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Community Events-Week of June 9th-June 15th

Copy of Lisa Stanford 1

Community Events-Week of June 9th-June 15th


Sunday, June 9th

  • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League.”
  • HIGHMARKET-Sunday, June 9th, St. Patrick's Church Highmarket will have an Open House/Picnic Mass at Noon.  Hamburgers/Hot Dogs & More, Bake Sale, 50-50, Basket Raffle, and door prizes for a donation of $10.00.  This is to benefit the St. Patrick's Restoration Society for maintenance and upkeep. Any questions, call Julie Hutchins at 315-397-2708.
  • CONSTABLEVILLE-Planting an Herb Garden. June 9, 2024 @ 1:00 PM at 5909 John Street, Constableville, NY 13325 Sharon Stewart from Garden Thyme Herbs will present a program on "Planting an Herb Garden". Participants will leave with many different garden plans and ideas, as well as an herbal product they can make on site. Cost is $15.00 which will go towards the historic garden fund. Registration is suggested to ensure there are enough supplies. (Contact the Hall to register.)
  • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League"
  • CONSTABLEVILLE–Join us at Constable Hall for a delightful high tea experience! Enjoy a leisurely summer afternoon, taking in the beautiful surroundings, with a cup of tea. High tea will be served every Sunday from 1-4 PM until the end of the season (excluding Father's Day). Be sure to come back and explore different themed teas throughout the season. We can't wait to welcome you to the veranda!
  • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge

Monday, June 10th

  • BOONVILLE-Monday, June 10th, Dodge Pratt Northam in Boonville is having Lego Club for Ages 8-12 from 4:00-5:00 pm.   This is a free drop-in club, but parents/guardians will need to sign their children in. This is the last Lego Club meeting until fall.
  • BOONVILLE-Dodge Pratt Northam's summer musical auditions for the show NEWSIES for youth ages 8-18 will be held on Monday, June 10th and Tuesday, June 11th at 6:00 pm in the Boonville Elementary Auditorium. Youth only need to attend one night of auditions, but are welcome to attend both. No experience is necessary, and all auditioning will be cast. Call 315-942-5133 or visit for more info.
  • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on June 10th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
  • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League.”
  • PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall

Tuesday, June 11th

  • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, June 11th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.  
  • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, June 11th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
  • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League.”

Wednesday, June 12th

  • OLD FORGE-On Wednesday, June 12 at 5 pm, Jessica Maureen Hinsdill will lead an informative workshop Lyme Disease ~ Improving Recovery with Herbalism, at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. The class will delve into a multi-layered approach to personalizing tick-borne illnesses with an overview of Lyme and coinfections. Jessica will share the many herbs that help alleviate personal symptoms on the path to bring our body back into balance. Lyme disease is the most common, tick-borne disease in the USA. Please call the library at 315 369-6008 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register. Space is limited.
  • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League.”
    • LOWVILLE AND LYONS FALLS-LAST ORDER DUE-Lewis County Office for the Aging is having their Free Spring Evening Meal Program on Thursdays from May 9th through June 13th.  All dinners are made with local produce and meat and are available free to all Lewis County residents ages 60 years and older.  Donation of $5 is suggested but not required. Please call the office to pre-order by Wednesday at 1pm each week, 315-376-5313.  Pickup is on Thursday between 5-6 pm at Maple Ridge Center in Lowville and McManus Hotel in Lyons Falls and delivery is available to Valleyview, Brookside, and Steepleview.  
    • OLD FORGE-Wednesday night Craft Get-Togethers at the Old Forge Library continue on most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm 
    • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM
    • PROSPECT- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
    • LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.

    Thursday, June 13th

    • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, is hosting a presentation by the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Lewis County, "Growing Cherry Tomatoes and Lettuce," on Thursday, June 13, at 2 p.m. The cost is $5 per planted bucket. Call the Library to sign up, because there is a 15-person limit [315-348-6180].
    • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League.”
      • LOWVILLE AND LYONS FALLS-LAST PICKUP-Lewis County Office for the Aging is having their Free Spring Evening Meal Program on Thursdays from May 9th through June 13th.  All dinners are made with local produce and meat and are available free to all Lewis County residents ages 60 years and older.  Donation of $5 is suggested but not required. Please call the office to pre-order by Wednesday at 1pm each week, 315-376-5313.  Pickup is on Thursday between 5-6 pm at Maple Ridge Center in Lowville and McManus Hotel in Lyons Falls and delivery is available to Valleyview, Brookside, and Steepleview.  
      • BOONVILLE-ToePath Trekkers weekly run and walks are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. They meet in the Lansing Pavilion in Erwin Park and run and walk the towpath, followed by social time after. Hot dogs and water are provided. 
      • BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm

