Community Events-Week of May 26th - June 1st
Sunday, May 26th
- CONSTABLEVILLE-The Adirondack Muzzleloaders is hosting a Black Powder Rifle shooting matches on the Saturday 25th and Sunday the 26th of May, . We have over 30 matches for Rifles, pistols, cap locks, flintlocks, black powder cartridges and modern muzzle loaders for both Men and Women. The event is held at our range at 3115 Fish Creek Rd in Constableville. We have free camping. The public is welcome.
- PORT LEYDEN-Sunday, May 26th, 1pm - 4pm. Touch-A-Truck at the Port leyden fire hall, rain or shine. A safe environment for youth to explore BIG equipment used in the Fire and EMS department. All children and adults are welcome to the community event, and the first 100 kids get a free gift! Activities, snacks and refreshments for the whole family.
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Sunday at 5:30pm at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Monday, May 27th
- BOONVILLE-Monday May 27th, Memorial Day, 9am til gone: Boonville, NY Lions Club will be set up outside Boonville Cemetery entrance giving free geraniums to place on the graves of your loved ones.
- BOONVILLE-Monday, May 27th, Boonville Memorial Walk to support “Carry the Load” at 10 am in Erwin Park. Carry the Load works to bring all Americans together to participate in honoring our nation’s heroes every day. Contact Matt Lastowski with questions 315-225-6033.
- LOWVILLE-On Monday, May 27th, at 11:00 AM, our community's veterans and a full military honor guard will lead a parade through the heart of the Village of Lowville. The Lowville Academy Marching Band, Lowville Volunteer Fire Department, Scouts, 10th Mountain (CAB) 3-10, and various law enforcement agencies will also join in this display of unity. The parade will start in the Lowville American Legion parking lot, circle through downtown, and end at Veterans Park. Following the parade, there will be brief remarks, a wreath-laying, and then full military honors to the deceased. Post-parade, we invite the public to join us at the American Legion, VFW, and the Marine Corps League for light refreshments. The American Legion will also be open to the public for museum tours, providing an opportunity to learn more about our rich military history. Any questions should be sent to the American Legion Commander at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Call 315-376-3712. - LOWVILLE-Monday, May 27th, Lowville VFW will be hosting their annual block party. Nelson Brothers will be playing outside from 2-5pm. Admission is $6 and they urge everyone to bring a lawn chair.
- PORT LEYDEN-The Port Leyden Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 7:30PM at the Port Leyden Fire Hall
Tuesday, May 28th
- BOONVILLE-The monthly meeting of the Black River Valley Business & Community Alliance will be held on Tuesday, May 28th at 5:30 pm at the Adirondack High School Cafeteria. This meeting is open to the public.
- BOONVILLE-A public meeting will be held jointly by the Town Board of the Town of Boonville and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Boonville on Tuesday, May 28th at 6pm at the Municipal Building at 13149 State Route 12 to discuss the possible opening of all Town and Village roads and streets to unlimited use by Off Highway Vehicles.
- LYONS FALLS-The May monthly Board Meeting for the Village of Lyons Falls has been changed to Tuesday, May 28th at 6 pm at the Village Office, 4059 Cherry St, Lyons Falls.
- OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library hosts discussion groups based on sections of the book, “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass is a NY Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Bestseller having been read by over 350,000 people so far. On Tuesday, May 28th at 6pm, Robin will be reading a section of the book and discussing Picking Sweetgrass. Residents between Woodgate and Raquette Lake are welcome to pick up a free book. The free books are available during library hours. The books are generously sponsored by a grant from the Adirondack League Club Fund.
- BOONVILLE-Tuesday, May 28th, the Village of Boonville will have a Board Meeting at 7 pm at the Village Offices.
Wednesday, May 29th
- CONSTABLEVILLE-Constable Hall Opening for the 2024 Season on Wednesday, May 29th. Hours are Wednesday thru Saturday 10am-4pm Sunday 1pm-4pm.
- OLD FORGE-Wednesday night Craft Get-Togethers at the Old Forge Library continue on most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm
- ONLINE-ZOOM-SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTATIVE TRAINING OVER ZOOM Fulfills NYS requirement for employment and some board members. Over Zoom- call or email the library for the link. Sessions last about an hour depending on class size. Free and open to all! All employers, employees and many non-profit board members across New York State must fulfill an annual sexual harassment prevention training requirement. The Old Forge Library offers this service free of charge. The training will be held via Zoom and several sessions are scheduled to accommodate as many as possible. Sessions are scheduled for: Wednesday, May 29 at 12pm Wednesday, June 26 at 5pm Please call the library 315 369-6008 or e-mail
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the link to the on-line training sessions. At completion, a certificate is signed for those who complete the training, verifying their attendance. Depending on the group size, training takes approximately one hour. Some participation is required from attendees, and those taking the training will take turns reading the training slides. The group as a whole will answer true and false questions together. The material will be familiar to previous attendees, as the presentation is based on state recommendations for organizations. Because it is a Power Point presentation, participants CANNOT join via phone call, and MUST ATTEND WITH VIDEO to satisfy the participation requirements. - LOWVILLE-Lewis County Health System Board of Managers’ Meeting on Wednesday, May 29th at 4 pm at 7785 N State St at the John C Herrman MD Conference Room in Lowville.
