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Community Events-Week of July 14th -July 20th

Sunday, July 14th

  • CONSTABLEVILLE-At Constable Hall on Sunday, July 14th @ 1:00pm for an informative and hands-on workshop with Sharon Stewart from Garden Thyme Herbs! Learn all about harvesting and using herbs from your own garden. Participants will walk away with a wealth of knowledge, new recipes, creative ideas, and some sample products they will make on site. The cost for this workshop is $15.00, which will support the historic garden fund. We recommend registering in advance to secure your spot and ensure there are enough supplies for everyone. To register, please contact the Hall by phone at 315-397-2323 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to enhance your gardening skills and bring some new herbal goodies into your home!
  • CONSTABLEVILLE–Join us at Constable Hall for a delightful high tea experience! Enjoy a leisurely summer afternoon, taking in the beautiful surroundings, with a cup of tea. High tea will be served every Sunday from 1-4 PM until the end of the season (excluding Father's Day). Be sure to come back and explore different themed teas throughout the season. We can't wait to welcome you to the veranda!
  • OSCEOLA-Bluegrass Music will fill the Pavilion at the North American Fiddler Hall of Fame and Museum site at 1121 Comins Road in Osceola on Sunday, July 14th from 2:00-5:00 pm with Joe LaMay and Sherri Reese.  
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets tomorrow and every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge

Monday, July 15th 

  • TURIN:  Waterline project updates“There will be some activity forthcoming with regards to the Turin Water infrastructure Improvement project with proposed stake out of proposed boring locations done last week; followed by the commencement of borings in the next 2 weeks”
  • ORISKANY-The CCE Oneida Master Gardeners will be hosting a daylily seminar on Monday, July 15! The public is invited to come learn all about invasiveness, raising seedlings, history, uses, anatomy, pests & problems, and see a wide variety of flower traits daylilies offer. See how daylilies have evolved (and been selectively bred) to produce traits from ruffles to beards and spiky tentacles to bicolor streaking.
  • PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall

Tuesday, July 16th

  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, July 16th, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game. 
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. All concerts begin at 6 pm. In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion. Please bring your own seating. Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited. Tuesdays
  • BOONVILLE-Summer Story Hour with Mrs. Hannah begins Tuesday, July 9th at 10am at the Erwin Library in Boonville. Every Tuesday Mrs. Hannah will read a specially picked story, have a fun craft, and delicious snack! Children of all ages can come enjoy the fun! Cost: FREE
    LOWVILLE-Join us for a weekly storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • BOONVILLE-Dodge Pratt Northam's summer youth art classes for ages 5-15 will begin on July 2 and will run on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until August 1. The theme this year is botanicals, and registration forms are available on DPN's website at, or by visiting the Center. Call 315-942-5133 or visit for more info.

Wednesday, July 17th

  • COPENHAGEN-The rescheduled date for Farmers Market Coupon distribution that was cancelled last Wednesday is going to be this Wednesday July 17th at the Copenhagen Fire Department from 10am till 11:30 am AND from 11:45 to 12:30 at McNeil Park Apartments in Copenhagen. For questions please call Lewis County Office for the Aging. 
  • OLD FORGE-On Wednesday, July 17 at 11 am, the Old Forge Library will host a SNAP-ED Cooking Workshop for Kids. Come learn an easy, healthy recipe with our friends at SNAP-ED and the Cornell Cooperative Extension. SNAP-ED, known as Eat Smart in New York (ESNY), is administered by a network of program providers including Cornell Cooperative Extension. ESNY provides nutritional educational materials and sponsors education events and classes in local communities on a variety of nutritional topics. Workshops for kids - because it's never too early to learn! - may focus on healthy meals and basic cooking and food safety skills. The goals of the Eat Smart New York program are to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink less sugar sweetened beverages and exercise more to balance calories eaten as part of a healthy lifestyle. Library programs are always free. Please register by calling the library at 315-369-6008 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A full schedule of summer programs is available at their website,
  • LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.
    PROSPECT- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
    LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM
  • OLD FORGE-Wednesday night Craft Get-Togethers at the Old Forge Library continue on most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-The C'villaires will be marching in the annual Constableville Fireman's parage August 3rd. We are looking for people to join the group in all areas of the band, especially drummers and trumpet players. Practices will be Wednesdays July 10, 17, 24 and 31 at 7pm at the C-ville Fire hall. Please join as many practices as possible if you'd like to join us on parade night. For more information please call Sarah Metott at 315-404-5571
  • OLD FORGE-Star Livingstone will lead the Old Forge Library's 2024 Summer Writers Workshop. The 5-session workshop will take place on Wednesdays through July 31 at 5:45 pm. Enrollment is limited to 15 participants and participants are asked to attend all 4 sessions. This fills up fast to call or email to reserve your spot! This 42 year tradition is a summer favorite. The workshop welcomes all levels of writing experience and all genres. The workshop title is "Playing with Words", in keeping with the Old Forge Library's summer themes of lightness and fun. Registrants are requested to come to the first meeting bringing a brief sample of a favorite piece of writing by any author. Star Livingstone, writer, naturalist, and educator has enjoyed an eclectic career sharing the challenge and mystery of language through teaching, tutoring, editing, leading writing groups, and creating poetry workshops for both adults and children. She has directed the West Falmouth library summer science school, the Easton Day Camp in Massachusetts, and shared her tree stories with the combined Falmouth schools' Arbor Day assembly. Star has long been involved with the Old Forge Library Poetry Contest both as a poetry judge and as the leader, for several years, of the pre-contest adult workshop. Star finds inspiration from both the natural world and human nature and, personally, finds poetry the most useful way to express the experience of being. She is the author of Harley, an early reader book and true story. She practices the principles of permaculture and poetry on a two-acre homestead in Woodgate, New York. Weekly workshops will culminate in a public open mic where participants and others can share polished work. The Open Mic Night is scheduled for Wednesday August 7 at 6 pm. The public is invited to come and listen to our local writers. Registrants are asked to attend all sessions. Please call the library at 315 369-6008 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register.

