFFERSON COUNTY-Lakeview Wildlife Management Area Cleanup with Wendy Saturday, May 18th at 10:00 am. Come and pitch in with the Adirondack Mountain Club/Black River Chapter for the environment! Meet at 10:00 am in the Southwick’s Beach State Park parking lot and we'll collect man—made debris from the beaches just south of the park in the Lakeview Wildlife Management Area. Plastic bags will be provided. A gift certificate to a local restaurant will be raffled off after the clean-up event. All those who participate can enter to win. In past year's events we collected well over a truckload of trash, with the local campers joining in the effort to help clean up the shore line. For more information, contact Wendy at:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 315-782-3015. - MARTINSBURG-The Society for the preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is having an online auction to benefit the steeple restoration project. Bidding closes on May 20th at 6pm. Visit to participate.
- CROGHAN- Northern New York Community Foundation will be having an Open House to benefit the Railway Historical Society of Northern New York museum on Saturday May 18th, at the Croghan Depot, 9781 Main St in Croghan from 10 am until 2 pm. There will be Rides ($10 per family and $5 per individual) and a chicken bbq ($9 halves). The Appreciation Presentation will start at 10 am. BBQ will be ready by 11 am and rides will be 11 am to 2 pm.
- MARTINSBURG-The Society for the preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is having an online auction to benefit the steeple restoration project. Bidding closes on May 20th at 6pm. Visit to participate.
- TUPPER LAKE-Tupper Lake Triad with Lindsey Sunday, May 19th. Would you like to hike three mountains in a day with the Adirondack Mountain Club/Black River Chapter? Come hike the family-friendly Tupper Lake Triad with us! The Tupper Lake Triad consists of three mountains, boasting outstanding views of the surrounding area. They are reached via well-maintained and well-marked trails. The mountains include Mount Arab (1.9 miles), Coney Mountain (2.1 miles) and Goodman Mountain (3 miles). Upon completion, you are eligible to file for a Tupper Lake Trial Patch. Visit: [] for more information on how to receive a patch. Total for the day is ~7 miles. Rating Level B+. RSVP: For meeting place and time, contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 315-480-4999. - FORESTPORT-Sunday, May 19th, starting at noon, participate in the Community Garden Revival at the Forestport Town Hall on Route 28. Revive the small garden space together!
- LOWVILLE-18th Annual Lewis County Mental Health Walk is on May 19th at Lowville Fire Hall from 12-4pm. Free, Family Friendly, and Open to the Community. Registration starts at 12pm, Walk will begin at 12:30 after Proclamation and Bubble Release. Food, Face Painting, Speakers, Basket Giveaways, Creativity Table, Agencies Tabling and Much More! UNDEFEATED will be playing from 2-4 pm.
- LOWVILLE-Sunday May 19th, The Nelson Brothers will be playing at the Lowville VFW from 1-4pm. Doors open at Noon and admission is $6.
- MARTINSBURG-The Society for the preservation of the West Martinsburg Church is having an online auction to benefit the steeple restoration project. Bidding closes on May 20th at 6pm. Visit to participate.
- LYONS FALLS- Monday, May 20th from 7-8pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at Lyons Falls Fire Hall. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- ONLINE-Cornell Cooperative Oneida County and Mohawk Valley Small Business Development Center have partnered to host a series of free online events for people starting or improving their agricultural or value-added business to the next level. Lunch & Munch-Mastering the Business of Food and Fields series highlights business concepts, practices, tools, and activities. The webinars take place from 12pm-1pm and will be recorded for your convenience. Tuesday, May 21st, the topic is “Financing Your Next Step-Access to Capital.” Register online at
- OLD FORGE-Wednesday, May 22nd from 5:30 - 6:30 pm , the Old Forge Library has a Craft Get-Together and the project is a Clothespin Flag Wreath.
- LOWVILLE- Wednesday, May 22nd from 7-8pm, There is a Rabies Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets, sponsored by Lewis County Public Health and Countryside Veterinary Clinic at Lowville Town Barn. A $10 donation per pet is suggested. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Please provide a record of previous vaccination.
- BOONVILLE-Food Sense Boonville Order Pickup Day is May 24th from 12-2 pm at Boonville Methodist Church. Any food not picked up by 2 pm will be donated. See the website at Find us on Facebook at
- PORT LEYDEN-Friday, May 24th, Port Leyden Fire Department will have Bingo at 7pm with doors opening at 6pm. Must be 18+. Snacks, refreshments and pull tabs are available! Come have some fun with us and as always your support for our local volunteer fire department is greatly appreciated!
