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Community Events Week of September 29th - October 5th

Sunday, September 29th

  • LOWVILLE-Annual Youth Pheasant Hunt, Sunday Sept. 29th, 6490 East Martinsburg Rd., Lowville, 8am and 12 noon. Sponsored by Lewis County Association of Sportsmen's Clubs For more information call 315-376-4290.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-Constableville Fish and Game Club annual Chicken Shoot Sunday September 29 starting at 11:00 am. Events: 40 Rod, Long Range, Running Deer, Trap Shoot and Pistol Shoot. Food, Raffles and Trapper Jack will be there with some of his furs.
  • BOONVILLE-VFW Bike-Run-Walk on Sunday, September 29th with bike registration starting at 8am at the Boonville VFW.  Food, refreshments and raffles.  This event is to support Sitrin's Military Program. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions. 
  • TURIN-South Lewis FFA is having a Tractor Show on Sunday, September 29th from 1-6 pm at South Lewis Central School.  They will have prizes and many activities like cornhole, coloring, face painting, a bake sale, and more. 
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets tomorrow and every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge

Monday, September 30th

  • PORT LEYDEN-Annual Book Sale at the Port Leyden Community Library starts Monday, September 30th through October during open hours.  Great selection and prices!
  • LOWVILLE- Aquatics and Walk with Ease classes through Double-Play Community Center will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday through October 28th.  Aquatic program is  from 7-7:45am at Lowville Academy and Beaver River Central School. Walk with Ease is at Brookside Senior Living Community from 1-2 pm. Please call the Office for the Aging to register. 
  • PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall

Tuesday, October 1st

  • OLD FORGE-All are invited to “Walk and Talk” with friends and neighbors on a weekly basis, each Tuesday through Thanksgiving at 1:30 pm. The group will meet in the joint Old Forge Library and Niccolls Church parking lot at 220 Crosby Blvd. Niccolls Nurses conceived the idea as a way to provide both socialization and movement to those interested and the library wanted in on the action. The many benefits to be had by walking and talking include controlling blood pressure, lowering risk of chronic disease, maintaining healthy weight, fighting cancer, improving heart health, enhancing mental health, boosting mood, reducing stress, strengthening bones and being happier because you are socializing with fun people. Walk and Talk Tuesdays will take place through November 26. There will be a group leader on hand and distance and pace will be adjusted to be comfortable for each walker. The Old Forge Library will have pedometers available to anyone who would like to keep track of steps from mid-September through Thanksgiving. 
  • BOONVILLE-Summer Story Hour with Mrs. Hannah begins Tuesday, July 9th at 10am at the Erwin Library in Boonville. Every Tuesday Mrs. Hannah will read a specially picked story, have a fun craft, and delicious snack! Children of all ages can come enjoy the fun! Cost: FREE
  • LOWVILLE-Join the Lowville Free Library for a weekly storytime, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game. 
  • BOONVILLE-Erwin Yarniacs Meet every Tuesday from 1-3pm at the Erwin Library in Boonville to work together on their knitting and crocheting projects. This group is for all levels, from beginner to advanced, and together will help you get the project done.

Wednesday, October 2nd

  • LOWVILLE-Wednesday, October 2nd 5:30pm-6:00pm, Lowville American Legion Auxiliary Unit 162 will be hosting a presentation about the Honor Flight Syracuse program. Looking for any Veteran that is interested to come learn more about the opportunity. Open to the community!
  • BOONVILLE-The Village of Boonville and the LPC will also be hosting a second public workshop on Wednesday October 2, 2024 from 4:00 – 8:00PM at the Erwin Library located at 104 Schuyler Street, Boonville, NY 13309. All are welcome to attend and are invited to drop-in anytime from 4:00 – 8:00PM to learn more about the proposed projects being considered for NY Forward funding and provide input.  Members of the public unable to attend the second public workshop are invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the proposed projects under consideration for NY Forward funding. The survey opens on September 25 and closes on October 9. Once open, the survey can be accessed at the following link: More information about the Boonville NY Forward Program and a full schedule of meetings can be found at
  • LOWVILLE- Aquatics and Walk with Ease classes through Double-Play Community Center will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday through October 28th.  Aquatic program is  from 7-7:45am at Lowville Academy and Beaver River Central School. Walk with Ease is at Brookside Senior Living Community from 1-2 pm. Please call the Office for the Aging to register. 
  • OLD FORGE-Wednesday night Craft Get-Togethers at the Old Forge Library continue on most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm 
  • LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.
  • PROSPECT- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
  • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM

Thursday, October 3rd

  • OLD FORGE-This year's final session of Meditation with Trees is scheduled for Thursday, October 3rd at 3 pm at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. Participants will learn about the wonderful healing benefits of quietly being and connecting with trees and Mother Earth. Trees are known to symbolize wisdom, stability, shelter, growth and renewal. In the workshop, several techniques for meditating with trees will be discussed, and participants will leave the workshop knowing how to appreciate and connect with their favorite trees.
  • LOWVILLE-Stone Soup Dinner Thursday October 3rd at The Lowville United Methodist Church Served Drive -Thru starting at 5pm. Menu includes: Goulash, Green Beans, Italian bread and dessert !! Free for all! Everyone Welcome.
  • LOWVILLE-On October 3rd, the Lewis County Historical Society is hosting another walking tour starting at the Masonic temple. Join us as we stroll down Picturesque Park Avenue to learn about the architecture and history of some of the oldest and most beautiful homes in the village. This event is free to the public and starts at 7pm. It was made possible by generous grants from the Pratt Northam Foundation and the George R. Davis Fund. For more information, call 315-376-8957.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-The Constable Hall Online Auction will take place Oct. 3rd-8th at the Adirondack Asset Auctions website. A wide variety of items donated by local businesses and community members will be up for bid. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support and maintain historic Constable Hall. Come join the auction fun, bid early and bid often to show your support for the Hall. 
  • BOONVILLE-Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce Farmer’s Market is every Thursday from June 22nd through October 5th from noon til 5pm at Erwin Park. 
  • BOONVILLE-ToePath Trekkers weekly run and walks are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. They meet in the Lansing Pavilion in Erwin Park and run and walk the towpath, followed by social time after. Hot dogs and water are provided.
  • LYONS FALLS-Beginning Thursday, July 11th, The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, will host a free educational program for teens by The Northern Regional Center for Independent Living (NRCIL)—"What's Good About Teen Anger." The class meets weekly at 3 p.m. on Thursdays through October 31st. Call the Library (315-348-6180) for more information.
  • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., will host a series of presentations on several Thursdays throughout the Fall that address the topics of diversity, inclusion and equity. On September 26 at 5 pm., The Kelberman Center, of Utica, NY, presentation will be Autism & Developmental Disabilities: Awareness & Advocacy. This presentation will serve as a general introduction into Autism and other related intellectual and developmental disabilities. Statistics, early intervention, and outcomes are all discussed in an effort to raise awareness. The content ties in tightly with the importance of services/supports provided by Kelberman, the leading provider of autism services for children, adults and families in the Mohawk Valley and Central New York. Kelberman provides comprehensive programming and services for people throughout all phases of life, from early childhood through adulthood, including: Home and Community Based, Education, Clinical, Residential and Recreation and Camp. Each presentation will be led by a regional expert who can educate attendees about practices of equity and inclusion being used and practices to consider. By learning to support one another and to see beyond differences, we create stronger and more vibrant communities for everyone. There will be refreshments following each program. Other presentations in the series will include: 10/3/24 @ 5 pm: Mohawk Valley Resource Center, of Utica, NY: Refugees in Our Community and Regional Area 10/17/24 @ 6 pm: WHOLE ME, Inc., of Syracuse, NY, : Deaf Culture and Community 10/24/24 @ 5 pm: Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, of Utica, NY: Helping People, Changing Lives and Ending Poverty. The series was generously funded by the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties.
  • BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm

Friday, October 4th

  • OLD FORGE-Two Roads”, an exhibit of pastel paintings by Joyce Hanson and Becky Harblin, will on display at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., from Friday, October 4th through November 8th. The exhibit’s opening reception will be held on Friday, October 4 from 5-7 pm. The public is invited to attend and enjoy light refreshments, meet the artists and view their work. Both artists have been strongly influenced by the Northern New York landscape.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-The Constable Hall Online Auction will take place through October 8th at the Adirondack Asset Auctions website. A wide variety of items donated by local businesses and community members will be up for bid. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support and maintain historic Constable Hall. Come join the auction fun, bid early and bid often to show your support for the Hall.
  • LOWVILLE- Aquatics and Walk with Ease classes through Double-Play Community Center will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday through October 28th.  Aquatic program is  from 7-7:45am at Lowville Academy and Beaver River Central School. Walk with Ease is at Brookside Senior Living Community from 1-2 pm. Please call the Office for the Aging to register. OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
  • BOONVILLE-The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church.
  • CARTHAGE-Friday, October 4th at Zero Dock Street in Carthage, there will be a benefit for Robert Reese at 5pm.  Raffle baskets, large item raffle, 50/50 raffle, cash bar. 

Saturday, October 5th

  • BOONVILLE-Boonville Fire Company is having a Homemade Kielbasa barbecue on Saturday October 5th from 10 am til gone. Dinner includes  ½ ring kielbasa, baked beans, salt potatoes, and a roll for $15.  $12 for Ring of Kielbasa only. At the corner of Main St and Church St in Boonville. 
  • GLENFIELD-Free Community Fall Festival Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 10AM-2PM at Living Hope Ministries 6722 Kuntz Road, Glenfield.  Free for the community- Complimentary Apple Cider & donuts, hot dogs & hamburgers.  Fun for the whole family-Bobbing for apples, bounce house and yard games. Free gift and pumpkin while supplies last.
  • OLD FORGE-Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd, Old Forge, will be hosting CPR for all ages, AED & opioid education including Narcan training. Certified instructor, Nia Tormey, will be teaching at two separate training classes. The first class and certification will be held on Saturday, October 5th, 10 am – 2 pm and the second will be Saturday November 16, 10am-2pm. Library programs are free and open to all. The class size is limited to 8 participants, so pre-registration is required. If the class is full, the library staff will put you on a waiting list. Please call the Old Forge Library at 315 369-6008 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register for either class.
  • WOODGATE-Woodgate volunteer fire department is having a Spaghetti dinner/ UTV drawing on Satruday, October 5th from 3pm til gone.  For $12, spaghetti, salad, meatball, sausage & garlic knot. UTV drawing @ 6 pm. 
  • GLENFIELD-There will be a dance at 3 G Fire Hall in Glenfield on Saturday October 5th from 7-10 pm.  Food fun and dancing!
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-The Constable Hall Online Auction will take place through October 8th at the Adirondack Asset Auctions website. A wide variety of items donated by local businesses and community members will be up for bid. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support and maintain historic Constable Hall. Come join the auction fun, bid early and bid often to show your support for the Hall.
  • BARNEVELD-Trenton Falls Trails will be open to the public Saturday October 5th and Sunday, October 6th from 9 am - 5 pm.  Refreshments will be available for purchase courtesy of the Stittville United Methodist Church.  Town of Trenton will provide volunteer trail guides.  Anyone who wishes to assist the volunteers should call Anne Getbehead at 315-865-6303. 
  • BOONVILLE-Join us for Community Shred Day at the Erwin Library! Saturday, October 5th from 10 AM to Noon. Bring your sensitive documents to be safely shredded at no cost. We will be located in the parking lot of Erwin Library.
  • CASTORLAND-Craft Fair on Saturday, October 5th from 10 am - 4 pm at Castorland Fire Company Fire Hall, 5187 State Route 410 in Castorland.  Local crafters, vendors, artists, many unique homemade and local products brought to you by North Country Entrepreneurs.   
  • BOONVILLE-Dodge Pratt Northam Art and Community Center will be hosting the opening awards reception for their annual fall art show on Saturday, October 5 from 12:00-2:00 at the Center at 106 Schuyler Street in Boonville. This event is free and the public is encouraged to attend and celebrate our talented local artists.  Artists ages 15 and up are invited to submit artwork to this open show, themed "Moments Through Time." Please see DPN's Facebook page, website, or call 315-942-5133 for submission information.
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge



  • BOONVILLE-Saturday, October 26th from 12pm - 3pm, Trunk or Treat Festival will be taking place at the Boonville Fairgrounds.  To register a trunk fill out the Google Form or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Find the event on Facebook for more information. 
  • LYONS FALLS-The Adirondack Community Chorus (ACC), directed by Peg Nuspliger, is inviting singers to participate in their upcoming fall Concert entitled “Our Heritage in Song,” to be performed on Sunday, October 20th, 3 p.m., at Forest Presbyterian Church in Lyons Falls. Rehearsals will be held at the Church, beginning Sunday September 15th. No audition is required to participate in the Chorus. For more information contact [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].
  • LOWVILLE- Aquatics and Walk with Ease classes through Double-Play Community Center will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday through October 28th.  Aquatic program is  from 7-7:45am at Lowville Academy and Beaver River Central School. Walk with Ease is at Brookside Senior Living Community from 1-2 pm. Please call the Office for the Aging to register. 
  • OLD FORGE-All are invited to “Walk and Talk” with friends and neighbors on a weekly basis, each Tuesday through Thanksgiving at 1:30 pm. The group will meet in the joint Old Forge Library and Niccolls Church parking lot at 220 Crosby Blvd. Niccolls Nurses conceived the idea as a way to provide both socialization and movement to those interested and the library wanted in on the action. The many benefits to be had by walking and talking include controlling blood pressure, lowering risk of chronic disease, maintaining healthy weight, fighting cancer, improving heart health, enhancing mental health, boosting mood, reducing stress, strengthening bones and being happier because you are socializing with fun people. Walk and Talk Tuesdays will take place through November 26. There will be a group leader on hand and distance and pace will be adjusted to be comfortable for each walker. The Old Forge Library will have pedometers available to anyone who would like to keep track of steps from mid-September through Thanksgiving. 
  • BOONVILLE-Summer Story Hour with Mrs. Hannah begins Tuesday, July 9th at 10am at the Erwin Library in Boonville. Every Tuesday Mrs. Hannah will read a specially picked story, have a fun craft, and delicious snack! Children of all ages can come enjoy the fun! Cost: FREE
  • LOWVILLE-Join the Lowville Free Library for a weekly storytime, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game. 
  • BOONVILLE-Erwin Yarniacs Meet every Tuesday from 1-3pm at the Erwin Library in Boonville to work together on their knitting and crocheting projects. This group is for all levels, from beginner to advanced, and together will help you get the project done.
  • OLD FORGE-Wednesday night Craft Get-Togethers at the Old Forge Library continue on most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm 
  • PORT LEYDEN-Free Community Dinner at New Covenant Christian Community Church in Port Leyden on the first Wednesday of each month from 4:30 to 6 PM and community prayer at 6:30 PM  
  • BOONVILLE-Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce Farmer’s Market is every Thursday from June 22nd through October 5th from noon til 6pm at Erwin Park. 
  • BOONVILLE-ToePath Trekkers weekly run and walks are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. They meet in the Lansing Pavilion in Erwin Park and run and walk the towpath, followed by social time after. Hot dogs and water are provided.
  • LYONS FALLS-Beginning Thursday, July 11th, The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, will host a free educational program for teens by The Northern Regional Center for Independent Living (NRCIL)—"What's Good About Teen Anger." The class meets weekly at 3 p.m. on Thursdays through October 31st. Call the Library (315-348-6180) for more information.
  • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Farmers Market will be held in the parking lot of the George Hiltebrant Recreation Center, 201 North Street.  The Old Forge Farmers Market (OFFM) will be held every Friday through October 11th, rain or shine, and operates from 1 pm until 5 pm. Parking is plentiful. For information on the Old Forge Farmers Market, please contact LivingADK at 315.369.3353 or follow the Old Forge Farmers Market on Facebook & Instagram. Hope to see you there!
  • PORT LEYDEN-Story Hour-Every Friday 10-11 am following the South Lewis school calendar. Children are read to, make a craft, play games and take a snack home.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE–Join us at Constable Hall for a delightful high tea experience! Enjoy a leisurely summer afternoon, taking in the beautiful surroundings, with a cup of tea. High tea will be served every Sunday from 1-4 PM until the end of September. Be sure to come back and explore different themed teas throughout the season. We can't wait to welcome you to the veranda!
  • BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will have banners on display on poles throughout the Village from Memorial Day through Veterans Day. 
