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$850,000 available to expand farm-to-school programs across New York, says State Ag Commissioner Ball

Published on November 18, 2022

Farm to Schools New York Ag Department

New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball announced recently that $850,000 is now available for eligible school districts to expand Farm-to- School programs across New York State.

The program helps kindergarten through grade 12 schools increase the use of locally grown food on school menus while providing an economic benefit to New York’s farmers.

  A portion of the funding, $200,000, will be dedicated to applicants that have not received an award in previous rounds of the program. "The Farm-to-School Program is a great way to ensure New York’s students have access to fresh, healthy foods and they understand where their meals come from,” Commissioner Ball said.

“I’m proud that this program continues to help schools tap into the local food movement and serve healthier lunches with products either grown in their school garden or purchased from their community farmers. This is a win-win for our agricultural industry and for our state’s future leaders.”

Applicants eligible for Round 7 of the Farm-to-School program include kindergarten through grade 12 school food authorities, public schools, charter schools, not-for-profit schools, and other entities participating in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, or the Summer Food Service Program.

Not-for-profit entities working with school food authorities and eligible schools are also able to apply, and projects that partner with producers and food processors are encouraged.

Applicants can view and download the full Request for Applications here.  All applicants to Round 7 of the Farm-to-School Program can apply here. Proposals must be received by January 24, 2023, by 4:00 p.m.

Image courtesy via New York Department of Agriculture.

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