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OCSO announces upcoming online training and experience examination for Correction Officer position

Published on May 28, 2024


ORISKANY- The Oneida County Sheriff's Office has announced an upcoming online training & experience examination for the position of Correction Officer, which will be in place of the traditional and lengthy written civil service exam.

“This style of exam enables us to streamline this hiring process,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a released statement.

A "T&E" exam is used when Civil Service has determined that specific education or experience is a good predictor of success at the job.

OCSO Recruitment Flyer May 2024

There will be no written or oral test for this examination. If potential recruits meet the minimum qualifications, they will receive a rating based upon an evaluation of their training and experience against the duties of the position.

The Deadline to sign up for the Correction Officer position is June 30, 2024, with the opportunity to complete the training & experience examination from July 1 - 30, 2024.

OCSO images.

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