  • LEWIS COUNTY-Lewis County Office for the Aging offers a home delivered meal program where meals are delivered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with a frozen meal available for Tuesdays and Fridays providing 5 meals total throughout the week.  This program is for people 60+ who are more home bound and maybe unable to make healthy balanced meals for themselves. They also have Community dining sites where people 60+ that are more independent can gather and have lunch together Monday through Thursdays all of which serve around 11:30am-11:45am  Croghan- Steepleview courts.  Harrisville - Harris Courts. Lyons Falls - McManus Hotel  Copenhagen- Copenhagen United Church.  Lowville - Maple Ridge Center. These Programs are funded by Federal, State, and local sources. There is a suggested Contribution of 3.50 per meal. Cash, checks, and SNAP are accepted.
  • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., will host a series of presentations on several Thursdays throughout the Fall that address the topics of diversity, inclusion and equity. On September 26 at 5 pm., The Kelberman Center, of Utica, NY, presentation will be Autism & Developmental Disabilities: Awareness & Advocacy. This presentation will serve as a general introduction into Autism and other related intellectual and developmental disabilities. Statistics, early intervention, and outcomes are all discussed in an effort to raise awareness. The content ties in tightly with the importance of services/supports provided by Kelberman, the leading provider of autism services for children, adults and families in the Mohawk Valley and Central New York. Kelberman provides comprehensive programming and services for people throughout all phases of life, from early childhood through adulthood, including: Home and Community Based, Education, Clinical, Residential and Recreation and Camp. Each presentation will be led by a regional expert who can educate attendees about practices of equity and inclusion being used and practices to consider. By learning to support one another and to see beyond differences, we create stronger and more vibrant communities for everyone. There will be refreshments following each program. Other presentations in the series will include: 10/3/24 @ 5 pm: Mohawk Valley Resource Center, of Utica, NY: Refugees in Our Community and Regional Area 10/17/24 @ 6 pm: WHOLE ME, Inc., of Syracuse, NY, : Deaf Culture and Community 10/24/24 @ 5 pm: Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, of Utica, NY: Helping People, Changing Lives and Ending Poverty. The series was generously funded by the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up for the REACH Race hosted by Abundant Life. All funds raised will go toward the next Abundant Life mission to Honduras alongside Identity Mission.  When: Saturday, October 26th Location Start: Lansing Pavilion/Upper Pavilion @ Erwin Park in Boonville, NY Course: FREE kids run within the park at 9:30AM. 1 mile walk or run/ 5 mile run from the park to Towpath, out & back at 10AM. Cost: FREE kids run. $25 donation for 1mile/5mile course. Advanced Registration: - Menu -Reach RACE *This is a run/walk, non-competitive event. Not a chip-timed event. Same Day Registration: 9AM-10AM prior to event with $25 donation (Kids 9-9:30AM, free) Runner Packet Pickup: 9-10AM Saturday, October 26, 2024. Custom T-shirts will be $15, available with pre-registration until October 14.
  • PORT LEYDEN-Annual Book Sale at the Port Leyden Community Library starts Monday, September 30th through October during open hours.  Great selection and prices!
  • Two Roads”, an exhibit of pastel paintings by Joyce Hanson and Becky Harblin, will on display at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., from October 4th through November 8th. The exhibit’s opening reception will be held on Friday, October 4 from 5-7 pm. The public is invited to attend and enjoy light refreshments, meet the artists and view their work. Both artists have been strongly influenced by the Northern New York landscape. Becky Harblin is an Assoc. Member of the Pastel Society of America, and has been painting in pastels for a dozen years. An art major and ‘visual-thinker’ Becky also sculpts in various mediums, and is a published poet. Her process in most avenues of expression has a base in animism. She is influenced by her time steeped in Peruvian healing ways utilizing plants. Poetry, the light, and shadows of the day, are always part of her influences. Joyce Hanson achieved a BA and MFA and was an art educator for 25 years. Living deep in the Adirondack Mountains, surrounded by forests and lakes, her pastel paintings reflect the natural world in intimate detail. She has won numerous awards from national juried exhibitions, including but not limited to the Pastel Society of America's 'Enduring Brilliance', the Adirondack Pastel Society’s Annual Exhibition, and the Northeast National Exhibition. Joyce believes “The representation in my work is a moment in time in which only I will ever witness, and choose to create a point of change the story in an image, an unexpected visual I encounter: the wetness of rain or melting snow shooting rays of sun pushing through the darkness, an illuminated pathway to what I should see the sharp aftermath of a wind storm or the slow life and death of a tree.”


