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New State Senator Mark Walczyk slams legislative pay raise

Published on January 03, 2023

Senator Mark Walczyk

ALBANY, NY- As New York lawmakers hike it back to the legislative chambers for another winter session, they will return in 2023 with a generous pay raise that’s near 30%.

The pay raise bill, which was designed to give New York lawmakers a boost from $110,000 to $142,000 worth of income, was signed by Kathy Hochul on Sunday, who also took the oath and was sworn in as 57th Governor.

Despite passing, North Country lawmakers have been saying the deal is a slap in the face to working class families who continue their struggles making ends meet.

“The average family in the 49th Senate District is living with less than $60,000 a year in household income,” said Senator Mark Walczyk, who just changed scenery by switching over from the Assembly chamber.

“It’s unconscionable that while families are struggling, they’re talking about more pay for a job that is supposed to be a service to those New Yorkers.”

The raise now makes New York legislators the highest paid in the entire country.

Image via the office of New York State Senator Mark Walczyk.

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