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Another notable increase in DWI arrests, tickets issued during annual State Police holiday enforcement blitz

Published on January 14, 2025

NYSP Ticket

Nearly 130,000 tickets were issued across New York during the annual State Police holiday enforcement blitz for 2024.

That’s an increase from nearly 107,000 tickets filed during the 2023 campaign. The enforcement period ran this year from December 11 through January 1.

“We want to remind drivers to make responsible choices every time they get behind the wheel,” State Police Superintendent Steven G. James said.

“I applaud the tremendous work put forth by our members and law enforcement partners that have contributed to the success of this enforcement. We know all too well the preventable tragedies caused by impaired, reckless and distracted driving."

“The high number of tickets issued during this enforcement period underscores the importance of these mobilizations in keeping New Yorkers and our visitors safe on the roads," said New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner and GTSC Chair Mark J.F. Schroeder.

"The message is clear: just drive. And the rules are simple: slow down, wear your seat belt, move over for stopped vehicles, put down your device, and never drive if you’re impaired. The ethos of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee is to save lives, and we will continue these enforcement campaigns until all dangerous drivers are eradicated.”

Over 4,200 impaired driving tickets were issued this-year, which is a notable increase from just over 3,000 last-year.

Furthermore, 750 people were arrested this year for DWI, compared to 510 the year prior.

The traffic enforcement campaigns are funded by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), which promotes and supports participation of law enforcement agencies at the state, county and local levels in high-visibility enforcement efforts.

Image via the office of New York Governor Kathy Hochul.

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