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National average gas price creeps up since 2023 low on December 18

Published on December 27, 2023

AAA Gas Pump Money

The national average price for a gallon of fuel hit an all-time-low for 2023 on December 18 at $3.06.

According to the AAA, that price has since gone up slightly to $3.12 as of this publication Wednesday. “Daily gas prices will likely move back and forth for the next month or so,” said AAA spokesperson Andrew Gross.

AAA Gas Chart December 27 2023

A year ago now, the national average was a very similar $3.10 per-gallon.

For this report, New York’s statewide average rings-in at $3.37, down slightly from $3.40 last-week and down from last-year’s average of $3.41 at this time of the year.

Last month, the state average was near $3.60.

In the Lowville and Boonville, NY region, gas prices are ranging as low as $3.33 and upwards, according to GasBuddy.

GasBuddy also reports prices as low as $2.99 in Watertown, NY and $3.25 in Syracuse, NY.

Meanwhile, GasBuddy is also finding reports of gas prices as low as $3.35 (cash) in Rome, NY and $3.23 in Utica, NY.

AAA images.

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