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$200,000 up for grabs in third-round of Lewis County Façade and Streetscape Improvement funding

Published on August 31, 2023

Lowville Downtown

LOWVILLE- Lewis County is announcing the launch of the third round of Façade and Streetscape Improvement funding, an initiative that incentivizes property owners, non-profits, business owners, and municipalities to perform façade improvements and streetscape enhancements in downtown areas countywide.

$200,000 is up for grabs this time around, according to a statement released this week from the office of Planning and Community Development. “The continued success of this program has proven the value of place-making investments in our community,” said Lewis County Manager, Ryan Piche.

“The County needs to remain focused on our downtowns and commercial districts in order to attract new investors, and retain the next generation of Lewis County families.”

The program offers 75/25 matching funds for eligible improvements to mixed-use and commercial buildings and streetscape enhancements in Lewis County’s villages and hamlets.

Open season for applications will be September 1 through November 3, with award notifications to be revealed in early December. Municipalities are invited to apply.

For more details, contact the office of Planning and Community Development: 315-376-5422. Details are also available online.

Lowville image.

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