      Friday, June 14th

      • BOONVILLE-Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market's opening day will be Friday June 14th at their new location, the Elks Lodge in Boonville. The market runs every Friday from 2pm - 7pm through August 30th.
      • GLENFIELD:  Three G Volunteer Fire Company Annual Auction is Friday June 14th.  Auction starts at 6pm.  Food will be available. For purchase.  6229 Blue Street in Glenfield.  Anyone wishing to donate to our Auction Contact: Phil Kubinski 315-586-3060 Or Casimer Bigda 315-286-8969
      • CONSTABLEVILLE-Join us for an evening of outdoor yoga at Constable Hall on June 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM. Mindful Motivation is hosting another session of Yoga at the Hall, utilizing the serene grounds for a peaceful practice. Don't forget to bring your own mat or towel. See you there!
      • WATERTOWN-Relay For Life of the North Country event – June 14th at the Alex Duffy Fairgrounds in Watertown NY – Opening ceremonies at 6pm ending at 11pm.  Bring a team, or just come to attend for as long or little as you would like to.  We honor our loved ones lost, survivors and currently battling with a Luminaria ceremony that will be approximately 10pm. 
      • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League.”
      • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge

      Saturday, June 15th

      • BOONVILLE-Chicken BBQ sponsored by Abundant Life Fellowship On Saturday, June 15th Abundant Life Fellowship will be holding a Chicken BBQ at Tops Markets parking lot in Boonville beginning at 10:00 am until sold out. All proceeds will support Identity Mission and a mission team traveling to Honduras to support vulnerable children by providing family-based care solutions. For more information visit and Halves are $10.00 and dinners will be $12.00. Dinners include salt potatoes, homemade rolls, choice of baked beans or coleslaw and a cookie. Hope to see you there.
      • BOONVILLE-Chicken BBQ and can and bottle drive to support Boonville Girls Softball at Fox Brothers Automotive on Route 12 in Boonville.  Chicken will be ready at 11 am.  $12 includes chicken, beans, salt potatoes, roll, and cookie.  Pick up your chicken and drop off extra bottles and cans!  50/50 raffle tickets will also be available for purchase.  
      • ROME-Northern Community Pop Warner is having a Golf Tournament on June 15th at Camroden Golf Course in Rome.  Registration starts at 10 am and shotgun is at 11 am. Registration is $75 per person and includes lunch, dinner, cart, and 4pk. There will be raffles, longest drive prizes, and more! To register contact Nicole at 315-335-9335, Adam at 315-725-5322, or Kaylynn at 315-982-7552.  Hole Sponsors are also being accepted for $50.  
      • LOWVILLE-Share the Wealth: Give-Away at Lowville United Methodist Church (on the lawn)  7618 N. State St. on Saturday, June 15th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Some of the many items available:  Pots & Pans, furniture, bedding, cd's, clothes, books, electronics, appliances, kids' toys, BOONVILLE-Stop down to the back parking lot of Harland J. Hennessey VFW Post 5538 Saturday, June 15th from noon-2pm and get some clams. ~1dozen steamers/butter/lemon is $10 ~ 1 dozen steamers/salt potatoes/corn of the cob/ bottle of water/butter and lemon is $16.Help the Lions Club serve this community and get a great meal at the same time!
      • OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge


