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Community Events - Week of March 23rd -March 29th

Copy of Lisa Stanford 1



Sunday, March 23rd

  • CROGHAN-Maple Weekend Pancake Breakfast International Maple Museum Centre 9756 State Route 812 Croghan.  Phone 315-346-1107 or 315-346-6356.  March 23rd from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. for Breakfast.  Menu includes: Pancakes, Sausage, Maple Syrup, Applesauce, Juice, Milk, Coffee, Maple Coffee, and Tea. Price: Adults: $12, Children 5-12: $7 Children Under 5: Free Have a delicious pancake breakfast, then tour the exhibits in the museum!
  • LOWVILLE-Pancake Breakfast at Double Play Community Center on Sunday, March 23rd 8:00am-12:30pm $13 per person
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-All you can eat Breakfast Buffet by Constableville Volunteer Fire Company and Constableville Ambulance Company at the Constableville Fire Hall on Sunday, March 23rd from 7:30 am-noon.  There will also be a bake sale to support youth events.  $14 for adults, $9 for kids ages 6-12.  Kids 5 and under are free.  Menu includes pancakes, blueberry pancakes, french toast, scrambled eggs, toast, home fries, sausage, bacon, sausage gravy & biscuits, canned fruit, coffee, tea, orange juice, milk, chocolate milk, and water.
  • WEST LEYDEN-The West Leyden Reformed Church will be having a drive-thru ham and scalloped potato dinner from Noon to 2 pm on Sunday March 23rd at 1195 St. Rt. 26 in West Leyden. The dinner will consist of ham, scalloped potatoes, carrots, applesauce, Cole slaw, roll & butter, and dessert at a cost of $15.00. Takeouts only.
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge


Monday, March 24th

  • PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall


Tuesday, March 25th

  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, March 25th, Lowville Lions Club presents Wellness Matters Seminar-Healthy Living for your Brain and Body from 3-4pm at Double Play Community Center in Lowville.  For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected.  But now, science is able to provide insights into how lifestyle choices may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. Learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging.  Guest Speaker Vicky Sokolowski. 
  • TURIN-South Lewis Central School regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 25th at 6:30 pm in the South Lewis Board Room. 
  • BOONVILLE-Summer Story Hour with Mrs. Hannah every Tuesday at 10am at the Erwin Library in Boonville. Every Tuesday Mrs. Hannah will read a specially picked story, have a fun craft, and delicious snack! Children of all ages can come enjoy the fun! Cost: FREE
  • LOWVILLE-Join the Lowville Free Library for a weekly storytime, every Tuesday morning at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game. 
  • BOONVILLE-Erwin Yarniacs Meet every Tuesday from 1-3pm at the Erwin Library in Boonville to work together on their knitting and crocheting projects. This group is for all levels, from beginner to advanced, and together will help you get the project done.
  • OLD FORGE-All are invited to "Walk and Talk" with friends and neighbors on a weekly basis, each Tuesday starting March 25th at 1:30 pm. The group will meet in the joint Old Forge Library and Niccolls Church parking lot at 220 Crosby Blvd. Niccolls Nurses conceived the idea as a way to provide both socialization and movement to those interested and the library wanted in on the action. The many benefits to be had by walking and talking include controlling blood pressure, lowering risk of chronic disease, maintaining healthy weight, fighting cancer, improving heart health, enhancing mental health, boosting mood, reducing stress, strengthening bones and being happier because you are socializing with fun people.  Walk and Talk Tuesdays will take place through May 27. There will be a  group leader on hand and  distance and pace will be adjusted to be comfortable for each walker.  


