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Siena College Poll: 70% of those surveyed happy to live in New York, while the rest wish they lived elsewhere

Published on April 13, 2023

Statue of Liberty Siena College

LOUDONVILLE- A recent poll suggests a significant portion of New Yorkers are happy with living in the state, while the rest have desires to be elsewhere.

The latest Siena College survey, which included nearly 800 participants (roughly half via phone and half online), suggests that 70% of those interviewed are content with living in New York.

For the remaining 30%, they made it clear that the grass looks greener across state lines.

Siena College Poll Chart April 2023

Furthermore, the survey unveiled that roughly 70% of participants plan to live in the state for the next half-decade, while another 27% claim they will leave.

60% of participants plan to retire in New York, while 31% say they have plans to retire and live elsewhere.

Although consistent results (over 70%) suggest positive attitudes on the availability of leisure activities, access to quality education and healthcare, the majorities in this survey also rate New York no better than only fair, or poor on affordability (67%).

Residents are nearly split from excellent or good to fair or poor when it comes to feeling safe from crime in New York.

View the full survey results via Siena College Research Institute.

Images via Siena College Research Institute.

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