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Oneida County Board of Legislators aimed to vote on 2024 County Executive budget proposal on November 8

Published on October 10, 2023

Picente Anthony

UTICA- Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente Jr. has proposed a 2024 budget and capital plan to the board of legislators, which will be voted on come November 8.

While addressing the public last-week, Executive Picente explained how the $529 million proposal is a balanced operational budget that appropriates $142 million in sales tax revenue, $23 million in Oneida Indian Nation revenue and retires $19 million in debt.

The capital budget will bond for $15 million. The 2024 budget invests in agriculture, public health and safety, tourism and technology, including:

  • $6.5 million to expand Cornell Cooperative Extension’s facility footprint.
  • $2 million to continue the success at the REA Wing at Union Station in Utica.
  • $2 million to bring the Utica Health Clinic into the County Office Building.
  • $1 million for technology upgrades for County government.

As was the case last year, 90% of the 2024 budget proposal are mandated costs by New York State, while 10% is considered discretionary spending controlled by Oneida County.

In his budget address, Picente talked about the impact those state mandates and the terrible fiscal decisions made in Albany had on his proposal.

“Governor Hochul and her administration, as well as her allies in the State Legislature, continue to foist more and more responsibilities and costs onto counties to accommodate their out-of-touch policies with no regard for reality or common sense, leaving us to clean up their mess,” Picente said.

“If Albany would spend less time talking at us and more time listening to us, they may learn something about governing. It’s a simple formula to follow. We don’t borrow more than we can afford. We don’t pass on undue tax burden to our residents. And we never mortgage our financial future. We strategically invest in our economic growth while tackling tough societal issues.”

Oneida County Proposed Budget Charts 2024 1

Oneida County Proposed Budget Charts 2024 2

Oneida County Government image.

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