Thursday, July 18th

  • LOWVILLE-Thursday, July 18th from 9 am til 5pm at the Lowville Fairgrounds, Lewis County Office for the Aging presents Healthy Aging Day at the Fair.  Entertainment, education, and a puzzle contest!
  • BOONVILLE- July 18th at 11am - The Teddy Bear Workshop at Erwin Library in Boonville. The library is back with another Teddy Bear Workshop! We have everything you need for your child to make their very own stuffed animal. Cost is $10. Please call to register 315-942-4834 or stop by the library. Registration begins June 18th!
  • LOWVILLE-At Lowville Free Library on July 18th from 1-3pm, Drop in and make perler bead creations! Use a shaped board or grab a square board to make up your own design. Event free, all welcome!
  • BOONVILLE-The first public workshop for the Village of Boonville’s NY Forward program will be held on July 18th from 4:00 – 8:00 pm at the Erwin Library, 104 Schuyler St.  The Open Call application form can be found online at: Hard copies of the application are also available at the Boonville Village Hall and at the Erwin Public Library. All are welcome to attend and are invited to drop-in anytime from 4:00 – 8:00PM to learn more about the New York Forward Planning Process and leave comments. The Village also launched a community survey on July 3, 2024 to gather public input on the vision and development priorities for the NY Forward Area. The survey will remain open through July 25, 2024. The survey can be accessed at: More information about the Boonville NY Forward Program and a full schedule of meetings can be found at For more information about this press release, please contact: Lisa Kaiding, Village Treasurer and Grants Administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (315) 338-2880 ext.5
  • OLD FORGE-Local History Series will feature "Diving the Chain" talk by Mike Schreppel The Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., is pleased to host the Town of Webb Historical Association's Local History Series on Thursdays throughout the summer at 5 pm. The series features a different speaker each week who will give a presentation on a variety of local history subjects. The public is invited to come and enjoy the talks, ask questions, and share related information. Town of Webb Historical Association director Kate Lewis has lined up a diverse roster for this summer's talks. The popular series will feature Mike Schreppel on Thursday, July 18 leading a presentation about Diving the Chain. A former Navy diver, Mike began diving the Fulton Chain to seek out invasive species for the Fulton Chain of Lakes Association. Underwater, along with fish and plant life, he found a treasure trove of interesting objects, some of them historical in nature. Stunning photos of life under the surface will highlight his talk, as well as information on the persistent varieties of foreign species in the Chain. The Local History Series is free and open to the public.
  • BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm
  • BOONVILLE-Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce Farmer’s Market is every Thursday from June 22nd through October 5th from noon til 6pm at Erwin Park.
    BOONVILLE-ToePath Trekkers weekly run and walks are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. They meet in the Lansing Pavilion in Erwin Park and run and walk the towpath, followed by social time after. Hot dogs and water are provided.
  • LYONS FALLS-Beginning Thursday, July 11th, The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, will host a free educational program for teens by The Northern Regional Center for Independent Living (NRCIL)—"What's Good About Teen Anger." The class meets weekly at 3 p.m. on Thursdays through October 31st. Call the Library (315-348-6180) for more information.
  • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library is hosting the Town of Webb Historical Association's Local History Series on Thursdays throughout the summer at 5 pm. The series will feature a different speaker each week who will give a presentation and lead a discussion on a variety of interesting local history subjects. The public is invited to come and enjoy the talks, ask questions, and share related information.
  • OLD FORGE-Each Thursday in July the Old Forge Library will be doing a different Adventure in Art Craft! This schedule repeats in August so if you miss us you can find us the second time. Check our website for the complete schedule or give us a call! Decorating T-Shirts August 8 Puff paint, iron-on patches, stencils, gemstones and everything you need to make your favorite new shirt. Fairy Doors July 18 & August 15 A perennial library favorite. So many supplies to make the perfect door to the fairy world. Painting Rocks July 25 & August 22 Rocks, paint pens and imagination....lots of rocks! Forest Flair: Decorating Wooden Woodlands August 1 & 29 Mushrooms, acorns butterflies and trees!