Wednesday, March 26th

  • LOWVILLE-Lewis County Office for the Aging Meal Site Presentation on Poison Prevention by Lewis County Public Health will be in Lowville on Wednesday, March 26th.
  • OLD FORGE-Wednesday Night Craft Get Togethers at the Old Forge Library Most Wednesdays at 5pm.  Wednesday, March 12th:  String Art Shamrocks.  March 19th Yarn Birds. March 26 Pipe Cleaner Flowers.  April 2nd Flower Shadowbox. April 9th Pompom Chicks.
  • LOWVILLE-Double Play Community Center offers the Respite Cafe, a free weekly program.  If you’re caring for a loved one and need a break, this is a safe space and engaging activities for your loved one to enjoy, giving you the opportunity to take a few hours off.  Every Wednesday from 10 am-2pm.  Learn more or register with Renee at 585-645-8973 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use the side entrance.
  • PROSPECT- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
  • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM

Thursday, March 27th

  • COPENHAGEN-Lewis County Office for the Aging Meal Site Presentation on Poison Prevention by Lewis County Public Health will be in Copenhagen on Thursday, March 27th.
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library Readerly Rescue “A Book by it’s Cover” on Thursday, March 27th from 7-8pm.  
  • BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm



Friday, March 28th

  • BOONVILLE-Friday, March 28th, the Boonville Lions Club presents a Fire Safety Book Reading at 10 am at Erwin Library. Free Fire Extinguisher to all parents bringing a child.  Space is limited.  Call 315-942-4834 for reservations. 
  • MARTINSBURG-Martinsburg Fire Department Fish fry Friday, March 28th and April 11 2025 4-6 pm Fish Dinner $14 Half portion $7 Chicken Strip dinner $12 half portion $6 All dinners include Choice of French Fries or mac and cheese, coleslaw, dinner Roll and Dessert pre orders are welcome 
  • HARRISVILLE — The Harrisville Central School Drama Club will perform Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” Friday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 29, at 2 p.m.
  • CARTHAGE- Chicken or Pork BBQ at the Carthage VFW Post 7227 at 668 West End Ave in Carthage on Saturday, March 29th from 12pm til gone.  $14 per dinner includes ½ chicken or pork loin, choice of 2 sides and a roll.  For chicken or pork only it’s $7.  Each additional side is $4.  
  • PORT LEYDEN-Story Hour-every Friday 10-11 am at the Port Leyden Library following the South Lewis school calendar. Children are read to, make a craft, play games and take a snack home.
  • LOWVILLE-The Lowville American Legion Auxiliary hosts a Friday Lenten Dinner from February 28th through April 11th.   Dinner includes a 10-12oz portion of fried or baked fish, salt potatoes, coleslaw, roll/butter, and dessert. Hours are 4:30-7:00 pm. The cost is only $14.00. Please call to pre-order.  Limited delivery is available.  Call 315-376-3712.  Dine in or take out.  All meals are served in to-go containers.   The American Legion is located at 5383 Dayan Street, Lowville.  Please tour our historical reconstruction and visit our museum. Go to our website to learn more about our history, and watch a 5-minute video.   Follow us on Facebook to stay updated on all of our events! You can also visit us at to learn more.  
  • BOONVILLE-Every Friday in April, Boonville Lions Club presents “Save our Planet” book series at 10 am at Erwin Library.  To celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd, The Boonville Lions will be reading two books a week from this fabulous series that introduces young children to how our actions impact our earth.  Each week the children will receive a free gift to help them discover a way they can make a positive change to help save our planet. 
  • BOONVILLE-The Charles J. Love, DSC Post 406 American Legion, Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion will be hosting Lenten dinners during Lent every Friday through Friday, April 18 to raise money for our youth and veterans programs. Every year the Post sponsors scholarships, youth ball teams, American Legion Baseball and other events as they occur. The fish fry dinners are TAKE OUT ONLY and will be available starting at 4 pm until sold out. The menu consists of fried fish, coleslaw, choice of french fries, baked potato or macaroni & cheese and a dessert. Macaroni & Cheese dinners will also be available. The cost for the fish dinners are $15 and $10 each for the macaroni & cheese dinner.  All orders must be called in. The phone line will be open to take orders starting at 2:30 pm every Friday during Lent. The phone number is (315)942-2434. When calling the Post to order fish dinners and you receive a message request regarding leaving a message, please treat that message as a busy signal and try again.The Post is located at 124 E. Schuyler St., Boonville, NY.
  • LEWIS COUNTY-Spirit Animal Sanctuary is having a Can and Bottle Drive for the month of March and beyond.  Drop off cans and bottles at 5223 Greig Rd in Greig.  Please put Spirit Animal Sanctuary on the bags when you drop them off.  To arrange pickup, please call 315-269-5407 or message the Spirit Animal Sanctuary page at  The sanctuary has a wishlist of items and also an online store for merchandise at 
  • BLACK RIVER VALLEY-Black River Valley Business & Community Alliance is having a fundraiser for Developmental Disability Awareness Month!  They will have a Heart of Gold fundraiser!  This is to celebrate and promote amazing local organizations that offer terrific services and programs for a wide range of developmental disabilities. The Arc, Oneida-Lewis , Kelberman , Central New York Quest, Inc. , Upstate Caring Partners , & Encompass Recreation have been selected for this year's initiative!  Please visit the BRVBCA Facebook page to find the links or QR Code to donate directly to those organizations.
  • LEWIS COUNTY-Spirit Animal Sanctuary is having a Calendar Raffle for the entire month of April.  Get entered into this raffle by March 31st for amazing prizes! You can find more information on facebook at or call or text 315-269-5407 to enter the raffle.  
  • LOWVILLE-The Lewis County Hospital Auxiliary is pleased to announce the beginning of their LCGH Auxiliary Annual Plant Sale.  Pre-orders are due by May 14th and pick-up is Monday, May 19, from 1:00 p.m. –  5:00 p.m. and Tuesday, May 20 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Lowville Fairgrounds in the LeRoy  Nichols building.   The Auxiliary is selling:  ∙Red, White, or pink Geraniums ($4.00 each)  ∙Red, white or purple Petunias 6-pack ($4.00/6-pack)  ∙Herbs - Sage, Dill, Parsley, Basil, or Oregano (3 ½ inch pots at $4.00/plant)  To order- please call Vickie at (315) 221-0206 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Order forms are also  available at the Lewis County Health Systems at the hospital gift shop.   All proceeds will benefit the Lewis County Hospital Auxiliary and their ongoing support of the Lewis County Health System.
  • LOWVILLE-Lewis County Office for the Aging offers screening for memory concerns.  For more information contact the office for the aging at 315-376-5313.  If needed, individuals will be connected to health care professionals for a full evaluation and appropriate treatment.
  • BOONVILLE-The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church.
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge

Saturday, March 29th

  • HARRISVILLE — The Harrisville Central School Drama Club will perform Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” Saturday, March 29, at 2 p.m.
  • GLENFIELD-Saturday, March 29th from 7-10 pm, there is a dance at the Three G Fire hall at 6229 Blue St in Glenfield.  $5 cover charge per person.  Food, fun, dancing. 
  • CARTHAGE-Dance at the Carthage VFW Post 7227 at 668 West End Ave in Carthage on Saturday, March 29th from 2-5pm.  $6.00 COVER.  Come early and enjoy a chicken or pork barbeque dinner for only $14.00
  • CROGHAN-Maple Weekend Pancake Breakfast International Maple Museum Centre 9756 State Route 812 Croghan.  Phone 315-346-1107 or 315-346-6356.  March 29th and 30th from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. for Breakfast.  Menu includes: Pancakes, Sausage, Maple Syrup, Applesauce, Juice, Milk, Coffee, Maple Coffee, and Tea. Price: Adults: $12, Children 5-12: $7 Children Under 5: Free Have a delicious pancake breakfast, then tour the exhibits in the museum!
  • LOWVILLE-Weekend activities for youth ages 13-21 at Maple Ridge Center on Saturdays from 12-4pm. Sports, art, games, workshops.  A parent either needs to go to the first session or go online to sign some paperwork so their teen can participate.  Get more information at 315-816-6448 and 
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge



  • BOONVILLE-Adirondack Board of Education Petitions are still available in the District Office at 110 Ford St. in Boonville from 7:30 - 4:00. Pick up your petition to be elected as a member of the Board of Education today! Petitions have to be returned by April 21st by 4:00 pm.
  • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library will host an annual favorite, the Community Poetry and Art Extravaganza Contest and Exhibit. The theme for 2025 is "Gratitude".. All works of poetry and art received for the contest will be displayed at the library through April 25th. 
  • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, welcomes you to our famous Annual Basket Raffle Fundraiser and Student Art Show from Tuesday, March 18th through Saturday, March 29th, during regular Library hours.
  • LEWIS COUNTY-Lewis County Office for the Aging offers a home delivered meal program where meals are delivered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with a frozen meal available for Tuesdays and Fridays providing 5 meals total throughout the week.  This program is for people 60+ who are more home bound and maybe unable to make healthy balanced meals for themselves. They also have Community dining sites where people 60+ that are more independent can gather and have lunch together Monday through Thursdays all of which serve around 11:30am-11:45am  Croghan- Steepleview courts.  Harrisville - Harris Courts. Lyons Falls - McManus Hotel  Copenhagen- Copenhagen United Church.  Lowville - Maple Ridge Center. These Programs are funded by Federal, State, and local sources. There is a suggested Contribution of 3.50 per meal. Cash, checks, and SNAP are accepted.
  • LOWVILLE-Medical Equipment loan program by the Lowville Lions.   The Lions Club is able to provide gently used medical equipment to members of the community.  Hospital beds, canes, walkers, bathroom supports, Hoyer lift, and more.  All of the equipment can be loaned at no cost.  Donations are also accepted to replenish their supply.  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Call or Text 315-778-8833 Sheree Vora, 315-778-3859 Manoj Vora, or 315-921-1631 Elizabeth Spaulding.
  • LEWIS County-Friendly Calling & Visiting Program for older adults.  Do you know someone who could use a friendly call or visit throughout the week?  The Lewis County Office for the Aging has Volunteers for that.  Please give their office a call at 315-376-5313 with the name of someone who could use somebody for a visit or a check-in,  and they will be set up. 
  • LOWVILLE-The American Legion, the nation’s largest veteran’s organization, is seeking boys with outstanding qualifications in character and leadership to attend one of the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction designed for high school students. Boys State is a participatory program where each young man becomes a part of the operation of his local, county, and state government.   “These young men are the future leaders of America,” said Lee Hinkleman, Commander of Lowville American Legion Post 162. High school juniors will be selected in February and March by the American Legion to attend the program, which will be held at SUNY at Morrisville. From June 28th through July 3, 2025.High School Juniors should contact their High School guidance counselors.  Outside groups who wish to support this should call 376-3712 or visit us on FB or at  The training at The American Legion Boys State is objective and practical with city, County, and state governments operated by the students elected to the various offices. Activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, chorus, and recreational programs.American Legion Boys State is conducted in 49 Departments of The American Legion. Hawaii does not conduct a program. As separate corporations, Boys States vary in content and method of procedure. Still, every Boys State adheres to the program's basic concept- teaching government from the township to the state level.The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a similar program for young ladies called Girls State.   For more information on The American Legion’s Boys State program, contact Commander Lee Hinkleman at 315-404-4600


