Week of March 10th-March 16th
Monday, March 11th
- The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on Monday, March 11th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
- The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall
Tuesday, March 12th
- Sign up for Boonville Food Sense is Tuesday March 12th from 11;00 am to 3:00 pm and Wednesday March 13th from 11:30 to 3:30 pm at the Methodist Church on Main Street. Come out and wish Diane the best as she retires from the program and meet your new Coordinator!
- Adirondack Central School Regular Board of Education Meeting Tuesday, March 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the High School
- South Lewis Central School Regular Board of Education Meeting Tuesday March, 12th at 6:30 PM in the Board Room.
- Tuesday, March 12th and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm.
- Tuesday, March 12th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
Wednesday, March 13th
- Sign up for Boonville Food Sense is Wednesday March 13th from 11:30 to 3:30 pm at the Methodist Church on Main Street. Come out and wish Diane the best as she retires from the program and meet your new Coordinator!
- Wednesday March 13th, a half-hour Lenten Service will be held at the First Baptist Church of Boonville, NY at 12:05. Lunch at 12:30.
- Free Community Dinner at New Covenant Christian Community Church in Port Leyden Wednesday, March 13th from 4:30 to 6 PM.
- Wednesday March 13th is Craft Get-Together Night at the Old Forge Library from 5:30-6:30 pm
- Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.
- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets tomorrow and every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
- The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM
Thursday, March 14th
- On Thursday March 14th, Trinity Episcopal Church in Lowville will hold a free stone soup supper. It is curbside take-outs only, and will begin at 4:00pm until gone. The menu is Spanish Rice, a vegetable, roll/bread, and dessert.
Friday, March 15th
- Boonville American Legion Lenten Dinners will take place on Fridays through -March 29th to raise money for youth and veteran programs.
- Westernville American Legion Lenten Dinners will take place on Fridays through March 29th from 4:30-7pm.
- The Lowville American Legion Auxiliary hosts a Lenten Dinner each Friday through March 22nd from 4:30-7pm for $14. Dinner includes fried or baked fish, salt potatoes.
- Auction Friday March 15th at the Lowville Elks to benefit Autism Speaks & the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Admission is $5. Doors open at 5:45, Auction at 6.
- The Turin Library hosts line dancing Friday, March 15th at 6:00 at the South Lewis School multi-purpose room. Country and other music genres so there’s fun for all!
- Port Leyden Fire Department Bingo resumes Friday, March 15th at 7pm with doors opening at 6, and Bingo will be held every 2 weeks.
- The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church
- The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 AM at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Saturday, March 16th
- Saturday, March 16th from 7am-11am, International Maple Museum Centre in Croghan has Pancake Breakfast. $12 for adults, $7 for children ages 5-12. Have breakfast and then tour the exhibits in the museum.
- Saturday, March 16th, the Lowville Fire Department will be holding a Chicken Barbecue!
- Saturday March 16th, the Boonville Fire Company, in conjunction with the Boonville Environmental Conservation Council and Virtually Yours, is sponsoring a bowling tournament and Raffle to benefit the charity Believe 271. Believe 271’s mission is to help Firefighters, auxiliaries, and family members experiencing cancer. The raffle will be from 12-7pm and the tournament starts at 3pm at Boonville Bowl
- St. Patrick’s Day weekend is bustling in Boonville. The Black River Valley Business and Community Alliance presents a Development Disabilities Awareness Event at the VFW on Sunday, March 17th from 10-1pm. Then there will be Face painting in the little Village Park from 1-3 pm and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is at 2pm on Main Street. Also in Boonville St. Patty’s Day weekend is a Pub Crawl on Saturday March 16th and a Food Crawl on
- Saturday, March 16th from 2-5 pm, Tony “Long Toes” Levesque will be playing at the Boonville VFW.
- Saturday, March 16th, there will be a dance at Three G Fire hall in Glenfield from 7-11 pm. Cover Charge $5.
- Saturday, March 16th- J&K Karaoke will be at the Lewis County Memorial VFW Post 6912 from 7-10pm. Stop by and listen to some great entertainment with singers from our local area.
- The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Sunday, March 17th (St. Patrick's Day!)
- Sunday, March 17th from 7am-11am, International Maple Museum Centre in Croghan has Pancake Breakfast. $12 for adults, $7 for children ages 5-12. Have breakfast and then tour the exhibits in the museum.
- The West Leyden Reformed Church has a drive-thru ham and scalloped potato dinner from Noon to 2:30 on Sunday, March 17th. Dinner is ham, scalloped potatoes, carrots, applesauce, coleslaw, roll, and a dessert for $14. Takeout only.
- The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Sunday at 5:30 at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Ongoing, temporary:
- Boonville’s Hometown Hero Banner Applications are due by March 20th. Pick an application up at the Boonville Legion, VFW, Elks Lodge, Boonville Herald Office, or Sattler’s Barber shop.
- Lowville Little League Registration is open until Thursday March 21st. NO late registrations can be accepted. Assessments are on Saturday, March 23rd at 10 am at Lowville High School.
- Adirondack High School presents the Musical Mamma Mia! On March 20th, 21st and 22nd. You can purchase tickets online with a credit card or at the High School using cash or check from 9am -11 am in front of the library through March 15th and on March 16th in the High School gym lobby.
- The Lyons Falls library's famous Annual Basket Raffle and Local Student Art Show runs from Tuesday March 19th through Saturday March 30th during regular library hours (Tu. and Wed. 3 - 7 p.m. Thurs. And Fri. 1 - 5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. - Noon)! Basket Raffle tickets are 25 for $5. Student art work will be available for viewing throughout the library.
- Dodge Pratt Northam Art and Community Center in Boonville will have an exhibit of the photography of Bruce Morrisson open for viewing through the month of March.
- The American Legion is seeking boys with outstanding qualifications in character and leadership to attend the American Legion Boys State Program. High School Juniors should contact their Guidance Counselors. (through March)
- The Old Forge Library Community Poetry and Art Extravaganza Contest and Exhibit will be on display at the library until May 4th.
- Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida County and Mohawk Valley Small Business Development Center are hosting a series of FREE online and in person learning events for taking agricultural business or value-added business to the next level. Visit flackbroadcasting.com and view our calendar for more details. (Ends May 21)