Friday, July 19th

  • LOWVILLE-The Lowville American Legion will host a Veterans Benefits Open House on Friday and Saturday, July 19 and 20, 10 am – 2 pm.   At the Open House, a team of dedicated representatives from the VA and others will be ready to review your benefits, enroll you, and provide guidance. We are here to ensure you understand what you are entitled to and help you increase your benefits. Lunch will be provided for Veterans as a small token of our appreciation for your service. This is a golden opportunity for any Veteran to explore what they may be eligible for. We urge ALL Veterans to attend. If you are a Veteran or know one, it's crucial that they attend. To start the process, you will need copies of your DD 214 or similar documentation. If one is not readily available, we will help you obtain one (or go to The Lowville American Legion is located at 5383 Dayan Street. You can reach them at 315-376-3712. When at the post, please visit our Military Museum.     
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
  • BOONVILLE-The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church.
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
  • BOONVILLE-Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market is every Friday from June 14th through August 30th from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
    OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Farmers Market will be held in the parking lot of the George Hiltebrant Recreation Center, 201 North Street. The Old Forge Farmers Market (OFFM) will be held every Friday starting June 21st through October 11th, rain or shine, and operates from 1 pm until 5 pm. Parking is plentiful. For information on the Old Forge Farmers Market, please contact LivingADK at 315.369.3353 or follow the Old Forge Farmers Market on Facebook & Instagram. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, July 20th 

  • LOWVILLE-The Lowville American Legion will host a Veterans Benefits Open House on Saturday, July 20th, 10 am – 2 pm.   At the Open House, a team of dedicated representatives from the VA and others will be ready to review your benefits, enroll you, and provide guidance. We are here to ensure you understand what you are entitled to and help you increase your benefits. Lunch will be provided for Veterans as a small token of our appreciation for your service. This is a golden opportunity for any Veteran to explore what they may be eligible for. We urge ALL Veterans to attend. If you are a Veteran or know one, it's crucial that they attend. To start the process, you will need copies of your DD 214 or similar documentation. If one is not readily available, we will help you obtain one (or go to The Lowville American Legion is located at 5383 Dayan Street. You can reach them at 315-376-3712. When at the post, please visit our Military Museum.
  • LYONS FALLS-The Forest Presbyterian Church in Lyons Falls is having a Christmas in July sale from 9 until noon Saturday July 20th and every Saturday during the month of July. Fantastic items for sale.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-Join Constable Hall on Saturday, July 20th at 10:00 am for a special Christmas in July event at Constable Hall! This historic location is said to be the inspiration for Clement C Moore's famous poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Bring the whole family for a day of ornament making, wreath making classes, and festive Christmas activities. There will also be a festive Kids Christmas Yoga event with the amazing Mary Ellen Platz, July 20th at 10:00am. Mary Ellen will be leading her popular "Kids Yoga, Constable Style" class that is perfect for all ages. This fun and easy yoga event will have a Christmas twist with themed poses, games, and even some trail running. It's a great way to bring some holiday cheer to the summer months. Tickets are just $5.00 per person and include a tour of the Hall. Don't miss out on this unique and joyful experience. Come join us for some laughter and relaxation as we celebrate Christmas in July.
  • BOONVILLE-Connected Community Schools will be at the Boonville Elementary PTA's Christmas in July Food Trucks. Join us on July 20th from 1-4PM at the Upper Pavilion at Erwin Park. We will have Christmas in July temporary tattoos, a summer snowman craft, and yard games! For any questions please contact Jessica Briones Hardy at 315-985-5280.
  • WEST LEYDEN-The REV Theatre will present "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" on Saturday, July 20th at 6:30 p.m. at the handicapped accessible Town of Lewis Park, which is located at 4801 Mud Lake Road, West Leyden. Bring a blanket or chairs and enjoy this free performance sponsored by the Town of Lewis Library and the St. Lawrence County Arts Council. "This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and administered by the St. Lawrence County Arts Council."
  • BOONVILLE-On Saturday July 20th, Boonville PTA hosts Food Truck Saturday!  Christmas in July Food Trucks at Erwin Park from 1-4pm.  Foam Party, Face Painting, Raffles, photos with Santa
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge



