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Copenhagen Central School hires School Resource Officer; Harrisville and South Lewis keep theirs in deal with Board of Legislators

Published on August 04, 2022

Copenhagen CSD

LEWIS COUNTY- A deal has been struck between certain Lewis County school districts and local lawmakers regarding resource officers.

During a meeting earlier in the week, the Board of Legislators unanimously said yes to a deal which paved way for both Harrisville and South Lewis Schools to maintain their resource officer, while Copenhagen Central School was able to hire one.

This update is according to the latest from WWNY-TV.

Officials say the contract now permits those districts to cover both salary and health insurance for a resource officer, as long as they perform their duties for a full-year, including summer school.

In addition, it’s reported that the county will pay what’s known as “legacy costs,” which tend to accumulate over time after a resource officer retires. 

Image courtesy via Copenhagen Central School District.

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