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Lowville says no to ATVs, other motorized vehicles in village limits

Published on November 17, 2022

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LOWVILLE- ATVs and certain other motorized vehicles will soon be banned from the village limits of Lowville, NY.

The new measure was given a thumbs-up during a board of trustees meeting Wednesday, according to the latest updates from WWNY-TV. It’s reported that about a dozen people attended.

CORRECTION: The new law prohibits certain motorized machines from being used on village trails, such as snowmobiles, ATVs and e-bikes.

“The village board felt we needed a law on the books that we could regulate those type of vehicles, especially now with the county buying up the railhead,” Mayor Joseph Beagle said.

“We’re in favor of walking trails and regular bicycle trails but we don’t want to see snowmobiles screaming through the middle of the village.”

The vote was tallied four to one.

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