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New York State Police announces next Trooper entrance exam

Published on October 26, 2023

NYSP Trooper Entrance Exam October 2023

ALBANY, NY- The latest entrance exam to become a New York State Trooper is now open.

Applications will be accepted now through March 4, 2024, with the last day to take this examination being March 17, State Police officials clarified.

During the last recruitment effort, which concluded October 1, over 12,000 people applied for the exam, with a significant increase for the number of 29 to 34-year-olds applying.

Folks are reminded that the maximum citizen age to apply is 34, while Military applicants are eligible until the age of 42.

Salaries upon initial training at the Academy start just shy of $60,000. Minimal total compensation after one-year of service is nearly $100,000.

Other perks include full benefits and retirement.

To apply, one must meet the age requirements and a high school diploma (or equivalent).

As a reminder, State Police has revised its tattoo policy, where one may have tattoos on their chest, back or arms that must be covered completely with uniform and/or business attire.

Those interested are urged to reach out to a New York State Police recruiter by calling 1-518-485-0855. You can also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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