HERKIMER & ONEIDA COUNTIES- New York State DEC is seeking public comment on the draft Adirondack Foothills Unit Management Plan (UMP).
The draft UMP includes six State forests, including Hogsback, Popple Pond, Woodhull, Punkeyville, Black Creek and Hinckley.
See management plans currently open for review online via DEC's website.
The draft proposes these following highlights:
• Designating approximately one mile of existing snowmobile trail, and 0.8 mile of an existing State Forest access road as connector trails for ATVs on Popple Pond State Forest. These would connect to existing ATV trail systems on Oneida County lands;
• Formally designating approximately 10 miles of mountain biking trails on Hinckley State Forest;
• Establishing a split rail fence and warning signs around the existing mine shafts on Forest Preserve detached parcels 22 and 26, site of the former Salisbury Steel and Iron Company, constructing a five-car parking area on Switzer Road for visitors to the site, and installing an interpretive kiosk at this parking area;
• Relocating a snowmobile trail off River Road in the village of Forestport onto adjacent Punkeyville State Forest;
• Formally designating a haul road on Popple Pond State Forest as a Motorized Access Route for Persons with Disabilities; and
• Investigating whether there is an entity interested in constructing and maintaining a picnic area at the former Trout Farm on Punkeyville State Forest through the DEC's Volunteer Stewardship Program.
Public comments may be submitted via mail to Herkimer DEC Sub-office, 225 North Main Street, Herkimer, NY 13350.
You can also email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Comments will be accepted through September 15.
DEC image.