      Ongoing Events

      • LOWVILLE-Lowville Pop Warner Football is doing a Scrap metal drive at Turks Garage on Shady Avenue Lowville next to the Lowville Elks Lodge. No wood, batteries, propane tanks, or electronic waste such as TVs, radios, computers.... Drop off your scrap metal and help benefit local football stars! Now until the end of Spring. 
      • REMSEN-Northern Community Pop Warner is having a Fundraiser for New Uniforms.  They are raffling a Kubota Zero Turn Mower valued at $5,200.  Only 750 tickets will be sold and tickets are $20 each.  You can purchase tickets and see this amazing prize at Evans Equipment on State Route 12 in Remsen during business hours.  Drawing date will be determined once all tickets are sold. 
      • OLD FORGE-The Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., will exhibit "A New Beginning on Canvas: Our Natural World," a collection of new paintings by Tony Dumaw. Dumaw was born and raised in Carthage NY and as such has always been around nature, allowing it to become his muse. His wildlife art has graced the covers of hunting and fishing magazines including a Ducks Unlimited Atlantic Flyway program with a print run of fifteen thousand. "A New Beginning on Canvas: Our Natural World" marks Dumaw's transition from wildlife art, which he is best known for, to exploring painting landscapes. The exhibit will be on display through June 21 st.
      • BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will have banners on display on poles throughout the Village from Memorial Day through Veterans Day. 
      • BOONVILLE-ToePath Trekkers weekly run and walks are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. They meet in the Lansing Pavilion in Erwin Park and run and walk the towpath, followed by social time after. Hot dogs and water are provided. 
      • CONSTABLEVILLE–Join us at Constable Hall for a delightful high tea experience! Enjoy a leisurely summer afternoon, taking in the beautiful surroundings, with a cup of tea. High tea will be served every Sunday from 1-4 PM until the end of the season (excluding Father's Day). Be sure to come back and explore different themed teas throughout the season. We can't wait to welcome you to the veranda!
      • BOONVILLE-The Village of Boonville is launching an Open Call for Project Proposals to be considered by the Local Planning Committee for potential inclusion in the Village's NY Forward Strategic Investment Plan. Eligible project types include public improvement projects, new development or rehabilitation of downtown buildings, façade enhancements or small-scale building renovations, and branding and marketing initiatives for downtown. Proposed projects must be located within the Village of Boonville's NY Forward boundary, be able to break ground within two years of receiving funding, have financing largely in place, and be sponsored by a public, non-profit, or private entity with the legal authority to undertake the project. Proposed projects located near or adjacent to the Boonville NY Forward boundary will also be considered if a statement of justification is provided. The Open Call for Project Proposals opens on June 3, 2024 and will close on August 1, 2024 at 5PM. Applications may be submitted to the Boonville Village Hall or by mail and must be received or postmarked by 5PM on August 1, 2024 to be considered. Interested project sponsors may access the application form online at Hard copies of the application are also available at the Boonville Village Hall at 13149 NY-12 and at the Erwin Public Library, 104 Schuyler Street in Boonville. The Village's project consultant, Laberge Group, will hold office hours on June 27th from 3-5 pm and July 18th from 4-8 pm, to assist potential project sponsors with their applications. Additional technical assistance will be offered through virtual appointments. To schedule an appointment, visit the NY Forward website at Team members will also be available to answer questions about the Open Call for Projects Form on June 20th at the Farmers Market at Erwin Park from 12:30 to 3:30. For more information please contact: Judith Dellerba, Mayor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (315) 338-2880 ext. 4 Lisa Kaiding, Village Treasurer and Grants Administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (315) 338-2880 ext.5


