Community Events-Week of September 8th - September 14th
Sunday, September 8th
- LOWVILLE-The Adirondack Community Chorus, directed by Peg Nuspliger, will present a performance of gospel music and a hymn sing with the audience on Sunday, September 8th, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the historic West Martinsburg Methodist Church, 4824 West Martinsburg Road, Lowville.
- OSCEOLA-The Central Chapter of the NYS Old Tyme Fiddlers Assn. will be the featured performers at the North American Fiddlers Hall of Fame (HOF) and Museum on Sunday, September 8. The 2:00-5:00 pm concert at 1121 Comins Road in Osceola will include an opportunity for the audience to JAM from 3:00-4:00 pm while the Chapter takes its break.
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets tomorrow and every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old For
Monday, September 9th
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting tomorrow, Monday, September 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall
Tuesday, September 10th
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, September 10th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is September 16th. pickup is at 200 Post St September 27th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., is offering a complimentary Social Security Information program on Wednesday September 11 at 5:30 pm for pre-retirees ages 50-70. This one-hour financial education program is designed to help attendees learn the basics of Social Security and how to best apply the information in order to make an informed claiming decision prior to collecting them. Answers to frequently asked questions will be provided: • When is the best time to collect my Social Security benefits? • Can I collect benefits if I’m still working? • Is it better to collect benefits sooner rather than later? • How are my Social Security benefits calculated? • Should my spouse collect benefits on his/her own earnings history? This program is being presented as a community service by John Kalil, a Financial Advisor and the Founder & President of Retirement Solutions, LLC. The program is open to the public and there is no cost to attend. Due to seating limitations, advance registration is required. To RSVP, please contact the library directly at 315 369-6008 or e-mail
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . - REMSEN-Food Trucks and Community Event at Remsen Train Depot, Tuesday, September 10. Food trucks include Stathis Greek, Brake From the Grind, and The Good Life Ice Cream. The event runs 3 - 7pm and is free and open to the public, rain or shine. Community groups, small businesses, and vendors will set up to promote their organizations or goods, including Trenton Chamber of Commerce, Remsen Steuben Historical Society, Remsen Clay Target Club, River Bend Apiary, Pat's Homemade Breads, Plank Road Petals, Scentsy, Christine's Beeswax Candles, Heart & Sole Dance Studio and more. Remsen United Methodist Church will be collecting bottles and cans. The event is sponsored by the team Penguin Platoon and is a fundraiser for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Money raised helps fund research of the American Cancer Society as well as free patient services including a 24/7 Help Line (1-800-227-2345), and overnight stays at Hope Lodge. The team will be selling raffle tickets for a Ferris commercial mower donated by Clinton Tractor, Boscov shopping passes, and will have free literature regarding breast cancer awareness and cancer screening programs. Contact Carol at 315-831-3052 for information, or watch the Facebook Event for updates.
- The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, is hosting a free nutrition class by the Cornell Cooperative Extension about Sugary Beverages on Tuesday, September 10th at 4 pm. Learn how to make smart choices by choosing drinks with less sugar to quench your thirst. Call the Library (315-348-6180) to reserve your seat.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, September 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is September 16th. pickup is at 200 Post St September 27th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
Wednesday, September 11th
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is September 16th. pickup is at 200 Post St September 27th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- CONSTABLEVILLE-Live at the Constableville Bandstand: Andy Wendt & Brian Beyer on Wednesday, September 11th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Hot dog, chips, and a drink available for $5 donation to the Constableville for Tomorrow Entertainment fund.
- LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.
- PROSPECT- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
- LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM
Thursday, September 12th
- BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm
Friday, September 13th
- LYONS FALLS- The last Food Truck Friday is September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. Food trucks, live music, and lawn games. The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, will be on hand in Lyons Falls’ Riverside Park during Food Truck Friday, on September 13th, from 4 to 8 p.m. Stop by our table for fun and information!
