OLD FORGE- Summer, 2024 is on the horizon and the Enchanted Forest Water Safari is preparing to open up their first season under a new ownership in nearly 50-years.
There seems to be quite a bit a speculation circulating around, specifically on social media, after some rumors got out that there would be changes made to several things that have been traditional.
Kathy Dunlap, Park President, tells us one of the main goals of the new ownership, IAM, based out of Florida, is to keep everything about the renowned theme park the same.
But with that said, the world is changing and Dunlap says the park will now be checking all bags upon entrance. “This is to ensure the safety of our visitors,” Dunlap said.
“Other parks have the same exact procedure, as do large concerts and other entertainment venues.”
There has been chatter over social media regarding a change to the park’s cooler policy. To be clear, Dunlap emphasizes that season pass holders will be allowed to bring with them a 60-quart cooler inside the park.
For those who bring their own picnic lunch, tailgating will still be permitted and officials say there are plans in the works to construct picnic table areas for those wishing to eat outside of the park.
In addition, Dunlap wanted to clear up a parking rumor. As tradition has it, there will still be free parking at the Enchanted Forest Water Safari.
The season is aimed to open up on Wednesday, June 12.
Visit their website for more details, including for season pass information.
Enchanted Forest Water Safari image.