  • CAMDEN-Osceola Public Library is accepting Book Donations through August 2nd to go towards our book sale in August. We will not accept textbooks or magazines! Drop off your donations during our library's hours Wed, Thurs, and Fridays 3-7pm. Please DO NOT leave your donations outside or in our book drop!!! You can contact us @ 2117 N. Osceola Rd Camden, NY 13316, Phone #: 315-599-7122 and Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will have banners on display on poles throughout the Village from Memorial Day through Veterans Day.
  • BOONVILLE-The Village of Boonville is launching an Open Call for Project Proposals to be considered by the Local Planning Committee for potential inclusion in the Village's NY Forward Strategic Investment Plan. Eligible project types include public improvement projects, new development or rehabilitation of downtown buildings, façade enhancements or small-scale building renovations, and branding and marketing initiatives for downtown. Proposed projects must be located within the Village of Boonville's NY Forward boundary, be able to break ground within two years of receiving funding, have financing largely in place, and be sponsored by a public, non-profit, or private entity with the legal authority to undertake the project. Proposed projects located near or adjacent to the Boonville NY Forward boundary will also be considered if a statement of justification is provided. The Open Call for Project Proposals opens on June 3, 2024 and will close on August 1, 2024 at 5PM. Applications may be submitted to the Boonville Village Hall or by mail and must be received or postmarked by 5PM on August 1, 2024 to be considered. Interested project sponsors may access the application form online at Hard copies of the application are also available at the Boonville Village Hall at 13149 NY-12 and at the Erwin Public Library, 104 Schuyler Street in Boonville. The Village's project consultant, Laberge Group, will hold office hours on July 18th from 4-8 pm, to assist potential project sponsors with their applications. Additional technical assistance will be offered through virtual appointments. To schedule an appointment, visit the NY Forward website at Team members will also be available to answer questions about the Open Call for Projects Form on June 20th at the Farmers Market at Erwin Park from 12:30 to 3:30. For more information please contact: Judith Dellerba, Mayor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (315) 338-2880 ext. 4 Lisa Kaiding, Village Treasurer and Grants Administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (315) 338-2880 ext.5
  • OLD FORGE-Old Forge Library seeks "Local ART" entries, Reception July 5th The Old Forge Library is calling area artists to submit to Local ART, an open exhibit featuring 2-D artwork in any media. Artists may submit photography, oil paintings, acrylics, water media, pastel, mixed media, collage, printmaking, quilting and drawing.The exhibit will be on display through July 27 during library hours with an opening reception to be held in conjunction with the local First Friday Artwalk on July 5 from 5-7 pm. Library director and gallery owner, Linda Weal said, "We love to celebrate the arts community and our amazing local creativity. Our arts scene is diverse - all ages, all media, all levels of experience. Art is fun and art is for everyone!" She also explained that this is a great opportunity for beginners, students and youth. "The library is friendly and we welcome everyone who would like to participate. It is inspired by our community's first local art shows that Mirnie Kashiwa established in the 50s," she said. The Old Forge Library hosts a variety of art exhibitions throughout the year, primarily from local artists, and supports the creative spirit in all of us. Call the library or email for information about library exhibits 315-369-6008 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • The South Lewis Senior High School has promoted a new program, the FFA Alumni and Supporters group. This group was established to support the local South Lewis FFA chapter. We encourage past FFA members or anyone who supports FFA to join. Our first fundraiser will be a can and bottle drive that will run from July 4th to August 4th. Donations can be placed on the wagon at the Christian Community Center in Turin.
  • ORISKANY-The Master Gardener Volunteers will be holding regional training sessions for the Master Gardener Program starting this summer into fall. Submit an application by July 31st, to secure an interview with a MGV coordinator.  You may contact Holly Wise, Consumer Horticulture Resource Educator at 315-736-3394 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • BOONVILLE-July 10-31 Bottle and Can Drive to help support the growing cost of youth athlete equipment and uniform needs.  Drop off at 9421 Hawkinsville Rd in Boonville from 10 am - 5pm in the Carport, on the right.  Donations will also be collected on Organization Day,  July 27th. To arrange pick up,  please contact Tracie at 3156080202!


