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Number Three Wind Farm Celebrates 100,000 Hours Without Single Safety Incident

Published on July 05, 2022


Number Three Wind Farm - Fisher Associates

LOWVILLE-Workers on the Lowville’s Number Three Wind Farm celebrated 100,000 hours without a single safety incident last Thursday. The celebration featured grilled food, homemade snacks and words of praise.  Marguerite Well’s director of Renewal Development for parent company Invenergy told reporters from WWNY-TV that this this is an exciting time because construction can be a dangerous line of work. Part of the job of building wind towers is climbing to the top and putting pieces together 200-300 feet up in the air. In addition to general workplace culture, Well’s credited a large part of the site’s safety to regular safety stalks, a healthy workplace culture, and personal protective equipment. Even with all the training, a healthy workplace culture, and PPE, credit is given to the workers. The construction end of the project is nearly all built. The Number Three Wind Farm is slated to be completed by the end of the year. Congratulations to the workers!


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