- MALONE-Franklin County Ag Society in Malone presents the LUMBER JACK WEEKEND! Friday September 13th though Sunday September 15th for just $5 per person! There will be over fifty vendors on site, the trackside tavern will be open, food trucks, Music and then there's all the LumberJack Events! Log Rolling, Wood carving, speed carving, Obstacle Pole, Men's and women's endurance race. If it's got Wood it's happening all weekend at The Franklin County Ag Lumber Jack Weekend September 13th to 15th. See the list of events at F R C O Fair Dot Com!
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
- BOONVILLE-The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church.
Saturday, September 14th
- MALONE-Franklin County Ag Society in Malone presents the LUMBER JACK WEEKEND! Friday September 13th though Sunday September 15th for just $5 per person! There will be over fifty vendors on site, the trackside tavern will be open, food trucks, Music and then there's all the LumberJack Events! Log Rolling, Wood carving, speed carving, Obstacle Pole, Men's and women's endurance race. If it's got Wood it's happening all weekend at The Franklin County Ag Lumber Jack Weekend September 13th to 15th. See the list of events at F R C O Fair Dot Com!
- INLET-Join us Saturday, September 14th at Arrowhead Park, Inlet, Fourth Lake. There will be a 10 year celebration of the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest raft of canoes, kayaks and guide boats held together by human hands. There will be an attempt to re-break this record. Health Fair, Music & Registration start at 7am and Paddlers should be in position for 12:00 photo/video. This is a fundraiser for many organizations to support breast cancer awareness, children’s hospitals, first responders, and a local Kiwanis Club.
- BOONVILLE-Boonville Fire Company is having a Pork Ribs Barbecue on Saturday, September 14th from 10 am til gone. $25 for a Full Rack of Pork Ribs or $18 for a dinner which includes 1/2 rack of Pork Ribs, coleslaw, baked beans and roll. This will be at the corner of Main Street and Church Street in Boonville. All proceeds go to the Fire Company
- HOLLAND PATENT-American Legion Post 161 Family is sponsoring it's annual Pig Roast on September 14th from Noon til Gone! Meal with 2 sides - $16.00 There are 4 sides to choose from: salt potatoes, corn, macaroni salad or beans There will be raffles going on as well. Stop down and see us at 9550 Depot Street, Holland Patent, NY All proceeds of the pig roast will be donated to Clear Path for Veterans
- WATERTOWN-Jefferson & Lewis County’s Out of the Darkness Community Walk with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on Sunday September 15th at Thompson Par. Onsite activities start at 11 am, opening ceremony is at 12:15 pm followed by the walk. Free music and food after the walk for all participants. Register today at
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Ongoing Events
- The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, is accepting donations for our Craft Supply Swap, from September 6–17 during Library hours. We welcome any clean, usable crafting items and supplies! (The Craft Swap will be held on September 20, 21 and 24. )
- TURIN-South Lewis FFA is having a Tractor Show on Sunday, September 29th from 1-6 pm at South Lewis Central School. Pre-registration is required. They will have prizes and many activities like cornhole, coloring, face painting, a bake sale, and more. Register by Monday, September 16th by emailing
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text 315-681-1451. Entry Fee is $20 per tractor. - LYONS FALLS-The Adirondack Community Chorus (ACC), directed by Peg Nuspliger, is inviting singers to participate in their upcoming fall Concert entitled “Our Heritage in Song,” to be performed on Sunday, October 20th, 3 p.m., at Forest Presbyterian Church in Lyons Falls. Rehearsals will be held at the Church, beginning Sunday September 15th. No audition is required to participate in the Chorus. For more information contact [
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]. - LOWVILLE- Aquatics and Walk with Ease classes through Double-Play Community Center will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday from September 16th-October 28th. Aquatic program is from 7-7:45am at Lowville Academy and Beaver River Central School. Walk with Ease is at Brookside Senior Living Community from 1-2 pm. Please call the Office for the Aging to register.