Next Week, July 21st - July 27th


  • CONSTABLEVILLE-You are invited to Tea on the Verandah at Constable Hall and to enjoy melodies as played by Angela Bartlett on the Handpan, July 21st @ 1:00PM. Handpan is a relatively new instrument (2007) and is similar to the Steelpan. It consists of two metal half shells joined together. There is a metal center tone surrounded by at least 7 tone fields and an opening at the bottom. This unique steel drum creates soothing and captivating tones. Come and relax with a cup of tea as you enjoy Angela's performance. Don't miss this magical experience. Bring your friends and family for a lovely afternoon filled with music and good vibes.
  • OSCEOLA-The North American Fiddler Hall of Fame and Museum site at 1121 Comins Road in Osceola will offer an opportunity to try out instruments like those played by Bluegrass groups on Sunday, July 21st from 2:00-5:00 pm. 
  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, July 23rd, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • LOWVILLE-The next community "Wellness Matters" group sponsored by the Lowville Lions Club will be July 23rd at 3pm at the new Double Play facility. It is open to everyone who wants to focus on a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. This a fun educational group that will meet for one hour. Guest speakers will also be invited to speak on various topics. No reservation required.
  • LYONS FALLS-The next drive-thru dinner at St. John's Catholic Church in Lyons Falls will be on Tuesday, July 23 beginning at 4:30 p.m. This is a joint dinner with Forest Presbyterian Church and the menu will be spaghetti with meatball or sausage, tossed salad, Italian bread and dessert. To reserve your dinner, call 315-348-8945 or 315-348-8577. Deliveries are available!! The cost of the dinner is $13. To order the day of the dinner, please call 315-348-6599. Quantities can be limited, so please call early!
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. Tuesday, July 23rd at 6 pm, Jasyn Griffin will be featured.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.   
  • BOONVILLE-July 25th at 1pm - Reading With Captain Jack: Ahoy Mates! Join us at Erwin Library in Boonville on July 25th to set sail with Captain Jack (played by Rick Martinez). Come aboard for a thrilling Story Hour where you might just discover your inner pirate! Arrgh! Cost for this event is FREE!
  • LOWVILLE-AT Lowville Free Library on Thursday, July 25th from 1-3 pm, Drop in at the library and design your own button! Draw, collage, or print a design and make it into a button to pin on a backpack, bag, or jacket. Event free, all welcome!
  • LOWVILLE-Build Stuff at the Lowville Free Library on July 26th from 10 am - noon.  Drop in at the library to build with all of our maker and STEM toys! Event free, all welcome!
  • BOONVILLE-Food Sense Boonville Order Pickup Day is Friday, July 26th from 12-2 pm at Boonville Methodist Church.  Any food not picked up by 2 pm will be donated.  See the website at  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 26th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • LYONS FALLS-Our popular Lego Club meets Friday, July 26th at the Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, from 3:45 to 4:45 pm. This free program, with its wealth of Legos and books with Lego activities, is open to all school-age children and their caregivers. Call the Library with questions (315-348-6180).
  • CROGHAN-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you! July 26th @ Croghan Recreation Park,  August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. 
  • CROGHAN-Croghan Olde Home Days will take place on Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27, 2024. We will have the Olde Home Days parade Friday @ 7:00pm starting from Bridge Street, onto Main Street, turning at Convent Street to end up at Pearl Street/Rec Park area. At the Croghan Rec Park FRIDAY: Free face painting, Food Truck Friday, Adirondack Playboys band 8-10pm, FIREWORKS (FRIDAY) at dusk courtesy of all our generous DONORS - businesses throughout the village, and other personal donors! SATURDAY: Maple Museum Breakfast 7-10am, Croghan Railroad Museum tours, speeder car rides, Chicken BBQ ready at 11am (Wolff's Body Shop Cruise-In Car Show, Crafters/Vendors, food truck, Jane Nuffer's Petting Zoo, Lion's Club grilled hotdogs- ALL AT THE K OF C BUILDING AREA!) Croghan Fire Dept Open House with a Bounce House for the kiddos, Connie Noftsier Studio/Bed & Breakfast- Garden Tour and Snacks. FOLLOW THE CROGHAN OLDE HOME DAYS FACEBOOK PAGE FOR TIMES AND UPDATES!
  • LYONS FALLS-The Forest Presbyterian Church in Lyons Falls is having a Christmas in July sale from 9 until noon Saturday July 27th Fantastic items for sale.
  • LOWVILLE-Wackadoo Party on Saturday, July 27th from 10 am - noon at Lowville Free Library.  Join us for a party with our favorite Heeler family! Drop in for snacks, crafts, and games–all welcome!
  • CAMDEN-The Osceola Public Library is hosting a Baby Rabbit Needle Felting Workshop w/ Linda Faber at a cost of $20 on Saturday July 27th from 11am - 2pm. Please RSVP by July 19th. You can contact the library at Address: 2117 N. Osceola Rd Camden, NY 13316, Phone #: 315-599-7122, and Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Library Hours: Wed, Thurs, and Fridays 3-7pm.
  • ROME-Honor America Days in Rome is a city-wide celebration with a parade, symphony concert, and fireworks. Saturday July 27th, there will be a parade at 10 am and a special concert with fireworks on the Fort Stanwix Park lawn at 8 pm


