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AAA: National average gas price more than last month, but cheaper than this time last year

Published on May 02, 2023

AAA Gas Pump Money

The national average gas price Tuesday morning was just shy of $3.60, while New York’s average is slightly higher at $3.70, according to the AAA.

Amidst this development, experts say oil prices have trended downward. “The national average reached $3.68 last week, and that might be the peak price for now,” said Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson. “As long as the oil cost keeps wobbling around the low to mid $70s per barrel, drivers will benefit when they fuel up.”

AAA Gas Chart May 2 2023

The latest national average is over 20-cents more than a month ago, but 50-cents less than a year ago.

Last-year at this time, New Yorkers were paying an average price of $4.35 for gas.

Images via the AAA.

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