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LCHS updates masking policy as New York scraps mandate

Published on February 14, 2023

LCHS Hospital

LOWVILLE- New York State's masking mandate for healthcare facilities has ended, but now it’s reportedly up to each facility to make its own decisions going forward.

For Lewis County Health System, officials have declared that employees, providers, patients, residents and visitors will no longer be required to mask-up as of February 14 at the main campus or affiliated locations.

This will be the case as long as local transmission rates countywide remain either moderate or low, officials clarified.

Signage will be posted upon entrance to each facility with the latest requirements.

"If Lewis County’s transmission rate rise to high COVID transmission levels potentially affecting public safety, masking will be reintroduced, and a notice posted at facility entrances indicating that patients, visitors, volunteers, and staff need to wear a face mask until levels return to moderate or lower,” said Dr. Sean Harney, Chief Medical Officer of Employed Practices.

If a visitor or patient has symptoms, officials encourage the use of masks to help reduce likelihood of exposure to others.

Image via Lewis County Health System.

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