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DEC stresses hunter safety tactics with rifle opener in Northern Zone Saturday, October 26

Published on October 24, 2024

DEC Deer Hunting

Hunters are anticipating the opening day of rifle season in the North Country, which is Saturday, October 26, 2024.

The New York State DEC says although hunting accidents have shown consistent declines over the years, it is still very important for hunters to mind the basic safety habits while afield, such as treating every firearm as if it is loaded and keeping it pointed in a safe direction.

Furthermore, hunters are warned to confirm what their target is and what is or may be beyond it.

See full list of DEC hunting safety tips below:

  • Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
  • Control the muzzle, keep it pointed in a safe direction.
  • Identify your target and what lies beyond.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire; and
  • Wear hunter orange or pink.

Additional safety tips for hunters:

  • Inspect your tree stand before using it. Replace any worn or broken parts.
  • Buckle your full-body harness securely and use a tether and a lifeline.
  • Connect to the tree before your feet leave the ground and stay connected from the time you leave the ground to the time you get back down.
  • Let someone know where your stand is located and when you plan to be home.
  • Use a haul line to raise your unloaded gun or bow or cocked (but unloaded) crossbow with quiver up into the stand.
  • Always carry emergency equipment, such as a knife, cell phone, flashlight, and whistle in your pockets (not in your pack hanging in the tree).

During last-year’s hunting seasons, there were 12 documented incidents investigated by DEC, which tied 2019 for the second fewest hunting related shooting incidents on record.

That compares to 166 documented cases back in 1966.

Furthermore, the DEC says tree stand incidents are a major cause of hunting-related injuries, so tree stand safety has become a regular part of the hunter education course required for all first-time hunters in New York.

The proper use of tree stands and tree stand safety equipment will help to prevent these injuries and fatalities.

Used correctly, a harness and fall-arrest system keep the hunter connected from the time they leave the ground to the moment they get back down.

Many, if not all, tree stand incidents could be prevented if hunters follow the "ABCs" of tree stand safety:

  • Always remove and inspect the tree stand before use.
  • Buckle on the full body harness securely every time.
  • Connect to the tree before your feet leave the ground.

NYS DEC image.

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