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Rome woman, who pleaded guilty to aggravated cruelty to animals, will complete four-phase mental health program before sentencing

Published on December 04, 2024


UTICA- The Rome, NY woman, who pleaded guilty over the summer to aggravated cruelty to animals, will complete a four-phase mental health program before her sentencing.

Taylor Uvanni was arrested and charged in October of last-year after authorities found a dead dog inside of her Rome apartment. It was discovered that the dog was left there for several weeks.

According to the latest updates from WKTV, Uvanni’s agreed upon plea includes a four-phase mental health program, which she must navigate prior to sentencing.

As of this report, she has completed the second phase and began the third phase on Tuesday.

Her next court appearance is expected in early March and she is estimated to complete the mental health program sometime next-year.

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