Next Week, March 30th-April 5th

  • CROGHAN-Maple Weekend Pancake Breakfast International Maple Museum Centre 9756 State Route 812 Croghan.  Phone 315-346-1107 or 315-346-6356.  Sunday, March 30th from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. for Breakfast.  Menu includes: Pancakes, Sausage, Maple Syrup, Applesauce, Juice, Milk, Coffee, Maple Coffee, and Tea. Price: Adults: $12, Children 5-12: $7 Children Under 5: Free Have a delicious pancake breakfast, then tour the exhibits in the museum!
  • CARTHAGE-Bunco to Bust Cancer Sunday March 30th from 1-5pm at the VFW Post 7227 at 668 West End in Carthage.  $20 donation included play, prize, and lots of fun.  Cash bar available. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society in the fight for a cure. 
  • LEE CENTER-Join the Lee Center Fire Departments Ladies Auxiliary as they host The Nelson Brothers and a basket raffle on Sunday March 30 from 1pm-4pm at the Lee Center Firemens Bingo Hall on School Street. $5 entry fee and food and beverages will be available for purchase.
  • LEWIS COUNTY-Lewis County Public Health will have a presentation on Ticks and Mosquitos at the Lewis County Office for the Aging Harrisville Meal site on Wednesday April 2nd. 
  • BOONVILLE-Food Sense Boonville Signups for April are on Wednesday, April 2nd from 1-4pm at 200 Post St in Boonville.  Pickup for this order is Friday, April 18th from 12-2pm.  Any questions please contact Lisa at 315-269-5407. 
  • OLD FORGE-Poetry Party, Cake and Haiku Collages at the Old Forge Library! April is National Poetry Month, a time to celebrate the joy, expressiveness, and pure delight of poetry. For thirty days, poems and poets are honored through events held across the country. Established by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month aims to raise the visibility of poetry and make it more accessible to all. The Old Forge Library will celebrate with a local event on Thursday, April 3, at 5:00 pm. The public is invited to a Poetry Party, which will feature cake (yes, cake!) and a chance to create a haiku collage. All materials will be provided. Haiku is a short Japanese poetry form, typically consisting of three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7, and the third has 5. With its simple structure, haiku is a wonderful starting point for beginners. We'll cut up newspapers and magazines to create new poems. In partnership with View and their upcoming Book Arts exhibit starting in May, the event will feature a Haiku Box where anyone can submit their own creative poetry. This is a fantastic opportunity to not only celebrate poetry but also to connect with neighbors and friends during the "mud season" and, of course, enjoy some cake! Please call 315-369-6008 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register for planning purposes. Walk-ins are also welcome. SHORT VERSION OLD FORGE-Poetry Party, Cake and Haiku Collages at the Old Forge Library Thursday, April 3, at 5:00 pm.  The public is invited to a Poetry Party, which will feature cake and a chance to create a haiku collage. All materials will be provided.
  • BOONVILLE-.The 18th annual Heather Hutchinson memorial Boonville AUTISM walk April 5th 2025 at the Harland J Hennessey VFW post 5538 108 Park Ave Boonville NY Preregistration friday April 4 3-5 @the VFW or April 5th registration for run starts at 8 am. Registration for the walk starts at 8:30 am, the Run starts at 9 am and the Walk begins at 10 am.  Lunch will be available for purchase starting at 11am.  Live auction begins at 11:30. Chance Auction 8am-2pm.  Receive a free walk shirt with $25 or more in pledges. Contact Lucrezia Johnson @ 315 794-8916 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A portion of the proceeds will be used to donate communication boards to local parks and play areas in Lewis, Oneida and Herkimer counties. The rest will be donated to The Kelberman Center
  • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, is offering a free class on Digital Library Books on Saturday, April 5th, 10 a.m. Learn how to use your library card to check out E-books and Digital Audiobooks on your favorite device using the “Libby” app, and more: adding multiple library cards to one device, getting on the waiting list for popular titles, and using the Search and Filter functions! Bring your own device and your current library card! RSVP (315) 348-6180.
  • LEWIS COUNTY-The Beaver River, Lowville, South Lewis and Harrisville Ag Advisory Boards & Ag Booster Club will be hosting the 9th Annual Lewis County Ag Trivia Challenge on Saturday, April 5th at the South Lewis Middle School Gymnasium. The event includes a meal, auction, and trivia contest. This event is a fun and interactive social event for the Lewis County Agricultural Community. It is an opportunity to get together to socialize and network while also providing funds for the four local FFA chapters. A social hour will begin at 6:00 pm, followed by a meal and auction, and then 25-30 multiple choice trivia questions. 
  • OLD FORGE-Certified instructor, Nia Tormey, will instruct up to eight students for a free CPR, First Aid and Certification Class at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. on Saturday, April 5 from 10 am - 2 pm. CPR, AED & and Basic Life Saving skills, as well as opioid education and a brief Narcan training will be included. The class size is limited to 8 participants, so pre-registration is required. If the class is full, the library staff will put you on a waiting list. Check back for more dates later. Library programs are free and open to all. CPR and first aid classes are made possible by a generous grant from The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation.
  • BOONVILLE-Cancer Benefit for Tina Hutchinson on Saturday, April 5th starting at 3pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.  Food, beverages, door prizes, raffles, live music.  


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