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Stefanik re-introduces bipartisan bill to combat against invasive species

Published on January 23, 2023

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Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik reintroduced the Stamp Out Invasive Species Act to help combat and raise awareness about the threat invasive species pose to Upstate New York and North Country ecosystems.

“Upstate New York and the North Country are home to the largest and most diverse ecosystem in New York State, including the Adirondacks, multiple lakes and rivers, and thousands of miles of trails, and I am committed to preserving it for our future generations,” Stefanik said.

“I am proud to lead this effort in Congress to help raise awareness about the threat these invasive species pose to our natural ecosystems and fund research that will help combat these predators.”

Specifically, this bill would direct the United States Postal Service to issue a “Combating Invasive Species Semi-postal Stamp.” Net proceeds from the sale of this stamp would be directed to the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior for programs that combat invasive species.

According to Stefanik’s office, an estimated 50,000 non-native invasive animal and plant species have been introduced to the United States, costing up to $100 billion annually.

Additionally, every state and U.S. territory has at least some form of invasive plant or animal tremendously impacting the natural biodiversity of our homes.

Image via the office of North Country Congresswoman Elise Stefanik.

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