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Harrisville Central School listed under districts that were susceptible to fiscal stress ending 2023

Published on January 29, 2024

Harrisville CSD 2

16 school districts across New York State were designated to be under some level of fiscal stress at the end of 2023, according to the latest reports from the office of New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

Locally, there is a school district in the North Country included in this list. Harrisville Central School was listed with 11 other schools in the category of being susceptible to fiscal stress, while only one district was labeled for having moderate fiscal stress and the remaining three listed under significant stress.

“The number of districts designated in fiscal stress remains low after significant increases to both federal and state aid over the past few years,” DiNapoli said.

“Although federal relief packages and state aid provided much needed assistance, school officials should remain diligent and closely monitor their financial condition in the current and future budget cycles as one-time federal funds are depleted and state aid is uncertain.”

DiNapoli’s Fiscal Stress Monitoring System was designed to identify issues that school districts, counties, cities, towns and villages are having with budgetary solvency, or the ability to generate enough revenue to meet expenses.

School districts are given a fiscal stress score based on several factors: year-end fund balance, operating deficits and surpluses, cash position, and reliance on short-term debt for cashflow.

The higher the score, the more severe the level of stress. Harrisville’s score rang-in at 41.7.

For context, schools under significant fiscal stress scored 68 and higher.

Harrisville CSD image.

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