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New York State Forest Rangers deployed to help contain wildfires in Idaho and Montana

Published on August 10, 2023

Forest Ranger

Numerous New York State Forest Rangers and expert wildland firefighters are being deployed to assist efforts to contain wildfires running amok in the states of Idaho and Montana.

According to DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos, New York State often deploys highly trained wildland firefighters to help battle wildfires as part of interstate and international firefighting compacts.

"New York is no stranger to the destruction wrought by extreme weather, climate change, and forest fires, and I applaud the selfless acts of those willing to step up and assist others in times of need,” he said.

DEC Forest Rangers have already been deployed three times this summer to assist with efforts to help contain wildfires in Canada, where more than 4,000 fires have burned an estimated 23.7 million acres.

The fires raging in Montana have burned an estimated 10,400 acres as of Monday, the DEC said.

NYS DEC image.

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