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DEC: Regular firearms season for deer, bear starts November 19 in Southern Zone

Published on November 10, 2022


Hunting season is nearing its peak in New York’s Northern Zone and with that being said, the DEC says regular firearms season in the Southern Zone is aimed to begin Saturday, November 19.

"The regular firearms season for deer and bear in New York's Southern Zone is the state's most popular big game hunting season, drawing hundreds of thousands of hunters afield each year," Commissioner Seggos said.

"As a cherished annual tradition in New York State, these hunting seasons are managed to maximize conservation value and balance deer and bear populations, while providing more than 11 million pounds of quality, locally grown, organic meat to families statewide. I wish all hunters a safe and successful season."

Following the regular deer and bear seasons in the Southern Zone, late bow-hunting and muzzleloading seasons will run from Dec. 12 through Dec. 20, and again from Dec. 26 through Jan. 1.

Hunters taking part in these special seasons must possess a hunting license and either bow-hunting or muzzleloading privileges.

NYS DEC Image.

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