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Group of children who ended up lost near North Lake were led by man who was possibly intoxicated, DEC says

Published on August 03, 2022

Forest Ranger

OHIO- Authorities say a man was taken in for questioning in the wake of what was a very tense and anxious situation last Friday in the bottom edge of the Adirondacks.

It was shortly after 6:00 p.m. that evening when State Forest Ranger Bills began a search around the North Lake area for a missing group of kids, who were being led by a 47-year-old man.

According to the New York State DEC, the group was last seen by relatives shortly before noontime earlier that day.

Investigators said the group was out to find the Ice Cave Mountain Trial, but the man leading the group may have been intoxicated, according to family members.

The search grew larger and larger as the night wore on, including the addition of several more Rangers, State Police teams and K-9 units. Through the entire night, search teams worked endlessly on numerous trails near Ice Cave Mountain, Golden Stair Mountain and surrounding areas nearby – all yielding no results.

The search continued as the sun rose and by about 9:00 a.m., the group was finally located in a drainage north of Golden Stair Mountain.

DEC said the children were cold and hungry, as the overnight temperature had dipped into the upper 40’s that night.

Following an EMS evaluation, the kids were released and reunited with their families.

No name was provided initially from the DEC, but the man responsible for leading the group was taken in for questioning. 

Image courtesy via the New York State DEC.

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