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NYS DEC: New State Record Smallmouth Bass confirmed on Cayuga Lake

Published on June 29, 2022

DEC Record Smallmouth Bass 2022

New York is not boasting just one, but now two new state record fish reeled in this spring.

It’s confirmed that a new state record Smallmouth Bass was caught June 15, the opening day of New York’s bass season.

The fish, weighing in at a whopping 8-lbs and 6-oz, was caught by angler Thomas Russell Jr., from Albion, NY. The prize and once-in-a-lifetime fish was tricked into biting on Cayuga Lake, Seneca County.

Earlier this spring, a North Country angler muscled in a giant Channel Catfish out of Black River in Jefferson County – weighing in at an eye-popping 35-lbs, 12-oz. 

"Smallmouth Bass are one of New York's most popular freshwater sportfish and it's exciting to share the great news of Mr. Russell's record-breaking catch," Commissioner Basil Seggos said.

"New York's Finger Lakes are truly an angler's paradise, providing exceptional fishing opportunities for a variety of sportfish."

Pound-for-pound, Smallmouth Bass are considered one of the hardest-fighting freshwater fish in New York. When hooked, they will often leap acrobatically out of the water, making them a highly desirable sport fish for anglers to target, the DEC says.

They can be found across the state in cooler lakes, rivers, and creeks in rocky/gravelly areas.

Image courtesy via the New York State DEC.

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