- LOWVILLE-On Monday, May 27th, at 11:00 AM, our community's veterans and a full military honor guard will lead a parade through the heart of the Village of Lowville. The Lowville Academy Marching Band, Lowville Volunteer Fire Department, Scouts, 10th Mountain (CAB) 3-10, and various law enforcement agencies will also join in this display of unity. The parade will start in the Lowville American Legion parking lot, circle through downtown, and end at Veterans Park. Following the parade, there will be brief remarks, a wreath-laying, and then full military honors to the deceased. Post-parade, we invite the public to join us at the American Legion, VFW, and the Marine Corps League for light refreshments. The American Legion will also be open to the public for museum tours, providing an opportunity to learn more about our rich military history. Any questions should be sent to the American Legion Commander at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Call 315-376-3712. - BOONVILLE-Monday, May 27th Dodge Pratt Northam in Boonville is having Lego Club for Ages 8-12 on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from 4:00-5:00. This is a free drop-in club, but parents/guardians will need to sign their children in. Please check our Facebook and website for the most up-to-date info.
- LOWVILLE-Monday, May 27th, Lowville VFW will be hosting their annual block party. Nelson Brothers will be playing outside from 2-5pm. Admission is $6 and they urge everyone to bring a lawn chair.
- BOONVILLE-The monthly meeting of the Black River Valley Business & Community Alliance will be held on Monday, May 28th at 5:30 pm at the Adirondack High School Cafeteria. This meeting is open to the public.
- LYONS FALLS-The May monthly Board Meeting for the Village of Lyons Falls has been changed to Tuesday, May 28th at 6 pm at the Village Office, 4059 Cherry St, Lyons Falls.
- OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library hosts discussion groups based on sections of the book, “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass is a NY Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Bestseller having been read by over 350,000 people so far. On Tuesday, May 28th at 6pm, Robin will be reading a section of the book and discussing Picking Sweetgrass. Residents between Woodgate and Raquette Lake are welcome to pick up a free book. The free books are available during library hours. The books are generously sponsored by a grant from the Adirondack League Club Fund.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, May 28th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will have banners on display on poles throughout the Village from Memorial Day through Veterans Day.
Looking ahead- June and Beyond
- CHAUMONT BARRENS PRESERVE-Chaumont Barrens Preserve Hike with the Adirondack Mountain Club/Black River Chapter. Keep Saturday June 1st , rain date Sunday June 2nd open for our 11th annual hike to Chaumont Barrens to catch the Prairie smoke in bloom and look for porcupines in fissures. Per DEC website [Chaumont Barrens Preserve - NYDEC ]: “The Chaumont Barrens offers one of the finest examples of alvar grasslands in the world. Alvars are broad, flat, naturally open habitats with only a thin veneer soil over a base of limestone or dolostone. Here you can see rare plants, including wildflowers like prairie smoke, found nowhere else in the Northeast.” This is roughly a 2-mile trip one way. Join us for some great sites and comradery. For more details call Doreen 315 778-6895.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, June 4th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, June 5th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for June’s order is June 10th. Delivery will be June 21st from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, June 5th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for June’s order is June 10th. Delivery will be June 21st from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library hosts discussion groups based on sections of the book, “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass is a NY Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Bestseller having been read by over 350,000 people so far. On Tuesday, June 4th at 6pm, Robin will be reading a section of the book and discussing Braiding and Burning Sweetgrass. Residents between Woodgate and Raquette Lake are welcome to pick up a free book. The free books are available during library hours. The books are generously sponsored by a grant from the Adirondack League Club Fund.
- PORT LEYDEN-Free Community Dinner at New Covenant Christian Community Church in Port Leyden on June 5th from 4:30 to 6 PM and community prayer at 6:30 PM
- PORT LEYDEN-Friday, June 7th, Port Leyden Fire Department will have Bingo at 7pm with doors opening at 6pm. Must be 18+.
- BOONVILLE-Adirondack Pop Warner is having a Golf Outing Fundraiser at Woodgate Pines Golf Club on June 8th at 9am.
- WEST LEYDEN-Our Little Ranch is having a Free Open House at 4210 Mud Lake Road in West Leyden starting at 1 pm. There will be games for kids, crafts, basket raffles, refreshments, and pony rides!
- HIGHMARKET-Sunday, June 9th, St. Patrick's Church Highmarket will have an Open House/Picnic Mass @ Noon. Hamburgers/Hot Dogs & More, Bake Sale, 50-50, Basket Raffle, and door prizes for a donation of $10.00. This is to benefit the St. Patrick's Restoration Society.
- BOONVILLE-Monday, June 10th, Dodge Pratt Northam in Boonville is having Lego Club for Ages 8-12 from 4:00-5:00 pm. This is a free drop-in club, but parents/guardians will need to sign their children in. Please check our Facebook and website for the most up-to-date info.
- BOONVILLE-Dodge Pratt Northam's summer musical auditions for the show NEWSIES for youth ages 8-18 will be held on Monday, June 10th and Tuesday, June 11th at 6:00 pm in the Boonville Elementary Auditorium. Youth only need to attend one night of auditions, but are welcome to attend both. No experience is necessary, and all auditioning will be cast. Call 315-942-5133 or visit for more info.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on June 10th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, June 11th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, June 11th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market's opening day will be Friday June 14th at their new location, the Elks Lodge in Boonville. The market runs every Friday from 2pm - 7pm through August 30th.
