ORISKANY- An inmate from the Oneida County Jail is dead in the wake of what appears to have been an overdose, investigators are reporting.
The incident occurred Thursday morning around 8:00 a.m. while correctional officers were performing a routine check. According to Sheriff Rob Maciol, Milik Burnett, 25, was found to be in an “altered state.”
Staff members immediately responded. NARCAN was administered, along with other life saving measures.
However, despite efforts, Burnett was pronounced deceased later that morning at St. Luke’s Hospital.
The Sheriff said an official autopsy will be conducted via the Onondaga County Medical Examiner’s Office.
The case has been turned over to the State’s Attorney General Office and their Special Investigations Unit, as they are responsible for handling such cases.
The Sheriff’s Office will conduct their own investigation as well.
Image via the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.