- BOONVILLE-Summer Story Hour with Mrs. Hannah begins Tuesday, July 9th at 10am at the Erwin Library in Boonville. Every Tuesday Mrs. Hannah will read a specially picked story, have a fun craft, and delicious snack! Children of all ages can come enjoy the fun! Cost: FREE
- LOWVILLE-Join the Lowville Free Library for a weekly storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
- BOONVILLE-Erwin Yarniacs Meet every Tuesday from 1-3pm at the Erwin Library in Boonville to work together on their knitting and crocheting projects. This group is for all levels, from beginner to advanced, and together will help you get the project done.
- OLD FORGE-Wednesday night Craft Get-Togethers at the Old Forge Library continue on most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm
- PORT LEYDEN-Free Community Dinner at New Covenant Christian Community Church in Port Leyden on the first Wednesday of each month from 4:30 to 6 PM and community prayer at 6:30 PM
- BOONVILLE-Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce Farmer’s Market is every Thursday from June 22nd through October 5th from noon til 6pm at Erwin Park.
- BOONVILLE-ToePath Trekkers weekly run and walks are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. They meet in the Lansing Pavilion in Erwin Park and run and walk the towpath, followed by social time after. Hot dogs and water are provided.
- LYONS FALLS-Beginning Thursday, July 11th, The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, will host a free educational program for teens by The Northern Regional Center for Independent Living (NRCIL)—"What's Good About Teen Anger." The class meets weekly at 3 p.m. on Thursdays through October 31st. Call the Library (315-348-6180) for more information.
- OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Farmers Market will be held in the parking lot of the George Hiltebrant Recreation Center, 201 North Street. The Old Forge Farmers Market (OFFM) will be held every Friday through October 11th, rain or shine, and operates from 1 pm until 5 pm. Parking is plentiful. For information on the Old Forge Farmers Market, please contact LivingADK at 315.369.3353 or follow the Old Forge Farmers Market on Facebook & Instagram. Hope to see you there!
- CONSTABLEVILLE–Join us at Constable Hall for a delightful high tea experience! Enjoy a leisurely summer afternoon, taking in the beautiful surroundings, with a cup of tea. High tea will be served every Sunday from 1-4 PM until the end of September. Be sure to come back and explore different themed teas throughout the season. We can't wait to welcome you to the veranda!
- BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will have banners on display on poles throughout the Village from Memorial Day through Veterans Day. LEWIS COUNTY-Lewis County Office for the Aging offers a home delivered meal program where meals are delivered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with a frozen meal available for Tuesdays and Fridays providing 5 meals total throughout the week. This program is for people 60+ who are more home bound and maybe unable to make healthy balanced meals for themselves. They also have Community dining sites where people 60+ that are more independent can gather and have lunch together Monday through Thursdays all of which serve around 11:30am-11:45am Croghan- Steepleview courts. Harrisville - Harris Courts. Lyons Falls - McManus Hotel Copenhagen- Copenhagen United Church. Lowville - Maple Ridge Center. These Programs are funded by Federal, State, and local sources. There is a suggested Contribution of 3.50 per meal. Cash, checks, and SNAP are accepted.
- BOONVILLE-The Lewis County Humane Society is always in need of pet food so for the month of September the Great Lot Sportsman's Club and Charlie's Liquor will once again be collecting dog/Cat Food. If you'd like to donate some food or pet supplies, you can drop them off at Charlie's Liquor in Boonville anytime starting today between 9am-8pm. If you need to deliver any other time of day you can just leave the donation on the steps with a note who it's from. If you'd like to donate and cannot drop it off, we'd be happy to come pick it up from you, just give me, Guy a call at (315) 378-7592 and schedule a pickup time. The humane society prefers Purina but will accept any pet food or toys. At the end of the month, we'll load up all the donations and head to the humane society. Everyone is invited to join us. They have lots of dogs and cats available for adoption on their website.