July 28th through the end of August

  • CONSTABLEVILLE-Colonial Color Run Sunday, July 28th at Constable Hall. Register for this fun run event, with no official timing, along the one mile run/walk course through the historical grounds of Constable Hall. Runners will be coated with red, yellow and blue colors as they run. Runners are also encouraged to dress in colonial costume to participate in the colonial themed costume contest for which prizes will be awarded. Registration begins at 8:00am with the race start scheduled for 9:00 am. Please note that completing your registration early ensures availability for swag bags which includes t-shirt, wig and glasses. The cost to participate is $15 per contestant and there will be a limit of 100 runners for the day. To register early please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-Come join us for the Constableville Colonial Run, July 28th at Constable Hall. Register for this fun run event, with no official timing, along the one mile run/walk course through the historical grounds of Constable Hall. Runners will be coated with red, yellow and blue colors as they run. Runners are also encouraged to dress in colonial costume to participate in the colonial themed costume contest for which prizes will be awarded. Registration begins at 8:00am with the race start scheduled for 9:00 am. Please note that completing your registration early ensures availability for swag bags which includes t-shirt, wig and glasses. The cost to participate is $15 per contestant and there will be a limit of 100 runners for the day. Sponsored by Homes Realty. To register early please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit
  • LOWVILLE-Tug Hill Farm and Craft Market at 3821 Rector Rd in Lowville on Sunday, July 28th from 2-6pm.  Proceeds to the Lewis County Humane Society.  Fresh cooked local food, local handmade products, animals on site to pet, self-guided tour, kids playground.
  • BOONVILLE-August 29th at 11am - (Our Second) Teddy Bear Workshop! Erwin Library has everything you need for your child to make their very own stuffed animal. Cost is $10 and you must register for this event. Registration begins July 29th and we have 22 spots available.  
  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, July 30th, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • LYONS FALLS-On Tuesday, July 30th the Lyons Falls Library , 3918 High Street, will host a handpan demonstration and concert by local percussionist Angela Bartelotte, at 5:30 p.m. The handpan is a convex steel drum tuned with multiple notes. There are less than 100 handpan makers in the entire world.
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. Tuesday, July 30th at 6 pm, Tony Levesque will be featured.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.  
  • REMSEN- The Kolby Lyon *Hot Dog* eating contest is approaching quickly! July 31st at 6pm at the Kayuta Drive In! Save the Date & Time.. This is NOT to be missed! It'll be Fun to participate as well as to watch. We do believe that this will be a HUGE opportunity to help raise funds for a good cause. Kolby is missed, and was loved by everyone that was blessed to have known him. His family is also loved by all & appreciate everything that has been done to help them during this difficult time. We will have a Chinese Auction, please consider donating a Basket or Gift Card, as every donation is appreciated.. They can be dropped off at Kayuta Drive In, or contact us to pick up. Thank you. Any Vendors out there wanting to set up for this event, you're welcome to do so. There will be a $20 fee, which will be also donated to the Kolby Lyon Scholarship Fund. Please contact us so we can ensure your space. As already stated the contest fee is $5 per person. You must be signed up & Paid by July 30th. There is also a Venmo QR code, which is posted here. If you're not interested in participating, but would like to enjoy a few Hot Dogs while watching, the cost is $5. Please also sign up "To Eat." At the Kayuta Drive-In or The Wigwam Tavern! Please specify which you're planning on doing, Contest or Eating! We are donating the Hot Dogs for this event, however you are responsible for yourself. We will not be held liable for you or your actions. So please remember that your safety is your responsibility!
  • BOONVILLE-August 1st at 1pm - Robert Rogers Puppet Company presents "Great Grandma Ruth and the Treasure of Adventure Island." Robert Rogers Puppet Company has traveled all over the United States and we are so pleased to have them at Erwin Library this summer. So bring a blanket or lawn chair and plan on joining us on th
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library has Wild Water Science Thursday, August 1st at 11 am. Join us to experiment with all of the amazing things water can do! Free event, all welcome! 
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 2nd,  and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 2nd, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library will be making friendship bracelets on Saturday, August 3rd from 10 am - noon. 
  • LOWVILLE-A-Spire to Greatness - a music and talent show First Presbyterian Church, Lowville Sunday, August 4 2:00 - 4:00 pm An opportunity to enjoy entertainment and fellowship in a beautiful facility Light refreshments will be served. Admission is FREE. If you are a musician, writer, or have another talent and would like to participate please contact Heidi at 315-775-8292 or Kiki at 704-607-5980.
  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, August 6th, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. Tuesday, August 6th at 6 pm, Patti Stanford will be featured.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.   
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library will have a Traveling Science Program on Thursday, August 8th from 1-2pm.  Join Mr. Steve from Sci-Tech to experience all sorts of science surprises! Free event, all welcome!
  • BOONVILLE-August 8th from 1pm-3pm - The Children's Mobile Museum. This museum on wheels is back with lots of activities for your children to participate in: Like solving puzzles, games, team building, and so much more! So, please join us at Erwin Library on the DPN lawn for this fantastic day! This event is free!
