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Out of 12 hunting related shooting incidents across New York in 20923, two were fatal, DEC says

Published on March 04, 2024


There were 12 hunting related shooting incidents (HRSIs) across New York State during the 2023 hunting seasons, according to the New York State DEC.

Of those dozen, two incidents were fatal, including one self-inflicted incident resulting from hauling a loaded firearm into a tree stand and one incident from a two-party firearm incident caused by carrying a loaded firearm while dragging a harvested deer out of the woods.

These numbers are part of the annual DEC recap of statistics involving hunting accidents statewide.

Furthermore, half of the reported incidents involved two parties, while the other half were all self-inflicted.

DEC officials say the number of hunting accidents for 2023 tie with the second fewest documented incidents on record in 2019. “Thanks to New York’s Hunter Education Program and hunters following the rules of firearm safety, hunting continues to be a safe activity enjoyed by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors each year,” said Commissioner Seggos.

“Following proven hunting safety tips is the best way to keep hunting safe and prevent incidents in future seasons.”

To add some context, there were 166 reported hunting incidents statewide in 1966.

Furthermore, eight tree stand incidents were reported during the 2023 hunting seasons, none of which were fatal.

Seven of the hunters involved in these incidents suffered extensive injuries after falling while not using a fall-arrest harness system, the DEC said.

One hunter was wearing a harness, but it was attached to the stand, not the tree, and when the stand broke, the hunter fell with the stand.

NYS DEC image.

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