WESTERN- Smoke detectors were the likely difference between life and death in the wake of a structure fire this week in the town of Western, Oneida County, one local fire department says.
It was shortly after 3:00 a.m. Wednesday when the Western Fire Department was called to a mobile home fire at 9608 River Road.
According to emergency responders, a smoke detector prompted the resident to call 9-1-1. The structure fire ended up being so intense that the Western Fire Department says if that smoke detector had somehow malfunctioned, there would most likely had been a much more severe outcome.
Despite several obstacles and challenges, including poor road conditions, firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze and keep damage to a minimal, given the circumstances.
No injuries were reported by Western Fire Department and although an exact cause was not listed in their latest press release, emergency officials did say that the flames were originally discovered underneath the floor of the structure.
Emergency responders also noted a woodstove, where the flames were beneath, fire officials said.
Members from Lake Delta and Lee Center Fire Departments assisted, along with the Sheriff’s Office.
Western Fire Department image.