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DEC FOREST RANGER HIGHLIGHTS: Local group of people rescued from Black River after falling out of their kayaks

Published on August 07, 2024

Forest Ranger

LYONS FALLS- Four people were rescued from the Black River over the weekend in Southern Lewis County.

It was about a half-hour before noontime on Saturday when emergency agencies received reports of four subjects, including a 66-year-old, a 44-year-old, a 37-year-old and a 5-year-old, all of Boonville, NY, who were trapped on the Black River about a mile downstream from the Lyons Falls boat launch.

They had somehow flipped their kayaks, the DEC said in their weekly Forest Ranger highlights.

Fortunately, a nearby motorboat operator assisted before the arrival of emergency responders.

Forest Rangers Evans and Lee transported the subjects via airboat to an awaiting ambulance. No injuries were mentioned by the DEC.

Members from Lewis County Search & Rescue, 3-G, Lyons Falls and Port Leyden Fire Departments all assisted.

NYS DEC Forest Rangers image.

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