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Oneida County Board of Elections provides Boonville Village Election results

Published on November 10, 2022

Vote 3

BOONVILLE- Officials say technical issues were to blame in the delay for Oneida County to post the unofficial results of Tuesday’s voting.

There were reported issues with scanner malfunctions throughout the county, including people who told us similar stories after their voting experience in Boonville.

There were local results from the village, including races for Mayor and Trustee seats, and they were officially revealed Wednesday afternoon, once the issues were resolved.

Here are the unofficial results (write-in names were not revealed):  


Boonville Mayoral Election:

  1. Judith Dellerba (LUC) – 352
  2. Rodney Thayer Sr. (POC) – 135

Village Trustee Seats (Vote for up to two):

  1. Kenneth P. Stabb (TRE) – 369
  2. Kelly A. Brach (TFC) – 344
  3. Peter J. Barrett (VFV) - 152

Generic voting image.

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