      Next week, June 16th through June 22nd

      • CONSTABLEVILLE-The Constable Hall Association is thrilled to announce the return of the 52nd Annual Arts & Craft Fair and Cruise-In Event, Father's Day, June 16, 2024.  This years' event promises to be filled with a wide variety of activities and attractions for the whole family to enjoy. Indulge in delicious homemade pies, baked goods, BBQ chicken, and food from local food trucks wile you explore the handcrafted merchandise, collectables, and antiques from our talented vendors. Take a leisurely stroll through the newly refreshed grounds, admiring the beautiful surroundings and browsing the unique items for sale.  Don't miss the opportunity to check out the vintage vehicles on display at the 51st annual Cruise-In, and be sure to take a tour of the historic Constable Hall with Executive Director Loraine O'Donnell and Docent Eileen Dailey. Learn about the rich history of the Hall and its' significance in our community. The Rebecca Miner Band will provide entertainment at 11:00AM while the historic Lowville Village Band will be performing from the Veranda at 1:00PM, both providing a delightful musical backdrop to your day. Kids can enjoy a variety of activities, and everyone is invited to explore the 200 -year-old garden with Master Gardner Gina Mallette. Take a moment to relax on one of the new benches placed around the grounds, soak in the beauty and history of Constable Hall, and appreciate the serenity of this remarkable historic home. Admission to the event is $5.00, with children 12 and under and those with military ID receiving free entry.  Please note that dogs are not allowed on the premises. The event will run from 10:00AM -3:30PM.  Join us for a day of fun, creativity, and history at the 52nd Annual Arts & Craft Fair and Cruise-In Event at Constable Hall.  We can't wait to see you there!
      • LYONS FALLS-Through June 17th, Lyons Falls Little League is having a can and bottle drive fundraiser.  Drop off at Majors Field and Redmond’s Redemption.  Label them “LF Little League.”
      • BOONVILLE-Chicken Barbecue and Can Drive on Saturday, June 15th at 11 am to support Boonville Girls Softball.  $12 includes chicken, beans, salt potatoes, roll, and a cookie.  Pick up your bbq and drop off those extra bottles and cans at Fox Brothers Automotive on State Route 12 in Boonville.  
      • CROGHAN-Rides, BBQ and Fundraiser for the Buchal Family June 15th, Railway Historical Society of NNY Croghan Depot Chicken BBQ – 11AM $9 a half Rides 10 AM to 2 PM $10 a family/$5 individual/free tour of museum (315)346-6848 Town of Croghan Historian's will be at the Croghan Depot – accepting monetary donations for the Buchal family who had a house fire.
      • GLENFIELD-On Saturday, June 15th from 7 - 10 pm, There’s a dance at Three G Fire Hall at 6229 Blue Street in Glenfield.  Food, fun, dancing.  Come and join the fun. Cover charge $5 per person. 
      • LEONARDSVILLE-Leonardsville Fire Department will be having a donation pancake breakfast on Sunday, June 16th.  Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and real NY Maple syrup.  Serving from 7-10:30 am. Takeouts are available. 
      • CONSTABLEVILLE-52nd Arts & Craft Fair and Cruise-In at Constable Hall on Sunday, June 16th. Come celebrate Father's Day at the Hall.
      • LOWVILLE-The first meeting of the Lowville Lions Diabetic Support Group will be on Tuesday, June 18th starting at 6:30pm at the new Double Play Community Center. This meeting will help set future meetings for this new group. The public is welcome to attend. If you have additional questions, please contact Cheryl at 315 771 3455. No rsvp is required.
      • OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., will be hosting Jessica Maureen Hinsdill of Wild Soulstice, LLC with new sessions of the Wild Infusions Herbal study group from 6-7 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of June and July. These sessions will focus on plants that many think of as weeds and are found throughout the Adirondacks. On June 18th, the group will discuss Plantain and its uses and health benefits. The July 16th study session will focus on Mullein.. The study group session is a great avenue to create a circle of support, a place to reawaken a culture of wellness and rekindle the confidence to "nourish ourselves, our families, and our community". Participants should bring their prior knowledge to enhance the conversation or come to learn. All experiences and ages are encouraged. All are welcome to attend the free Herbal Studies but group size is limited. Call the library, 315-369-6008, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register.