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 9th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library will have a Stuffed Animal Sleepover Storytime on Saturday, August 10th from 11 am -noon.  On Friday, drop off a stuffed animal at the library and get them ready for a sleepover. After your stuffed animal sleeps over at the library, join us on Saturday morning for a storytime! We’ll read a story, play games, and have a snack. Even if you didn’t drop off an animal, feel free to join us! Wear pajamas, and bring other stuffed animals if you want.
  • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on Wednesday, August 12th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
  • MARTINSBURG-There will be a dedication in honor of Civil War Veteran Guilford, Florida.  His grave marker has been replaced and reset by the Walter H French Camp #17.  This program will be followed by the opening of Martinsburg Day 2024 at 10 am.  
  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, August 13th, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. Tuesday, August 13th, Nelson Brothers Band will be featured.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.   
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, August 13th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.  
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, August 13th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, August 13th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. pickup is at 200 Post St  August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. pickup is at 200 Post St  August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-August 15th from 10am-11:30am - Tea Party and Tales: A Stuffie Adventure at the Library. Join us at Erwin Library for a morning picnic and story with your stuffie. Be sure to bring your favorite stuffie. Snacks will be available while supplies last. Event will be held on the DPN lawn. Weather permitting
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library has Big Blue Blocks on August 15th from 3-5pm. Drop in and build hideouts, ball runs, and machines with our collection of big blue blocks. All are welcome! There will be space across the hall with other building toys for quieter play.
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library has Big Blue Blocks on August 16th from10 am -noon. Drop in and build hideouts, ball runs, and machines with our collection of big blue blocks. All are welcome! There will be space across the hall with other building toys for quieter play.
  • This is one of two times to play with the blue blocks to allow more people to participate!
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
  • BOONVILLE-August 17th from 10am-2pm - Erwin Library's Annual Book Sale! Find books for all ages and interests, from fiction to self-help, and support your local library at the same time! Plus, you can sign-up to win our Lotto Basket or Find the Queen of Hearts game!
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library will have Hola! Bilingual Storytime on Saturday, August 17th from 11 am -noon. Books, activities, and movement in both English and Spanish! They start with playtime and then do group reading and activities. All are welcome! 
  • LOWVILLE-Tuesday, August 20th, Join us for storytime, Smiling Stories, on Tuesday mornings at 11 am with books, songs, movement, and crafts! We start each morning with 10-15 minutes of playtime, then read together, do some movement and interactive fun, and finish up with another activity like a craft or game.
  • LOWVILLE- Lego Club at Lowville Free Library on Tuesday, August 20th from 12:30-2pm. Come for part or all of the time to play with our Legos and Duplos. All youth ages 2 and up are welcome! 
  • LOWVILLE-Village of Lowville presents Music in the Park 2024 at Veterans Memorial Park on Parkway Drive, behind the fire hall. Tuesday, August 20th, Doc Yukon will be featured.  In case of rain, the bands will perform at the fairgrounds pavilion.  Please bring your own seating.  Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited.   
  • OLD FORGE-On Wednesday, August 21 at 5 pm, Jessica Maureen Hinsdill will lead an informative workshop Lyme Disease ~ Improving Recovery with Herbalism, at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. The class will delve into a multi-layered approach to personalizing tick-borne illnesses with an overview of Lyme and coinfections. Jessica will share the many herbs that help alleviate personal symptoms on the path to bring our body back into balance. Lyme disease is the most common, tick-borne disease in the USA. Please call the library at 315 369-6008 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register. Space is limited. 
  • BOONVILLE-Thursday, August 22nd at 3:30pm - The Zoomobile! This amazing program is back at Erwin Library for another up close look at some incredible animals. Kids will have an opportunity to learn in detail about each creature that is featured at this event! We will be meeting on the DPN lawn (weather permitting).
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 23rd, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • LYONS FALLS-Our popular Lego Club meets Friday, August 23rd, at the Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, from 3:45 to 4:45 pm. This free program, with its wealth of Legos and books with Lego activities, is open to all school-age children and their caregivers. Call the Library with questions (315-348-6180).
  • LOWVILLE-Lewis County Night Out on Friday August 23rd from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Lowville Fairgrounds. An annual event focused on bringing the community and law enforcement together for partnership on making Lewis County a safe and caring place to live and work in. The Moose has attended in past years for live coverage and would really appreciate if you could again and would love having you there!
  • LOWVILLE-Lowville Free Library will have Bubble Day on Saturday, August 24th from 10 am til noon. Visit the library parking lot to play with bubbles of all sizes! Free event, all welcome! 
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, August 27th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • BOONVILLE-August 29th at 11am - (Our Second) Teddy Bear Workshop! Erwin Library has everything you need for your child to make their very own stuffed animal. Cost is $10 and you must register for this event. Registration begins July 29th and we have 22 spots available.
  • BOONVILLE-Delivery for Food Sense Boonville will be Friday, August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 30th is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
  • LOWVILLE-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you!  August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. 