- ROME-Northern Community Pop Warner is having a Golf Tournament on June 15th at Camroden Golf Course in Rome. Registration starts at 10 am and shotgun is at 11 am. Registration is $75 per person and includes lunch, dinner, cart, and 4pk. There will be raffles, longest drive prizes, and more! To register contact Nicole at 315-335-9335, Adam at 315-725-5322, or Kaylynn at 315-982-7552. Hole Sponsors are also being accepted for $50.
- OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library hosts a Keynote Address by the author of “Braiding Sweetgrass,” Robin Wall Kimmerer at View Arts Center on Thursday, June 20th at 6pm. Braiding Sweetgrass is a NY Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Bestseller having been read by over 350,000 people so far. Entry is free but reservations are required. Reservations can be made starting in Mid-May by calling 315-369-6008, or emailing
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Residents between Woodgate and Raquette Lake are welcome to pick up a free book. The free books are available during library hours and are generously sponsored by a grant from the Adirondack League Club Fund. - BOONVILLE-Food Sense Boonville Order Pickup Day is Friday, June 21st from 12-2 pm at Boonville Methodist Church. Any food not picked up by 2 pm will be donated. See the website at Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Friday, June 21st, and every Friday is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- PORT LEYDEN-Friday, June 21st, and every other Friday, Port Leyden Fire Department will have Bingo at 7pm with doors opening at 6pm. Must be 18+.
- BOONVILLE-Monday, June 24th, Dodge Pratt Northam in Boonville is having Lego Club for Ages 8-12 from 4:00-5:00 pm. This is a free drop-in club, but parents/guardians will need to sign their children in. Please check our Facebook and website for the most up-to-date info.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, June 25th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, June 28th, and every Friday is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- LOWVILLE-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you! June 28th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, July 26th @ Croghan Recreation Park, August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park.
- BOONVILLE-July 2nd through August 1st Dodge Pratt Northam's summer youth art classes for ages 5-15 will begin on July 2 and will run on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until August 1. The theme this year is botanicals, and registration forms are available on DPN's website at, or by visiting the Center. Call 315-942-5133 or visit for more info.
- PORT LEYDEN-Friday, July 5th, and every other Friday, Port Leyden Fire Department will have Bingo at 7pm with doors opening at 6pm. Must be 18+.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, July 5th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- BOONVILLE-Monday, July 8th, Dodge Pratt Northam in Boonville is having Lego Club for Ages 8-12 from 4:00-5:00 pm. This is a free drop-in club, but parents/guardians will need to sign their children in. Please check our Facebook and website for the most up-to-date info.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on July 8th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, July 9th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, July 10th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for July’s order is July 15th. Delivery will be July 26th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, July 9th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, July 9th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, July 10th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for July’s order is June 15th. Delivery will be June 21st from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Friday, July 12th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- BOONVILLE-Monday, July 22nd, Dodge Pratt Northam in Boonville is having Lego Club for Ages 8-12 from 4:00-5:00. This is a free drop-in club, but parents/guardians will need to sign their children in. Please check our Facebook and website for the most up-to-date info.
- BOONVILLE-Food Sense Boonville Order Pickup Day is Friday, July 26th from 12-2 pm at Boonville Methodist Church. Any food not picked up by 2 pm will be donated. See the website at Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Friday, July 26th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- CROGHAN-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you! July 26th @ Croghan Recreation Park, August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, August 2nd, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, August 2nd, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, August 9th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on Wednesday, August 12th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, August 13th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, August 13th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, August 13th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. Delivery will be August 30th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. Delivery will be August 30th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- BOONVILLE-Friday, August 23rd, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, August 27th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Delivery for Food Sense Boonville will be Friday, August 30th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Friday, August 30th is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
- LOWVILLE-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you! August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park.
- CONSTABLEVILLE-September 6th-8th, Flywheels & Pulleys Club presents the 49th annual “Old Time” Gas Engines, Tractors & Truck Show on Rte 26 in Constableville. All flea market, crafts, campers, etc., must register and pay in advance. For more information, see their Facebook page or contact Lance Blood at 315-337-2079 or John & Olga Miller at 315-348-6781.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on September 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, September 10th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is September 16th. Delivery will be September 27th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, September 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is September 16th. Delivery will be September 27th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- LYONS FALLS- The last Food Truck Friday is September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. Food trucks, live music, and lawn games.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 24th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- FORESTPORT-on Wednesday, September 25th, the Upstate University Hospital’s Mammography Van will visit the Forestport Town Offices. Screenings will be available between 10 am and 4 pm. Women are encouraged to schedule an appointment at 315-464-2588 or online at
- BOONVILLE-Pickup for Food Sense Boonville is September 27th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, October 8th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is October14th. Delivery will be October 25th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, October 8th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 8th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is October14th. Delivery will be October 25th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on October 14th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 22nd, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, November 5th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is November 11th. Delivery will be November 22nd from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is November 11th. Delivery will be November 22nd from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on November 11th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, November 12th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 12th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 26th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, December 3rd from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is December 9th. Delivery will be December 20th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is December 9th. Delivery will be December 20th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at .
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on December 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, December 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, December 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.