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Update: Red Cross assisting family who lost Ava home in Monday blaze

Published on January 24, 2023

AVA- We have confirmation that the Red Cross is now assisting the family who lost their home just south of West Leyden late Monday afternoon.

This development is according to the latest from West Leyden Fire Department. As reported earlier today, West Leyden was the primary responder to the scene of a structure fire at 12074 State Route 26, Ava, NY.

It happened shortly before 6:00 p.m. Firefighters said they witnessed flames coming out of several windows when they arrived on scene.

We are still anticipating further developments from emergency authorities.

Members from Constableville and Lee Center Fire Departments provided mutual aid.

In addition, Lewis County Fire Coordinator; Oneida County Fire Coordinator; Constableville Ambulance; Lewis County Sheriff’s Office and Boonville Municipal Office all provided assistance.

Image via West Leyden Fire Department.

*NOTE: This story was updated with additional information as of 10:44 a.m.

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