      • POLAND-Wednesday, June 19th, Poland Firehouse is having Touch-a-Truck at the Poland Firehouse at 216 State Route 8 between Poland and Cold Brook from 4-8 pm.  Food trucks and music and lots of fun.  
      • OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library hosts a Keynote Address by the author of “Braiding Sweetgrass,”  Robin Wall Kimmerer at View Arts Center on Thursday, June 20th at 6pm.  Braiding Sweetgrass is a NY Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Bestseller having been read by over 350,000 people so far.  Entry is free but reservations are required. Reservations can be made starting in Mid-May by calling 315-369-6008, or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Residents between Woodgate and Raquette Lake are welcome to pick up a free book.  The free books are available during library hours and are generously sponsored by a grant from the Adirondack League Club Fund.
      • CROGHAN-The Croghan Street Fair will be held Thursday, June 20th on the lawn of the St. Stephens Church in Croghan. Featuring over 30 local artisans, crafters, and bakers from Lewis County, food trucks, desert trucks, balloon artists, face painting for the kids and live music by the Patty Stanford Band! The Croghan Street Fair will be bursting with homemade and homegrown treasures from 3-7pm. If severe weather is forecasted, the event will move to the Croghan Recreation Park.
      • CARTHAGE-Thursday, June 20th, Friday, June 21st, and Saturday, June 22nd, don't miss the 50th Annual Saint James Fair! New and exciting entertainment, games & rides as well as our famous foods including: Specialty booth, American booth, Italian booth, Lebanese booth and more! Some things to look forward to: THURSDAY 5-9pm Johnny Spezzano Streaming live music from the border 106.7 with their mobile Station Vehicle Ontario Amusement Rides $20 Wrist Band Special ~ unlimited rides 5-9pm with the purchase of wrist band FRIDAY 6-8pm 10th Mountain Division Rock Band Reptiles Forever Ontario Amusement Rides West Carthage Fire Department-Fire Prevention Trailer $20 Wrist Band Special ~ unlimited rides 5-9pm with the purchase of wrist band SATURDAY 12-4pm DJ Joe Ablan 4-5pm The Twirlin' Saints 5-8pm The Patti Stanford Band Reptiles Forever Ontario Amusement Rides Carthage Fire Department fire engine tours West Carthage Fire Department-Fire Prevention Trailer $20 Wrist Band Special ~ unlimited rides with the purchase of wrist band during two 4-hour blocks, 12-4pm or 5-9pm ALL DAYS Specialty foods Ice Cream booth Children's games Dunking booth Gambling, Wine & Beer Tent Pull tabs Jewelry booth In addition to wrist bands which include unlimited rides for the designated 4 hours, individual ride tickets will also be available. It is to benefit the St. James Catholic Church and Carthage Augustinian Academy Catholic school.
      • BOONVILLE-Join the Connected Community Schools Adirondack team on June 20th, from 5-7PM at Boonville Elementary for an interactive movie night. Our movie of the night will be Detective Pikachu. There will be many snacks, Pokémon crafts, and various items to interact with throughout the movie.
      • BOONVILLE-Food Sense Boonville Order Pickup Day is Friday, June 21st from 12-2 pm at 200 Post St.  Any food not picked up by 2 pm will be donated.  See the website at  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, June 21st, and every Friday is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville. 
      • LYONS FALLS- Lego Club meets Friday, June 21 at the Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, from 3:45 to 4:45 pm. This free program, with its wealth of Legos and books with Lego activities, is open to all school-age children and their caregivers. Call the Library with questions (315-348-6180).
      • CONSTABLEVILLE-The Constable Hall Association is excited to announce a special exhibit for the 2024 season. Starting on June 22, the Hall will showcase "Out of the Box- Clothing and Textiles of the Time". This exhibit will feature displays of clothing, textiles, and quilts, some of which have never been seen by the public before. Due to the delicate nature of these items, some will be presented in their boxes while others will be displayed on dress forms or furniture. This unique exhibit will be on display for two weeks, ending on July 7, 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to see these historic pieces up close! For more information visit or call 315397-2323.