- LYONS FALLS-On Wednesday, May 29th, 6-7 p.m., the Lyons Falls Library presents a free Special Program: "Native Food Plants for Pollinators and People," with Dani Baker, author and co-owner of Cross Island Farms. Learn how you can reap a yearly harvest of nutritious native fruits, berries, edible flowers and herbs. Ms. Baker's book, " The Home-Scale Forest Garden," will be available for advance purchase at the Library, 3918 High Street, and also at the program, where Ms. Baker will sign your copy. Sign up to attend at the Library, or online at [].
- LOWVILLE AND LYONS FALLS-Lewis County Office for the Aging is having their Free Spring Evening Meal Program on Thursdays from May 9th through June 13th. All dinners are made with local produce and meat and are available free to all Lewis County residents ages 60 years and older. Donation of $5 is suggested but not required. Please call the office to pre-order by Wednesday at 1pm each week, 315-376-5313. Pickup is on Thursday between 5-6 pm at Maple Ridge Center in Lowville and McManus Hotel in Lyons Falls and delivery is available to Valleyview, Brookside, and Steepleview.
- LOWVILLE-Narcotics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at 7PM at 5520 Jackson Street in Lowville. Please use side entrance.
- PROSPECT- The Sobriety By the Dam group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM at the Park United Methodist Church in Prospect.
- LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday at the Forest Presbyterian Church at 7:30PM
Thursday, May 30th
- LOWVILLE-The Lowville Baptist Church will be hosting a Stone Soup Supper on Thursday, MAY 30th beginning at 4:30pm- 5:30pm. This will be a TAKE OUT ONLY supper. Contact 315.376.2115 for more information.
- KENDREW CORNERS-The Kendrew Grange 891 is holding freewill dinner on Thursday, May 30th at 4:30 pm, sit down or take out. . It's a roast pork dinner with mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, vegetable, beverages, and dessert. The location is at the Grange hall on Stevenson Rd in Kendrew Corners.
- BOONVILLE-Dodge Pratt Northam Art and Community Center is hosting a public meeting to gauge interest in creating a Boonville Community Theatre group. On Thursday, May 30th at 7:00 PM, light snacks and refreshments will be served during this informal meet and greet to talk to interested parties about their area of interest. Areas of need are actors, directors, set, costume and prop design, set builders, stitchers crew, and backstage people. All ages and ethnicities are encouraged to attend and participate in this meeting at 106 Schuyler Street in Boonville.
- LOWVILLE AND LYONS FALLS-Lewis County Office for the Aging is having their Free Spring Evening Meal Program on Thursdays from May 9th through June 13th. All dinners are made with local produce and meat and are available free to all Lewis County residents ages 60 years and older. Donation of $5 is suggested but not required. Please call the office to pre-order by Wednesday at 1pm each week, 315-376-5313. Pickup is on Thursday between 5-6 pm at Maple Ridge Center in Lowville and McManus Hotel in Lyons Falls and delivery is available to Valleyview, Brookside, and Steepleview.
- BARNEVELD-The Barneveld Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Thursday at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 7:30pm
Friday, May 31st
- BOONVILLE-The Boonville Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 7:30PM at the Boonville Baptist Church.
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Friday at 9:00 am at the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Saturday, June 1st
- CHAUMONT BARRENS PRESERVE-Chaumont Barrens Preserve Hike with the Adirondack Mountain Club/Black River Chapter. Keep Saturday June 1st , rain date Sunday June 2nd open for our 11th annual hike to Chaumont Barrens to catch the Prairie smoke in bloom and look for porcupines in fissures. Per DEC website [Chaumont Barrens Preserve - NYDEC ]: “The Chaumont Barrens offers one of the finest examples of alvar grasslands in the world. Alvars are broad, flat, naturally open habitats with only a thin veneer soil over a base of limestone or dolostone. Here you can see rare plants, including wildflowers like prairie smoke, found nowhere else in the Northeast.” This is roughly a 2-mile trip one way. Join us for some great sites and comradery. For more details call Doreen 315 778-6895.