September and beyond

  • CONSTABLEVILLE-September 6th-8th, Flywheels & Pulleys Club presents the 49th annual “Old Time” Gas Engines, Tractors & Truck Show on Rte 26 in Constableville. All flea market, crafts, campers, etc., must register and pay in advance. For more information, see their Facebook page or contact Lance Blood at 315-337-2079 or John & Olga Miller at 315-348-6781.  
  • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on September 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, September 10th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is September 16th. pickup is at 200 Post St  September 27th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, September 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is September 16th. pickup is at 200 Post St  September 27th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • LYONS FALLS- The last Food Truck Friday is September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. Food trucks, live music, and lawn games. 
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 24th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • FORESTPORT-on Wednesday, September 25th, the Upstate University Hospital’s Mammography Van will visit the Forestport Town Offices.  Screenings will be available between 10 am and 4 pm. Women are encouraged to schedule an appointment at 315-464-2588 or online at
  • BOONVILLE-Pickup for Food Sense Boonville is September 27th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • CASTORLAND-Craft Fair on October 5th from 10 am - 4 pm at Castorland Fire Coimpnay Fire Hall, 5187 State Route 410 in Castorland.  Local crafters, vendors, artists, many unique homemade and local products brought to you by North Country Entrepreneurs.  
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, October 8th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is October14th. pickup is at 200 Post St  October 25th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, October 8th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 8th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is October14th. pickup is at 200 Post St  October 25th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on October 14th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 22nd, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, November 5th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is November 11th. pickup is at 200 Post St  November 22nd from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is November 11th. Pickup is at 200 Post St  November 22nd from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on November 11th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, November 12th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 12th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 26th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, December 3rd from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is December 9th. pickup is at 200 Post St  December 20th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
  • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is December 9th. pickup is at 200 Post St  December 20th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at . 
  • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on December 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, December 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, December 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
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