      Looking Forward, June 23rd through end of July

      • BOONVILLE-It's time again for the Lyons Falls Library's famous Open Mic Jam on Tuesday, June 25th, 5 – 7 p.m. Bring a friend, bring your family, bring an instrument, or just come in and sing along! We'll provide the mic, piano, and guitar amp. Please call if you have any questions (315-348-6180).
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, June 25th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.  
      • ONLINE-ZOOM-SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTATIVE TRAINING OVER ZOOM Fulfills NYS requirement for employment and some board members. Over Zoom- call or email the library for the link. Sessions last about an hour depending on class size. Free and open to all! All employers, employees and many non-profit board members across New York State must fulfill an annual sexual harassment prevention training requirement. The Old Forge Library offers this service free of charge. The training will be held via Zoom and several sessions are scheduled to accommodate as many as possible. Wednesday, June 26 at 5pm Please call the library 315 369-6008 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the link to the on-line training sessions. At completion, a certificate is signed for those who complete the training, verifying their attendance. Depending on the group size, training takes approximately one hour. Some participation is required from attendees, and those taking the training will take turns reading the training slides. The group as a whole will answer true and false questions together. The material will be familiar to previous attendees, as the presentation is based on state recommendations for organizations. Because it is a Power Point presentation, participants CANNOT join via phone call, and MUST ATTEND WITH VIDEO to satisfy the participation requirements.  *minimized version: ONLINE-ZOOM-SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTATIVE TRAINING OVER ZOOM Fulfills NYS requirement for employment and some board members. Wednesday, June 26 at 5pm Please call the library 315 369-6008 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the link to the on-line training sessions.
      • GLENFIELD-Free Summer Community Event- Strawberry Festival When: June 26, 2024 @ 6:30 PM Where: Living Hope Ministries 6722 Kuntz Road, Glenfield NY 13343 Free Strawberry Smoothies & Shortcakes. Fun for the whole family! Bounce houses, cornhole, Gaga ball, tetherball, volleyball, spikeball and four square. For more info visit:
      • MARTINSBURG-Annual Ice Cream Social at West Martinsburg Town Hall Wednesday, June 26th at  6 pm. Come and enjoy our annual ice cream social. Eat cake and ice cream and enjoy CAPO3 – our own local folk group. The historic West Martinsburg Church will be open. This event celebrates the restoration work being done on the church steeple. 
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, June 28th, and every Friday is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville. 
      • CONSTABLEVILLE-Outside Yoga at Constable Hall. June 28th @ 6:30 PM 5909 John Street, Constableville, NY Mindful Motivation returns for another wonderful gentle practice outside at the Hall. Bring a mat or towel. "It is so peaceful on these grounds, a perfect place to connect to nature and connect to you." $12.00 per person, and part of the proceeds will be donated to the Hall. Must register ahead.
      • LOWVILLE-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you! June 28th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, July 26th @ Croghan Recreation Park,  August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. 
      • CROGHAN- The Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Association's (AMHA) 32nd Zwanzigstein Fest (Z Fest) is to be held on Saturday, June 29th, from 10 am to 4 pm (rain or shine) at the Mennonite Heritage Farm. The Farm is located at 8778 Erie Canal Road, one half mile north of Kirschnerville, east of Croghan. Admission is by donation. The theme "Come Join Us to Raise the Roof" was selected because we are looking for volunteers to help us raise the roof for the pavilion we are building on the site. There are jobs for adults to include the following: working on the roof, helping get supplies for those on the roof, measuring, cutting, and moving lumber, and other similar activities related to construction. Please contact Sam Gingerich if you are interested in the volunteer-based "barn raising" at 605-639-1210 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are asking volunteers to arrive at 9 a.m. The purpose of Z Fest is to preserve, celebrate, and accurately portray the religious and cultural heritage of the Amish Mennonites in Lewis County. Since 1991, the Heritage Farm has provided the site for visitors to learn about our Anabaptist faith legacy and rural life of years past through stories, exhibits, tours, and demonstrations. Z Fest is also our premier fundraising event through venues such as food and locally homemade crafts and history and genealogy books in the gift shop. On June 29th, you can view the archival displays throughout the farm, tour the house and archival area, see the varied demonstrations, enjoy singing/music (acapella hymn singing with Virkler descendants, Friends of God, etc.), hear storytelling with the "Virkler" family, listen to conversations occurring about past barn raisings, and visiting with friends and acquaintances. Activities for children include butter making, bread making, popcorn, petting zoo, corn shelling, games, painting, using a hand pitcher pump, etc. One can also take advantage of the hiking and nature trail. We will offer a barn raising meal, hot dogs/sauerkraut, homemade ice cream and pie, and baked goods. The Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Farm is a historical farm, recognized by the National and State Registries of Historic Places, built by the Moser brothers who settled in Lewis County in 1834. Today the farm is run by AMHA as a historical learning center dedicated to the preservation of Mennonite faith and culture and the way of life of Lewis County farmers. For more information, please visit and Facebook or call 315-346-1122. The Mennonite Heritage Farm is open for visitors on Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from July to October and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in July and August. Appointments may also be made through the end of October. You may call 315-346-1122 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
      • CONSTABLEVILLE-Music and Wine in the Garden June 30th @ 1:00PM, 5909 John Street, Constableville, NY 13325 Come and enjoy a relaxing day in the garden with wine (for a donation) and the acoustic music of Joni Mitchell, performed by our talented director Loraine O'Donnell!
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 5th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville. 
      • LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Festival is set for this year on July 6. We start the day out will a parade at noon with a terrific car show on the field by the direction of Wes Clair. The Lyons falls firemen will have food available and later in the day there will be food trucks. Also, during the day, There will be games for kids, face painting , bake walk and much more. There will be 2 bands performing music throughout the afternoon and early evening. At dusk, the giant fireworks will begin. Plan on being in Lyons Falls July 6th.
      • PORT LEYDEN-2024 Illumination Yoga Festival The Illumination Yoga Festival is a celebration of community and wellness. Together we will enjoy a high vibration day of yoga classes, somatic experiences, delicious food, shopping, and prizes. Join us on Sunday July 7th from 10 AM to 3:30 PM at the picturesque Hayloft at Moon Shine Farm. 100% of net proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to local organizations that shine a light on our community. Learn more and register for this event on on the events tab. Lets Illuminate!
      • LYONS FALLS-The Moose River Fish & Game Club will be hosting a membership potluck meeting July 8th at 6pm. Come join the club for a delicious meal, get updates on news and events and get your membership if you haven' already! The meeting will be held at the club on David Bridge Road in Lyons Falls the second Monday of July due to the holiday week, so come join us Monday July 8th at 6pm! Please call Sarah at 315-404-5571 with any questions.
      • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on July 8th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, July 9th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, July 10th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for July’s order is July 15th. pickup is at 200 Post St  July 26th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, July 9th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.  
      • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, July 9th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, July 10th  from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for July’s order is June 15th.  June 21st from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at 
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 12th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.  
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 19th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • BOONVILLE-Food Sense Boonville Order Pickup Day is Friday, July 26th from 12-2 pm at Boonville Methodist Church.  Any food not picked up by 2 pm will be donated.  See the website at  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, July 26th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • CROGHAN-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you! July 26th @ Croghan Recreation Park,  August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park.