- BOONVILLE-The Chamber of Commerce presents Best of Boonville on Saturday, June 1st from 10 am til 2 pm on Main St in Boonville. Car show, Basket Raffle, music by Nelson Brother’s Band and great local vendors.
- LOWVILLE-Youth Fishing Derby at the NYS DEC Demonstration Area in Lowville on Saturday, June 1st. Signups start at 9 am and lines go in from 10 am- 12pm. This is a free event and kids ages 15 and under may participate if accompanied by an adult. Prizes will be awarded. Call Greg with questions at 315-416-3200 or email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . - LYONS FALLS-In conjunction with the Lyons Falls Village Garage Sale Day, the Forest Presbyterian Church on 4019 Center Street, will be having a Bake Sale on June 1st at the church from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. There will be a variety of baked goods for sale. Proceeds will assist with their operating budget.
- LYONS FALLS-Our famous Chicken Barbecue, co-sponsored by the Lyons Falls Library and the Lyons Falls Department, is going on Saturday, June 1st in Riverside Park, 6908 Laura Street, in the Firemen's Auxiliary Building! Drive-by pickup starts at 11 a.m., and you can call ahead for pre-sale (315-348-8577). Just $8 for a half-chicken, and $12 for a dinner (half chicken, salt potatoes, baked beans & roll).
- BOONVILLE-Peter DeVoe Memorial Scholarship Chicken BBQ Fundraiser is Saturday, June 1st from 11 am til gone at Fox Brothers Automotive. 13491 State Route 12 in Boonville. $12 per dinner, $8 per half. Dinner includes Chicken, salt potatoes, baked beans, mac salad, and a roll.
- OLD FORGE-The Adirondack Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Saturday at 8PM in the Niccoll’s Memorial Presbyterian church in Old Forge
Ongoing Events
- LOWVILLE-Lowville Pop Warner Football is doing a Scrap metal drive at Turks Garage on Shady Avenue Lowville next to the Lowville Elks Lodge. No wood, batteries, propane tanks, or electronic waste such as TVs, radios, computers.... Drop off your scrap metal and help benefit local football stars! Now until the end of Spring.
- REMSEN-Northern Community Pop Warner is having a Fundraiser for New Uniforms. They are raffling a Kubota Zero Turn Mower valued at $5,200. Only 750 tickets will be sold and tickets are $20 each. You can purchase tickets and see this amazing prize at Evans Equipment on State Route 12 in Remsen during business hours. Drawing date will be determined once all tickets are sold.
- The Great Lot Sportsman's Club is having their annual Pet Food Drive for the Rome Humane Society during the month of May. They prefer Purina dog/cat food but will accept all pet food. Food drop off points are Charlie's Liquor in Boonville
- The Old Forge Library, 220 Crosby Blvd., will exhibit "A New Beginning on Canvas: Our Natural World," a collection of new paintings by Tony Dumaw. Dumaw was born and raised in Carthage NY and as such has always been around nature, allowing it to become his muse. His wildlife art has graced the covers of hunting and fishing magazines including a Ducks Unlimited Atlantic Flyway program with a print run of fifteen thousand. "A New Beginning on Canvas: Our Natural World" marks Dumaw's transition from wildlife art, which he is best known for, to exploring painting landscapes. The exhibit will be on display from May 23 through June 21
- BOONVILLE-North Country Proudly Honors will have banners on display on poles throughout the Village from Memorial Day through Veterans Day. (May 27th)
Next Week, June 2nd-June 8th
- LOWVILLE-3rd Annual Cruise In on June 2nd at the Lewis County Memorial VFW Post 6912 in Lowville. Beginning at 2pm. Chicken bbq, karaoke outside by J&K Karaoke, raffles and lots of fun!
- LOWVILLE- The Lewis County Pride Committee will be hosting the 5th Annual Lewis County Pride Picnic on Sunday June 2nd from 12-3pm at the Lewis County Fairgrounds Pavilion. This year's theme is "Share your Sparkle!" The event kicks off LGBTQ Pride Month in Northern NY and is free and open to the community. This year, the Committee has planned for a community resource fair, food, games, raffles, a DJ, a sparkle costume contest, and an arts and craft fair.We invite the local LGBTQ communities, allies, and supporters to join us on the 2nd of June—sparkles are encouraged! This is a free family-friendly event. For more information, reach out to Lewis County Pride on Facebook or via email at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - NEW HARTFORD-Tony Zegarelli Fundraiser - June 2nd from 1 pm to 5 pm At 2452 Graffenburg Rd, New Hartford. There will be giveaways, raffles and activities for everyone to enjoy. You also spend time with a community of fun caring people.
