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Residents display opposition towards ripping up inactive Lewis County rails for recreational use

Published on July 18, 2022

GVT Rails

LEWIS COUNTY- There are two sides emerging for when it comes to the debate over what to do with all of the inactive railroad track in Lewis County – those who are for ripping them up for recreational trail use – and the other for leaving them be.

In the latest updates from the Watertown Daily Times, there are some landowners who live right near these inactive tracks who have made their stances clear by displaying orange signs that state: “NO RAIL TRAIL.”

Town of Lowville resident Joanne Dicob and her husband, Rodney, reportedly own different pieces of land, including property lines with two rail bridges in the town. “We’re just very adamant about making sure that people are aware that we don’t want any trails,” Joanne told reporters.

About 100 signs have so far been purchased for display in protest of what the county calls its ‘Rails to Trails’ initiative.

According to what County Manager Ryan Piche told reporters, landowners met with him and Chairman of Legislators Lawrence Dolhof last month for the first discussion on the issue.

Piche clarified that the county has not yet pre-determined what the trail use would be and it would still take “years” to construct the trails, even when the eminent domain process is complete.

The goal of that meeting was to ensure landowners are at ease that the county will be willing to work with them and mold the best path forward – whenever that time comes along.

The tracks in question, which are inactive, are owned by Genesee Valley Transportation. 

Image courtesy via Genesee Valley Transportation. 

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