      Looking Ahead-August through end of 2024

      • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 2nd,  and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 2nd, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 9th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on Wednesday, August 12th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, August 13th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.  
      • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, August 13th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, The Boonville Concert Band is holding a concert at Erwin Park in Boonville in the lower pavilion at 7pm.
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, August 13th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. pickup is at 200 Post St  August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, August 14th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for August’s order is August 19th. pickup is at 200 Post St  August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 16th, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • OLD FORGE-On Wednesday, August 21 at 5 pm, Jessica Maureen Hinsdill will lead an informative workshop Lyme Disease ~ Improving Recovery with Herbalism, at the Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd. The class will delve into a multi-layered approach to personalizing tick-borne illnesses with an overview of Lyme and coinfections. Jessica will share the many herbs that help alleviate personal symptoms on the path to bring our body back into balance. Lyme disease is the most common, tick-borne disease in the USA. Please call the library at 315 369-6008 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register. Space is limited. 
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 23rd, and every Friday through the end of August is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, August 27th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
      • BOONVILLE-Delivery for Food Sense Boonville will be Friday, August 30th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Friday, August 30th is Boonville Community Harvest Farmers Market from 2-7pm at the Elks Lodge in Boonville.
      • LOWVILLE-Food Truck Fridays is BACK for its 8th summer! Get ready for food trucks, live music, and lawn games coming to a park near you!  August 30th @ Lewis County Fairgrounds, September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. 
      • CONSTABLEVILLE-September 6th-8th, Flywheels & Pulleys Club presents the 49th annual “Old Time” Gas Engines, Tractors & Truck Show on Rte 26 in Constableville. All flea market, crafts, campers, etc., must register and pay in advance. For more information, see their Facebook page or contact Lance Blood at 315-337-2079 or John & Olga Miller at 315-348-6781.  
      • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on September 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, September 10th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is September 16th. pickup is at 200 Post St  September 27th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, September 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, September 11th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is September 16th. pickup is at 200 Post St  September 27th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • LYONS FALLS- The last Food Truck Friday is September 13th @ Lyons Falls Riverside Park. Food trucks, live music, and lawn games. 
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, September 24th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
      • FORESTPORT-on Wednesday, September 25th, the Upstate University Hospital’s Mammography Van will visit the Forestport Town Offices.  Screenings will be available between 10 am and 4 pm. Women are encouraged to schedule an appointment at 315-464-2588 or online at
      • BOONVILLE-Pickup for Food Sense Boonvilleis September 27th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, October 8th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is October14th. pickup is at 200 Post St  October 25th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, October 8th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 8th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, October 9th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is October14th. pickup is at 200 Post St  October 25th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on October 14th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, October 22nd, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, November 5th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is November 11th. pickup is at 200 Post St  November 22nd from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, November 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is November 11th. Pickup is at 200 Post St  November 22nd from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on November 11th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
      • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, November 12th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 12th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, November 26th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, December 3rd from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is December 9th. pickup is at 200 Post St  December 20th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at
      • BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.  You can also sign up online at  The deadline for this order is December 9th. pickup is at 200 Post St  December 20th from 12-2pm.  Find us on Facebook at . 
      • BOONVILLE-The Town of Boonville will have a Board meeting on December 9th at 7pm in the Town Board Meeting Room.
      • LYONSDALE-Tuesday, December 10th, and the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Town of Lyonsdale will have a Board Meeting at 6:30pm. 
      • BOONVILLE-Tuesday, December 10th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.



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