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Multi-million-dollar capital improvement project proposed at Lowville Academy

Published on October 13, 2022

Lowville Academy Pic

LOWVILLE- A multi-million-dollar capital improvement project has been proposed at Lowville Academy.

The school board pitched the proposal during a public gathering Wednesday evening. According to the latest updates from WWNY-TV, the proposition has a cost of $15-million.

“Our students will have better access to better athletics, to better facilities, to better air quality because of the HVAC work,” superintendent Rebecca Dunckel King told reporters.

“We’re doing a lot of drainage work so that our plumbing will be better. Just all in all it will be a safer, more secure environment for everyone.”

Project highlights include more parking for the athletic fields, a new gymnasium floor and other work that needs to be done.

School officials clarified that this project would be state funded, meaning there is no direct cost to district taxpayers.

A vote is aimed for October 25.

Image courtesy via Lowville Academy and Central School.

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