Closings, Cancellations and Delays as of 9:22 A.M.
-Augustinian Academy: CLOSED.
-Arc Oneida Lewis: CLOSED. Staff still reports.
-Beaver River CSD: CLOSED.
-Birnie Bus all fixed and public routes: CLOSED.
-Bohlen Technical Center: CLOSED.
-Carthage CSD: CLOSED.
-Copenhagen CSD: CLOSED.
-Copenhagen, Croghan and Lowville Senior Dining Sites: CLOSED.
-Croghan Free Library: CLOSED.
-Denmark Town Offices: CLOSED.
-Fort Drum: Uniformed Personnel and Civilians are not to report; daycare is closed.
-Howard G Sackett Technical Center: CLOSED.
-Jefferson Community College is closed.
-Lowville Academy: CLOSED.
-Lowville Free Library: CLOSED.
-Opportunity Knocks Thrift Store: CLOSED.
-River Valley Mennonite School: CLOSED.
-South Jefferson CSD: CLOSED.
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