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Deadline to take next New York State Police Entrance Exam is October 1

Published on September 26, 2023

NYSP Graduation 2022

The deadline to apply for the latest New York State Police Entrance Exam is October 1.

This reminder comes as Trooper exam applications have now exceeded 10,000 this time around.

Potential candidates interested in applying before the October 1 deadline are encouraged to visit

With that being said, officials remind the State Police has revised its tattoo policy, meaning potential recruits may have tattoos, as long as they are not visible while wearing uniform or business attire.

In addition, Governor Kathy Hochul approved a request from the New York State Police to raise the maximum age to apply to become a New York State Trooper from 29 to 34. As a result, almost 2,400 individuals between those ages have taken advantage of this change and applied.

Military applicants may be able to apply up until the age of 42.


  1. U.S. Citizen.
  2. 20-34 years of age (The maximum age may be extended one year for each year of full-time active military duty - up to a maximum of 7 years).
  3. High school diploma or Equivalency diploma. Additional requirements can be found here.


  • Minimum total compensation after first year of service: $98,300.
  • Full benefits & retirement.

Individuals can get in touch with a recruiter by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling (518) 485-0855.

NYSP image.

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