Next week, September 15th-21st
- WATERTOWN-Jefferson & Lewis County’s Out of the Darkness Community Walk with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on Sunday September 15th at Thompson Par. Onsite activities start at 11 am, opening ceremony is at 12:15 pm followed by the walk. Free music and food after the walk for all participants. Register today at
- COPENHAGEN-Copenhagen Fire Department Auxiliary is having a Roast Pork Dinner on Sunday, September 15th from noon until gone at the Copenhagen Fire Hall. Roast pork with gravy and stuffing, applesauce, green beans, mashed potatoes and poke cake for $14. Take out or eat in. To pre-order contact 315-767-6170 or 315-688-4103. Delivery to elderly and handicapped.
- LOWVILLE-Sept. 15 Matt Chase will be playing 1-4. Doors open at noon and the kitchen will be open. Admission is $6. All are Welcome!
- OSCEOLA-Fiddlin’s Fun, the Southern Tier chapter of the NYS Old Tyme Fiddlers Assn. (NYSOTFA) will make their annual journey to 1121 Comins Road in Osceola NY on Sunday, September 15. The group will play at the North American Fiddler’s Hall of Fame (HOF) and Museum from 2:00-5:00 pm. Members of the Audience will be invited to jam from 3:00-4:00 pm while Fiddlin’s Fun takes their break.
- LOWVILLE-Lewis County Public Health and the Countryside Veterinary Clinic announce the Fall Rabies Clinic on Tuesday, September 17th from 7pm till 8pm at the Lewis County Fairgrounds in the LeRoy Nichols Building. Vaccination is for all dogs, cats and ferrets, 3 months of age or older. Please have dogs on a leash, cats and ferrets in a carrier or pillow case and bring your past vaccination records. A $10 dollar per pet donation is suggested. Be sure to get your pet vaccinated at the Rabies Clinic, Tuesday, September 17th from 7 till 8pm at the Lewis County Fairgrounds in the LeRoy Nichols Building.
- CROGHAN-Stone soup drive thru dinner at Croghan Mennonite Church on Thursday, September 19 from 4-5 pm. We will be serving Stuffed shells in meat sauce, tossed salad, assorted breads and dessert. All are welcome.
- BOONVILLE-Join the Black River Valley Business and Community Alliance for a group session “What does self-care look like” on Thursday, September 19th from 5:30-7:30 pm at Dodge Pratt Northam’s Art and Community Center at 106 Schuyler Street in Boonville. The Neighborhood Center’s Community Mental Health Promotion and Support Team will be providing interactive training materials and light refreshments will be provided.
- LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street announces our greatly anticipated Craft Supply Swap, held during Library hours on September 20, 21, and 24. You’re welcome to participate, with or without a “swap.”
- BOONVILLE-On September 20th, the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties will host the third annual “Mohawk Valley Gives,” a 24-hour community-wide giving day to benefit nonprofit organizations serving the Mohawk Valley. Erwin Library is one of these organizations, and these funds help us provide programs for our community and much needed upkeep of our historic building. To donate, please go to and search for Erwin Library.
- GLENFIELD-There will be a dance at the Three G Fire Hall at 6229 Blue St in Glenfield on Saturday, September 21st from 7pm -11pm. $5 per person. Food, Fun, Dance.
- BOONVILLE-The Adirondack High School Class of 2004 will be hosting a 20-year reunion on Saturday, September 21st. Classmates are welcome to attend the Homecoming football game as Adirondack hosts Solvay at 1:00pm. In addition to Homecoming Festivities, there will be Athletic Hall of Fame Inductions during halftime. All are welcome to convene at the football game and/or meet immediately after the game (~3:30pm) at Woodland Farm Brewery at the Hulbert House. This is a casual event. Classmates can request to join the "Adirondack High School Class of 2004" Facebook group or email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ." - BOONVILLE-Chicken Riggies Dinner Homemade Utica Chicken Riggies Dinner (hot or Mild), salad and bread, all for $12.00. Eat in or take out. Various desserts for purchase. Saturday September 21 @ 4:00 pm. until gone. Boonville Methodist Church.
