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NYSP releases St. Patrick’s Day weekend crackdown statistics for 2024

Published on March 21, 2024

NYSP Traffic Stop

Over 5,500 tickets were issued for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day weekend enforcement crackdown, according to the New York State Police.

There were no fatal wrecks documents during the campaign, which ran from Friday, March 15 through Sunday, March 17.

With that said, State Police investigated 199 crashes during the crackdown, which included 25 people suffering some sort of injury.

132 people statewide were arrested for DWI, Troopers said. Locally in the Troop D region, 15 people were charged with DWI, while 140 were ticketed for speeding; 7 were charged with distracted driving; 23 were cited for seat belt violations and 2 drivers were ticketed for failing to move over.

Below is a sampling of the total tickets that were issued:

Speeding: 1,788

Distracted: Driving: 124

Seatbelt violations: 201

Move Over Law: 44

During the campaign, which was funded by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, the New York State Police utilized sobriety checkpoints, additional DWI patrols, and underage drinking and sales to minors detail.

State Police also ticketed distracted drivers who use handheld electronic devices.

NYSP image.

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