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Tuesday, June 4th from 11 am - 3 pm and Wednesday, June 5th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for June’s order is June 10th. Pick-up will be June 21st from 12-2pm at 200 Post Street. Find us on Facebook at
- BOONVILLE-Sign up in person for Food Sense Boonville at 109 Main St (Virtually Yours) on Wednesday, June 5th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm. You can also sign up online at The deadline for June’s order is June 10th. pickup is at 200 Post St June 21st from 12-2pm at 200 Post St. Find us on Facebook at
- OLD FORGE- Old Forge Library hosts discussion groups based on sections of the book, “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass is a NY Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Bestseller having been read by over 350,000 people so far. On Tuesday, June 4th at 6pm, Robin will be reading a section of the book and discussing Braiding and Burning Sweetgrass. Residents between Woodgate and Raquette Lake are welcome to pick up a free book. The free books are available during library hours. The books are generously sponsored by a grant from the Adirondack League Club Fund.
- PORT LEYDEN-Free Community Dinner at New Covenant Christian Community Church in Port Leyden on June 5th from 4:30 to 6 PM and community prayer at 6:30 PM
- LYONS FALLS-The Lyons Falls Library, 3918 High Street, is hosting a presentation by the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Lewis County, "Community Renewables and Heat Pumps," on Thursday June 6th from 2-3 p.m. Call the Library [315-348-6180] or contact Eamonn LaDue [
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ] [315-788-8450 ext. 280 - LOWVILLE-The Lewis County Hospital Foundation has scheduled their annual fundraising golf tournament on Friday, June 7th at Cedar’s Golf Course. The Tournament is a 4-person captain and crew with men’s, women’s and co-ed divisions. Registration is $400.00 per team and includes greens fees, two carts per foursome, continental breakfast, lunch on the course and a barbecue after the tournament. The first 36 teams will be guaranteed a gift of a four-in-one can coole. Winning teams in each flight will win cash prizes. A skins game and a putting contest are optional for an additional fee. All players have a chance to win $10,000 for a Hole In One sponsored by the Lewis County Health System Senior Leadership Team. Proceeds from the golf tournament will support the Lewis County Health System. Please join us for this fundraising event that supports local healthcare for our community. To register or sponsor the event, please call the Hospital Foundation at 315-376-5110 or email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . You may download a golf registration form at - PORT LEYDEN-NO BINGO!!! Friday, June 7th, Port Leyden Fire Department will NOT have Bingo.
- BOONVILLE-Adirondack Pop Warner is having a Golf Outing Fundraiser at Woodgate Pines Golf Club on June 8th at 9am.
- BOONVILLE-Boonville Fire Company is having a Pork Ribs Barbecue on Saturday, June 8th from 10 am-gone. $18 dinner includes ½ rack of ribs, coleslaw, baked beans, and a roll. $25 for a full rack of ribs only. At the corner of Main and Church St.
- PORT LEYDEN-Port Leyden Fire department chicken BBQ! During the village wide garage sales on June 8th. Chicken will be done at 10am until sold out! Half a chicken is $10 and a meal (including Macaroni salad, baked beans and a roll) is $15. The raffle winners will be chosen that day, so come see us! And as always, your support for our local volunteer fire department is greatly appreciated.
- BOONVILLE-Peter DeVoe Memorial Scholarship Car Show is on Saturday, June 8th from 11 am til 3pm at Boonville Oneida County Fairgrounds. Food will be available for purchase, there will be basket raffles, 50/50, and music from DJ Unicorn Chaos. For more information contact Fox Brothers Automotive at 315-942-5121.
- WEST LEYDEN-Our Little Ranch is having a Free Open House June 8th at 4210 Mud Lake Road in West Leyden starting at 1 pm. There will be games for kids, crafts, basket raffles, refreshments, and pony rides!
- CONSTABLEVILLE-Join us at the Hall for our 3rd Annual Lewis County Day on Saturday, June 8th. Anyone from the local area, gets to enjoy a tour of Constable Hall for free!
- PORT LEYDEN-On Saturday, June 8th, The Port Leyden Fire Department Auxiliary will be sponsoring a Basket Auction and Raffles at the Port Leyden Fire Hall, on Route 12. 10:00AM to 2:00PM. The Port Leyden Fire Department will be sponsoring a Chicken BBQ 10AM until all is sold. Chicken Dinners $15.00. Halves $10.00. Dinners include: Chicken, baked beans, macaroni salad and a dinner roll. The Village of Port Leyden will be holding their Village Wide Garage Sales the same day.
- GLENFIELD-On Saturday, June 8th from 7 - 10 pm, There’s a dance at Three G Fire Hall at 6229 Blue Street in Glenfield. Food, fun, dancing. Come and join the fun. Cover charge $5 per person