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DEC to hunters: Be safe and share the woods responsibly

Published on November 15, 2022

DEC Deer Hunting

The peak of hunting season in New York’s Northern Zone is upon us and so is the firearm opening for the Southern Tier.

As activity in the woods increases, the New York State DEC is pleading with hunters to keep up with being safe and responsible while afield. "With most public land across New York State open to multiple forms of recreation, from hiking and nature photography to hunting and trapping, visitors should be cautious, courteous, and responsible when sharing the woods to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience," said Commissioner Seggos.

"DEC encourages all visitors to review the safety guidelines for hunting and recreating in the woods before going afield and respectfully sharing the outdoors with others."

DEC requires big game hunters using a firearm to wear hunter orange or pink and encourages non-hunters to wear blaze orange, blaze pink, or another bright color during fall and winter months to be seen more easily and from greater distances.

In addition, wearing bright colors makes it easier for Forest Rangers, Environmental Conservation Police Officers, and other rescue personnel to find lost, sick, or injured people afield.

NYS DEC image.

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