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AP: Judge rules that New York should pay up for Cuomo’s legal bills amidst sexual harassment lawsuit

Published on January 30, 2023


Should New York State be responsible for paying former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s legal fees as he battles a sexual harassment lawsuit, which prompted his resignation from office?

According to Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Shlomo Hagler, the answer is yes.

This latest development is from the Associated Press.

Judge Hagler suggested that it is up to either judge or jury to determine if Cuomo sexually harassed a State Trooper, who remains unidentified. Therefore, Cuomo’s state funded defense cannot be denied.

Cuomo filed lawsuit against New York Attorney General Letitia James last August, claiming she violated state law by rejecting public assistance on behalf of his defense.

Cuomo’s unidentified accuser was a member of his former security detail. She alleged that Cuomo would subject her to sexual remarks and, on occasion, would run his hand or fingers across her stomach and back.

Numerous other women stepped forwards with similar stories, prompting an exit from Cuomo in August, 2021.

Cuomo has since maintained his innocence.

Image via the former office of Andrew Cuomo.

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