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Federal report suggests recent fatal North Country helicopter crash caused by wasp nest clogging fuel tube

Published on August 08, 2024

NYSP Fatal Helicopter Crash West Carthage July 2024

JEFFERSON COUNTY- An official cause of a fatal helicopter crash in the North Country last month has been unveiled by federal officials.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the helicopter that crashed on July 27 in West Carthage, killing the pilot, Gary R. Johnson, 65, was caused by a clogged fuel tube.

What clogged the fuel tube? A wasps nest.

Investigators via the NTSB drained a metal fuel tank, where the contents were flowing sporadically, officials said.

They continued examining the fuel vent tube and cleared debris, which are reported to be consisted with a mud dauber nest.

According to one of Gary’s family members, the helicopter had not been flown in weeks.

NYSP image.

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