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Pratt Northam Foundation celebrating 60th anniversary

Published on August 29, 2022

Pratt Northam

The Pratt Northam Foundation is celebrating 60-years of investing and promoting local projects throughout the community.

Over the past 60 years, the Pratt Northam Foundation has distributed over $8.25 million dollars for community projects, college scholarships, career internships, summer recreation programs and school-based advocates.

It was formed and funded at the direction from the estate of Hazel Northam August 22, 1962.

The Pratt Northam Foundation seeks to be a catalyst to projects that improve the quality of life in the communities of the Black River Valley from Boonville to Carthage.

The Foundation provides financial support to not-for-profit organizations and government agencies through a grant process.

The Foundation values projects and opportunities for young people and also considers other innovative initiatives.

The Foundation values initiatives that have broad community support and substantial matching funds. 

Image courtesy via the Pratt Northam Foundation.

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