- LOWVILLE-Sept. 21st 7-10pm the Nelson Brothers will joining us! Admission is $6 and the kitchen will be open! All are welcome!
Looking ahead, September 22nd-year end
- OSCEOLA-Roger Thesier’s House Party will mark the end of the 2024 Season on Sunday, the 22nd.. Bring a dish to share to the 12:30 luncheon, share your impressions of the season’s series, and then enjoy the closing jam at 2:00 p.m.
- CARTHAGE-5th Annual 5K Walk/Run for Recovery held in memory of Keegan Willis. This event is free and open to the public. Bring your family, come out and raise awareness about addiction and support others in recovery. Food truck, local prevention and recovery agencies, Narcan training, freebies and prizes. All proceeds go to support local agencies. September 22nd registration at 2pm at Carthage Park, 1 Park Drive, Carthage. T-shirts are available for $15. For more information call/text 315-777-7548 or visit our Facebook page
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 24th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- PORT LEYDEN-Port Leyden Community Library to host AARP Driving Course September 25th. Please register at the library or call 315-348-6077.
- FORESTPORT-on Wednesday, September 25th, Town of Forestport’s 2nd Annual Expo from 10am-2pm at the Town of Forestport Offices at 10275 State Route 28 in Forestport.
- FORESTPORT-on Wednesday, September 25th, the Upstate University Hospital’s Mammography Van will visit the Forestport Town Offices. Screenings will be available between 10 am and 4 pm. Women are encouraged to schedule an appointment at 315-464-2588 or online at
- LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, presents a “Save Money, Save Energy” workshop, with Energy Advisor Carson Schweinsberg on Wednesday, September 25, from 5 to 6 pm. Learn strategies for energy efficiency and reducing energy bills, discover how buildings lose energy, and get valuable information on energy programs and incentives.
- LOWVILLE-The Lowville Lions Club is having their 9th annual Garage Sale at the Leroy Nicholas Building at the Lewis County Fairgrounds on Wednesday September 25th from 9 am til 6pm, Thursday, September 26th from 9am -5pm, Friday, September 27th from 9am -5pm, and Saturday, September 28th from 8am -3pm.
- LOWVILLE-The Lowville Lions Club is having their 9th annual Garage Sale at the Leroy Nicholas Building at the Lewis County Fairgrounds on Thursday, September 26th from 9am -5pm, Friday, September 27th from 9am -5pm, and Saturday, September 28th from 8am -3pm.
- LOWVILLE-The Lowville Lions Club is having their 9th annual Garage Sale at the Leroy Nicholas Building at the Lewis County Fairgrounds on Friday, September 27th from 9am -5pm, and Saturday, September 28th from 8am -3pm.
- GLENFIELD-Lewis County Office for the Aging invites you to Fall Fest on Friday, September 27th from 9am till 3pm at the 3G Fire Hall in Glenfield. Take advantage of a Flu Shot Clinic, a public hearing, a variety of vendors and a delicious Turkey Dinner provided by McManus Catering served from Noon till 1pm. Then finish the afternoon from 1 till 3 with great music by Tony Levesque. Please call to reserve your dinner at 315-376-5313 by Friday September 20th.
- BOONVILLE-Pickup for Food Sense Boonville is September 27th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- LYONS FALLS-Our popular Lego Club meets Friday, September 27th, at the Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, from 3:45 to 4:45 pm. This free program, with its wealth of Legos and books with Lego activities, is open to all school-age children and their caregivers. Call the Library with questions (315-348-6180).
- WEST LEYDEN-The West Leyden Reformed Church Lord's Acre Auction will be held on Friday, September 27th at 7:00 pm at the West Leyden Fire Hall, located at 1046 State Route 26, West Leyden. A wide variety of items including homemade pies, baked goods, fudge, crafts, garden produce, and collectibles will be auctioned. Dick LeClar will be the auctioneer. Our mission raffle tickets and snacks will be available. Proceeds from this auction will benefit the church fuel fund.
