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DEC recruiting volunteers for annual summertime wild turkey survey

Published on July 30, 2024

NYS DEC Turkeys Road

New York residents are being encouraged to participate in the state’s annual summertime survey for wild turkeys.

The objective, according to DEC officials, is to help gauge wild turkey populations, as participants are tasked with recording observation dates, locations, sex and etc.

“DEC’s Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey is a great opportunity for people to participate in wildlife science,” Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar said.

“Anyone with internet access can participate, simply by reporting their observations while exploring the outdoors.”

Folks can participate via an online form, which can be filled out on a smartphone, tablet or computer.

This survey has been conducted each summer across New York since 1996.

Many factors, including weather and habitat changes, can impact turkey reproduction and populations, DEC officials say.

By collecting observations of turkeys in August, DEC estimates how productive the turkey population is each year and compare reproductive success between years.

Annual measures of poult production (number of young-of-the-year birds) are important data that help biologists manage wild turkey populations.

NYS DEC image Kevin Watz.

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