Next Week, Sunday, October 6th - Saturday, October 12th


  • BARNEVELD-Trenton Falls Trails will be open to the public  Sunday, October 6th from 9 am - 5 pm.  Refreshments will be available for purchase courtesy of the Stittville United Methodist Church.  Town of Trenton will provide volunteer trail guides.  Anyone who wishes to assist the volunteers should call Anne Getbehead at 315-865-6303. 
  • LOWVILLE-Mutt Strut by the Lewis County Humane Society at the Lewis County Fairgrounds Pavilion on Sunday October 6th from 11am – 3pm. Food truck, canine contests, mutt strut, raffles, wine tasting, clothing sale
  • REMSEN-he Remsen Arts Center presents Cincinnati Creek live concert on Sunday, October 6th at 3pm at 9627 Main Street, Remsen, NY. At the Door Cash Prices: $10 General Admission, $8 Members, $5 Students; Advance Sale and Door Credit Prices: $11 General Admission, $9 Members.  The group Cincinnati Creek is a local favorite that performs acoustic music including bluegrass, gospel, folk, and original tunes. Refreshments will be available at intermission. More event info at or Proceeds from the event will benefit the Remsen Arts Center.
  • MARTINSBURG-Autumn Harvest Worship at West Martinsburg Methodist Church on October 6th at 3pm.  Please bring a canned good or dry goods for the food pantry. 
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-The Constable Hall Online Auction will take place through October 8th at the Adirondack Asset Auctions website. A wide variety of items donated by local businesses and community members will be up for bid. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support and maintain historic Constable Hall. Come join the auction fun, bid early and bid often to show your support for the Hall.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, October 8th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is October 14th. pickup is at 200 Post St  October 25th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, October 8th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 8th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-The Constable Hall Online Auction will take place through October 8th at the Adirondack Asset Auctions website. A wide variety of items donated by local businesses and community members will be up for bid. All proceeds from the auction go directly to support and maintain historic Constable Hall. Come join the auction fun, bid early and bid often to show your support for the Hall.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is October14th. pickup is at 200 Post St  October 25th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • LYONS FALLS -Lyons Falls ALIVE will be meeting quarterly and as needed for special events.  All meetings will be held at the Lyons Falls Library and are open to the public.  New ideas and members are welcomed as they organize and plan community events that will strengthen the village.  Wednesday, October 9th at 5pm is the next meeting. 
  • LOWVILLE-Flu & Covid-19 vaccination clinics at the Lowville Fire Hall on Thursday October 10th from 3-5:30 pm.  Available to everyone 6 months and older.  Bring your insurance card with you. Sponsored by Lewis County Public Health. 
  • GREIG-Friday, October 11th, Protecting your Personal Information Online at the Brantingham-Greig Reading Room.  This presentation will cover the ins and outs of how to protect your personal information online. They will cover tips for staying safe in cyberspace, like safe browsing, how to recognize online scams, and when it’s OK — or not — to share your personal information online.  Classes are taught by Lowville Free Library and are intended for adults 60 and older. Look for other Senior Planet classes coming soon!
  • LOWVILLE-Saturday, October 12th, Farm and Market Storytime at Lowville Free Library from 11 am -12 pm.  Celebrate National Farmer’s Day with a storytime and Cornell Cooperative Extension Lewis’s Farm and market Play area set up at the library with toys to explore food from farm to market to table.  The play area will be open all morning and will pause around 11 am to read some stories and do an activity together.  
  • TURIN-Annual Rosary Rally - October 12th at Noon. Fatima garden at Spiritwalk located on West Main Street, Turin, NY. Recitation of the Rosary with the Chapel of Peace open for quiet time and Stations of the Cross walkway. All are welcome. Held rain or shine. Bring a chair. Light refreshments served. Call (315) 272-6168 for questions.
  • FORESTPORT-Foothills Artisans Fall Show Saturday October 12- Sunday October 13th, Forestport Town Offices, Rt. 28, Forestport
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