- LOWVILLE-The Lowville Lions Club is having their 9th annual Garage Sale at the Leroy Nicholas Building at the Lewis County Fairgrounds on Saturday, September 28th from 8am -3pm.
- LYONS FALLS-Basket Raffle and Tailgate/Crafters Event on Saturday, September 28th from 10 am - 2pm at Riverside Park in Lyons Falls. Raffles, Food, drinks available.
- LOWVILLE-Harvest Festival and Craft Fair September 28, 2024 10 AM -3 PM New Bremen Fire Hall 8154 NY-12 Lowville, NY 13367 Come start your Christmas Shopping with a variety of vendors at the New Bremen Fire Hall!
- CROGHAN-A Night of Music with The Meyer Family & Friends To Benefit the Croghan Food Pantry Saturday, September 28, 2024 At the Croghan Ice Rink Food Trucks, Bake Sale Starting at 5 pm. Music 6:00 - 9:00 pm Show your support with a donation of a non-perishable food item and/or monetary donation.
- TURIN-South Lewis FFA is having a Tractor Show on Sunday, September 29th from 1-6 pm at South Lewis Central School. Pre-registration is required. They will have prizes and many activities like cornhole, coloring, face painting, a bake sale, and more. Register by Monday, September 16th by emailing
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text 315-681-1451. Entry Fee is $20 per tractor. - BOONVILLE-Wednesday October 2nd, there will be a Public Workshop at Erwin Library in Boonville to collect feedback on proposed projects, vision, and goals for the Boonville Forward grant. If you’re unable to attend please visit for additional information and watch for the survey which opens September 25th.
- CASTORLAND-Craft Fair on October 5th from 10 am - 4 pm at Castorland Fire Company Fire Hall, 5187 State Route 410 in Castorland. Local crafters, vendors, artists, many unique homemade and local products brought to you by North Country Entrepreneurs.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, October 8th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is October14th. pickup is at 200 Post St October 25th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, October 8th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 8th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is October14th. pickup is at 200 Post St October 25th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- LYONS FALLS -Lyons Falls ALIVE will be meeting quarterly and as needed for special events. All meetings will be held at the Lyons Falls Library and are open to the public. New ideas and members are welcomed as they organize and plan community events that will strengthen the village. October 9th at 5pm is the next meeting.
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on October 14th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- LYONS FALLS-The Adirondack Community Chorus (ACC), directed by Peg Nuspliger, is inviting singers to participate in their upcoming fall Concert entitled “Our Heritage in Song,” to be performed on Sunday, October 20th, 3 p.m., at Forest Presbyterian Church in Lyons Falls. Rehearsals will be held at the Church, beginning Sunday September 15th. No audition is required to participate in the Chorus. For more information contact [
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]. - BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 22nd, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- ROME-Please join us for assorted soups and baked goods at our HOPE IN A BOWL OF SOUP event! This will be held at the Center for Family Life and Recover Rome office, located at 201 West Dominick Street. For more information, please call: 315-795-5229 OR e-mail:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - BOONVILLE-Saturday, October 26th from 12pm - 3pm, Trunk or Treat Festival will be taking place at the Boonville Fairgrounds. To register a trunk or to be a vendor, email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Find the event on Facebook for more information. - BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, November 5th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is November 11th. pickup is at 200 Post St November 22nd from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is November 11th. Pickup is at 200 Post St November 22nd from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on November 11th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, November 12th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 12th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 26th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, December 3rd from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is December 9th. pickup is at 200 Post St December 20th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for this order is December 9th. pickup is at 200 Post St December 20th from 12-2pm. Find us on Facebook at .
- BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on December 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- LYONSDALE-Tuesday, December 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, December 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.